Our current life with Covid as of 05 January 2021
#Daily Thoughts 05 January 2021
NEW BLOG 21 December 2020
#Daily Thoughts 22 December 2020
'Travel with my ties in Isolation' Album on Behance
A cautionary tale
Ties in Isolation
youtube videos new > 26 December 2020 (ties in isolation)
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contact me ~ My Resume
HOOM video (1969 - 1978 photos)
01. Santa brought me world peace
I found it New Year’s morning
in my Christmas Stocking
at the end of a bad dream
that 2020 never arrived
but I did
01 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
02. She left me in front of the frozen chicken wing display
in the Outback mini mart
out on Losers Boulevard
knowing I was a vegetarian
I rang the vegan help line
answered by an angry battery-rooster
It is difficult being a foreigner in Australia
Ask any disenfranchised farm animal
01 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
03. I was surprised
at how much my childhood heroes
have aged
I always thought
they would stay young
like me
01 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
04. If I no longer exist
why do I keep hearing her calling my name
in her monotone incandescing voice
covering me with her haunting shadow
beneath my shattered window
I can never escape from
01 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
05. Reincarnation is for losers
Those in the know upload their consciousness
to orbiting mind cells
falling as rain on the frozen tundra
thawing with climate change
flooding the landscape in future nothings
01 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
06. I love the scents of a new year
Ripened memories
Harvested past
Cleared futures
pregnant with creative desire
slowly birthed
throughout another new year
Exhaling last year
Inhaling another year
This cartoon life I live
02 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
07. A great man once said Boo
It takes enormous levels of divine speculation
Esoteric wonderment
Mind-altering philosophies
Akashic records research
Psychic readings via Facebook
to realize how correct I was
02 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
08. We leave in the morning
I sang to my cactus already dying of thirst
We are off in search
for the fountain of youth
Me and my thirsty cactus
So exciting to know
old age will soon be of the past
Once we find
the fountain of youth
02 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
09. As soon as mice begin experimenting
on humans
they will quickly discover
how wrong we were
02 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
10. I picked flowers
in McDonalds Drive thru garden
for my friend in an alternative universe
But the authorities don’t believe me
Telling me the flowers were plastic
Part of McDonalds global warming contribution
for the greening of Greenland
chasing me out of town
in a typical case of mistaken identity
02 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
11. Long before
Saint Terrell
I wasn’t
03 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
12. I tossed my hat toward the moon
Blocking out the sun
Chances of redemption lost in the rain
Subversive nursery rhymes
throttled my progress
as my hat landed
not far from a galah convention
in a neighbouring gum tree
Needless to say the galahs flew off
with my hat
making a nest
for the moon to sleep in
when norming rose
Leaving me aghast
03 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
13. It still is not tomorrow
I moved the clock forward several hours
Put out the rubbish for recycling days ahead
Bet on the old grey mare
to sweepstakes at the vegetarian shindig
Even put on my tagged underwear ‘tomorrow’
No matter what I do
tomorrow refuses to arrive
If I die it never will
Forever being yesterday
03 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
14. Celebrities on the television
So weak
I put on a station
There is a celebrity doing celebrity shit
I change the channel
They disappear
How weak are celebrities
They have no staying power
03 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
15. My lover sent me a dozen roses via a drone
Crashed through my window
Landed on the stove
Started a fire
Burnt down my house
Lovers are so dangerous
03 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
16. The possums in my attic
created a time machine
I caged them
Dropped them off in the Outback
into a different era
before white settlers
brought their karma to these lands
Sure enough
evening next
they are back in my attic
04 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
17. Every morning is a roll of the dice
Toss of a coin
A hustler’s staked deck
Winners and losers never chosen
Life is such a game of chance
Anything less
is for those not surviving
the winning or losing
of every morning
04 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
18. My child turned 39 today
When I was his age
he was five
When I was five
it was 1952
In 1952 my father was 47
I was born in 1947
When I taught the Qabbalah
numbers had meaning
When I was an astrologer
numbers had meaning
When I became 72
I stopped numbers
and became free
when my child
became 39
04 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
19. My goal as a journalist
is to last longer than the news cycle
There are two news cycles per day
I am 72
I have lasted 144 news cycles
04 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
20. I love predicting the future
For example
I predicted
I would never
Finish this poem
04 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
21. I put a like-button on my tombstone
The rats of time press it
Making me viral
through eternity
Cosmic influencer
of the ill-forgotten
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
22. I am fit to hold political office
Quiz any of the mermaids unicorns pixies gnomes
I play frisbee with
in Golden Gate Park every morning
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
23. My stunt double
made a fool of me
at the Oscars
by not remembering my name
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
24. Left unsaid
Like rain falling
never hitting the ground
Meaning splinters
Fractured communication
If only so much was not left unsaid
we would be free
of the confusion produced
when left unsaid
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
25. I thought I was in a mid-life crisis
until reminded 72
is so far from mid-life
that I am fortunate
to celebrate a mid-day crisis
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
26. The flowers in my garden
are on a dis-information
fake news campaign
causing me to
water feed talk to them
when truth be known
they are all made from recycled plastic
Though for all last year
I was fooled
by their trickery
05 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
27. I have foreign dreams
in foreign languages
with foreign women saying Me2
Though I am not sure
as I suddenly wake on the floor
with foreign karma raining upon me
watching late-night news
on the foreign conspiracy channel
Giving me foreign nightmares
06 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
28. I know I should stop
Change direction
Cheer for another team
Stop laughing
Understand limits
Contemplate change
Go on an intermittent fast binge
Plunge less
Digest more to ignite new brain cells
Change my disguise
No more screen time
Just stop stopping
Then what
06 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
29. What is the joy of having parents
They just get old and die
Like friends do
Family do
Pets do
Flowers do
We do
We all have so much in common
Dying unites us all
06 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
30. I do so much for your memory
If I could have done a fraction
of all I do
when you were here
Alive you might still be
06 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
31. Errors in judgement
outlive the error itself
Self-correction is possible
Self-forgetting not so much
Best to say
‘I am a comic
I did what I did as a comic’
It works for me
in front of mirrors
every morning
06 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
32. I am in awe of the incredibly creative people
in the world
All 7,755,830,189 of them
As well as the 109,123,456,789
who came before them
If not for them
I would not be the man I am today
07 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
33. As soon as endangered species are recreated
out of recycled rubbish
they will become art pieces
rather than extinct animals
for school children of the future
to admire the ingenious people
who left them with such an unreal world
07 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
34. The rapid advancement in technology
is obliterating metaphors
leaving us all
like WOW!
07 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
35. Religions were advanced for thousands of years
as an expression of control
creating law-abiding robotic citizenry
Then the wise
seeing through such social purpose
created alternative views
Unfortunately there are so many dumb people
believing god will save them
that we are all damned because of it
07 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
36. Excited by change
The physical world
Such a momentary annoyance
Mere passing dense vibrations
Not ‘good vibrations’
as the Beach Boys proclaimed
I love other worlds
Non-physical worlds
Dreams Love Fantasies
where real change happens
So exciting to live outside the physical
08 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
37. In one-hundred years
everyone who is reading this now
will have been dead for so long
I am questioning
why I wrote this
to begin with
or what solace
it should bring
08 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
38. After receiving an award
(certificate plus small trophy)
For least interesting cowboy in the alley
I folded the certificate into an origami bird
Flew to the moon on it
and had big laughs
with the others there
regarding the shallowness of awards
08 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
39. After reading several books
on how to act like a human
I am ready for my first mascaraed party
where I will play beer-pong
discuss the value of WW III
on population restructuring
with the socially inapt skeletons in the closet
and that’s it
08 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
40. She rose up from the rubble of my memory
but whole all the same
I said ‘remember me’
She escaped
rising higher
Taking her haunting smile with her
Merging with a renegade cloud
Leaving me
repairing regrets
in the depths of my memory
09 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
41. Adventuresome stories
Out of the ordinary
Survival in question
Hunger is its own reward
To me it is all just chatter
The flowers in my garden
so much turmoil
from climate change
I go to the garden centre
Replace the flowers with plastic plants
No more stories
No more complaints
No more life
09 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
42. She died while predicting the future
Now it will never occur
09 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
43. The primary principle in the arena of self-discovery
is the obstruction of abstraction
as a tool of fundamental change
In realizing the absence of want
is found the totality of self-discovery
Which is the consensus of the sober few
who have lost their way
on the way to self-discovery
Won’t you join me now
09 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
44. The moment is too hazy to ascertain
So we are left with yesterday’s results
09 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
45. Creative crisis constructs
litter daily struggles
making museums
attractive for escaping artists
displaying life
as creative crisis control
10 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
46. I asked a mannequin in the shop window
if she would play a lover
in a film I was making of my life
She gave me an unexcited unwanted blank stare
Leaving me without a supporting actress
Once again
10 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
47. The curvature of the cosmos
reminds me of a woman
I was entangled with in my youth
and our lack of gravity
10 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
48. Before the Big Bang
all that time ago
No one had any worries
10 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
49. I left a note next to my bed
to remind me to check my phone
for my message
that it is time to change
if I remember to read my note
10 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
50. Your expansive love
Generous giving
Gregarious personality
Wonderous views
Often on display
It is the little things you do
That make me realize
You are totally nuts
11 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
51. I need a new topic
Restlessness gnaws at my senses
Boredom is my soul rusting away
Only the dead embrace relaxation
I am too old to be young
Too young to be old
Mindfulness is rotting my brain
Decluttering is evil
I meditate when I sleep
I do intermittent fasting when I sleep
I run from dreams when I sleep
I need a new topic
11 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
52. I can’t wait until next lifetime
to prove reincarnation doesn’t exist
11 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
53. I can’t believe this year
has gone by so fast
And it is not even
two weeks old
12 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
54. In my youth
I did intermittent love fasting
Sixteen hours of love
Eight hours escaping
from what I just did
In old age I only remember
the sixteen hours
12 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
55. Shakespeare came up with some interesting quotable lines
But no one ‘liked’ him on Facebook
or reposted on Twitter
So his interesting quotable lines
fell out of use
12 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
56. In the 1960s I too walked on the moon
or so it seemed in my hallucinations
And I have yet to receive the recognition
I deserve for walking on the moon in the 1960s
12 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
57. My dog asked me what my favourite year is
Of course I said 1947
The year Pakistan and I began
Such friends today
We are
My dog no longer speaks with me
There is no correlation
We all need new shelter
12 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
58. It is so easy to recognize failure
For instance
This poem
13 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
59. A quiet breeze loosened memory
of when we drifted with a quiet breeze
Nothing else mattered
Nothing else existed
Nothing else would unsettle us
Such a short-lived memory that was
13 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
61. You were always my favourite best past mistake
Making all other ones
Lightening my life
if only past mistakes
had not been so strange
13 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
62. Too much chatter
Communication filled with loudness
Words everywhere
Banging Crashing Disruptive
I no longer listen
Quietness fills me
Silence so peaceful
Social deafness
Political deafness
Religious deafness
I no longer listen
to my own thoughts
No more chatter
No more noise
13 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
63. “This is it”
The rat messiah whispered
Swimming to my best cheese
Floating in a sea of poison
“we will live forever
Such glorious times”
All the other rats joined in
Filling themselves
with the best cheese ever
14 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
64. I have little patience for the current rate of change
I ride accelerated change hard
never looking back
Striking doubt aside
Avoiding conventional ‘widsom’
Exploding evolution
Time is limited
We need rapid change
or we will all be dust
14 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
65. Millennium vaping on the corner
wanting fresh air
organic produce
clean energy
perfect selfies
ha ha ha
keep vaping mate
14 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
66. Social media at such a critical stage
Half the posters are comedians
The other half don’t know it
Two bots at the corner shop
arguing over chemical composition in gelati
They argued for three days
until another bot hacked them both
by then the gelati melted
So will social-media bots
get the right to vote
Or just take it
14 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
67. I decided to add humour to my life
by loving you more
15 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
68. Questions for tomorrow
Answers for yesterday
Today just a pause without reward
I followed an unidentified marsupial into the bush
Shadows and stuff
The sprinkler came on
The innocent ran
Vegetarians are meat
Obviously I don’t have a handle on what I am saying
Becoming more the politician everyday
15 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
69. So many ways to go
Fantasy makes the journey easy
Destiny profound
The way to you
Never ends
15 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
70. Farm animals chase and kill vegetarians
while not trying to prove anything
But don’t eat them
as farm animals are vegetarians too
Just run faster and the world will be saved
15 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
71. I added chaos to my life
Tossed caution
Deleted reason
Embedded laughter
So my world would be crazy too
Loving you more everyday
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
72. In a hypothetical dream
I loved you more
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
73. The animals carried the articles of impeachment to Noah
As they entered their spaceship
the impeached god laughed
Dissolving the Milky Way
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
74. Last night at home for three-months
Will the world change while away
Australia is burning
Climate altering
America is being impeached
We are flying over the middle east
that will be fun
When we come back
Australians still watching
Game shows
Celebrity cooks
Mindless survivors
Millennial twits dating spectacles
Nothing will have changed
Except we will all be more frantic
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
75. Goodbye summer
Hello winter
Goodbye English
Hello Dutch
Goodbye locals
Hello tourists
No one will know who I am pretending to be
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
76. Those who believe a liar
will have bad skin
Crooked teeth
Two left feet
Runny noses
As well as pointed ears
They will be chewing gum
Wearing purple socks
Those who lie will be reflections
of they who believe a liar
as well as wearing a hat with matching mittens
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
77. My wife says I am overactive in my dreams
Climbing to the top of mountains
never before scaled
Only to fall
Crushing the village below
Then laughing
until I awaken the neighbourhood
Apologizing for instigating such a change
16 January 2020 Vista, South Australia
78. My wife makes confusion an art form
Available where all entertaining art is performed
17 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
79. The only way to understand the enormity of now
is to forego why or how
while celebrating
the improbability of now
when lack of understanding
takes us to where we are now
17 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
80. The difference between baby bloomers
and millennials is that they are so easy
to make fun of
As we see what is funny about them
Whereas we are invisible to them
on the other side of their phones
as they crash into the traffic
17 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
81. If I hear another millennial
say how unique they are
‘really misfits in the larger scheme’
On a messianic path of course
saving the world from narcistic baby boomers
I will turn into a blabbing bubbling ball of slime
As any normal disruptive would
and melt the bloody earth
17 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
82. Humans are a nuisance
Ask any extinct animal, flower, organic matter
that would have been exalted
if not for humans
17 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
83. It is the jokes I don’t tell on stage
that causes my dog
to run through the neighbourhood
humping everything in sight
in embarrassment
to erase the images of my joke from his mind
18 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
84. The invisible faces of internet lurkers
hunt haunt savage
my thoughts
Splintering Shattering Stamping out reason
as I plead to make sense
of why I exist
18 January 2020 So Ho Hotel, Adelaide, South Australia
85. Light in the sky
Flight from Doha
So far away
Not my escape
Ours is tomorrow
Everywhere so far away from Adelaide
Any further
we may as well fly to the moon
Where I hear the woman are hot and oh so passionate for men from South Australia
But for now
Singapore with my wife will be just fine
18 January 2020 Atura Adelaide Airport, South Australia
86. So many changes in our town
I wish my son
who chose to leave life fifteen years ago
could have seen such changes in our town
He would have gotten quite the surprise
if he had chosen to stay fifteen more years
18 January 2020 Atura Adelaide Airport, South Australia
87. I had so much to do today
Such a list
I knew it was impossible
to get it all done
So I went back to bed
So I could get it all done
18 January 2020 Atura Adelaide Airport, South Australia
88. Naked revellers riding the setting sun Ferris wheel
as day melts into a sensual sun
Like melting chocolate on a harlot’s lips
Not that I noticed
I was too busy
occupied waiting my turn
on the setting sun Ferris wheel
18 January 2020 Atura Adelaide Airport, South Australia
89. Flying high above clouds
Missiles flying past cabin window
Iran and USA having a beef
I yell I am a vegetarian
Waking me to a serving of rice and beans
Should have paid for business class
Dreams are better there
The food edible
Smiling flirting hostesses
Happy Terrell
19 January 2020 Singapore Airlines Adelaide > Singapore (economy)
90. Ladies along the boulevard
Pirouetting beneath their parasols
whispering my name
(in Mandarin)
I smile in French
a slight tour en l'air
Another senility moment
in the life of the elderly
20 January 2020 Singapore
91. Singapore efficient
I step out of line
The city falls apart
Even the dead are shaken
How could anything as inefficient as me
be allowed in such a perfect place
to be out-of-step
20 January 2020 Singapore
92. Superstitious people
fighting with themselves
whether they are real
and their beliefs false
or if they are false
and their beliefs real
20 January 2020 Singapore
93. In the Ferris wheel of the mind
I slowly ascend to the top
Quickly descend to the bottom
In the Ferris wheel
of my mind
20 January 2020 Singapore
94. I acknowledge the common people
as I enter the castle of my mind
They stare in their common way
Thrilled that I gave them a nod
An honour they will always cherish
I think of the world’s hunger during my banquet
Drink champagne
wishing I had fresh water
to share
as I fill my sparkling waterfall
My servants prepare my chamber
for another evening of debauchery
in the castle of my mind
ignoring the fact
that we are where we are
only because of the accident of birth
unshared with the common people
who too are where they are
due to the fleeting passing of time
21 January 2020 Singapore
95. The operatic voice of my dog
echoed through Act 1
‘When I was young’
Now his nasal-toned hip-hop low-fi beats
grind through my mind
‘When I am old’
In the distance I hear him practice
Funeral marches for the lost
I need a new dog
22 January 2020 Flight, Singapore to Amsterdam
96. Caught a glimpse of myself
drifting along the shore
Immigrants refugees migrants
The flight of the bumblebee
All going in the opposite direction
Due north randomly
If there was value bestowed on the unlucky
Fortunate pouches full of fortune
I would be leading
not drowning
The invisible world
to catch up
22 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
97. Unfortunate are they who end the day
with a blank page
representing the day’s journey
though not as much so
as she who goes over the cliff
in search of better notes
22 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
98. Dutch mannequins
Most beautiful in world
Always smiling in their come hither accented glow
When I die
I hope to incarnate as the mannequin
positioned in the same shop window as her
until the end of time
23 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
99. Culturally unique
How we expel each sovereign breath
Like wind-swept-change
Mix and match
Since the day we were hatched
No chosen life to attain to
Random pairing
You and me
So culturally unique
our every breath
23 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
100. Love at operational status
So productive
now that we have dropped
quotes on love for all
23 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
101. I once believed being lost
in a new city was the ultimate lostness
Now I find being lost in you
the only place to exist
Like a new city
every day you are
23 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
102. On the short side of forever
When asteroids made life possible
on a frozen earth
I started the journey
to go beyond
the short side of forever
Where time and space merged
to produce a great cup of coffee
to begin another morning
Here on the short side of forever
24 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
103. We put bird feed in the rotunda
as the band played
The ship sank
Rains fell
washing away all hope
So much significance
So little meaning
I feel as if we are all on trial
for the troubles we caused
being so senile
in the computer era
24 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
104. If only we could all speak in riddles
like my dog
after a day of joyous romping
humping through imaginary times
we would have
a much less muddled world
24 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
105. Life is so spontaneous
Love even more so
Death the ultimate spontaneity
Fuck spontaneity
24 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
106. While at the quick-karma shop
at the bottom of the sea
I waited in vain
for unorthodox mermaids
to rescue me
They didn’t
24 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
107. Sensational news for the sensationally deprived
Panic for extraneous news panic lovers
Fact-checking challenged politicians
and their trolling visionless followers
Looming disasters
Frightful outcomes
Madness from the madness elite
Frothing Foaming Fuming
Fractured news graspers
Gasping Groping
Those in the drive thru fast-food kiosk
no longer coping
with the vegan alternatives
25 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
108. So many Netflix series
I no longer have time
to act out my own life
25 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
109. Most all my family and friends
Hopes wishes and dreams
Long gone
On a positive happy note
the coffee pot is full
25 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
110. I have had jetlag since the day I was born
Never quite catching up
Never in sync
Constantly in a world not of my choosing
Perhaps it is spacelag
Cosmic mathematics never adding up
To be where I should have been all along
Here in step with you
Down to earth
Once again
26 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
111. Slow dancing in the moonlight
If it was not for my shadow
being out of step with me
No one would notice
we were not together
Me and Me
slow dancing
in the moonlight
26 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
112. If it wasn’t for the darkness
You would see I was I was never really lost
If it wasn’t for soundwaves
your whispers would stop
if I could fly
Your flight
would not have gotten away
26 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
113. If I had only one more line
left to write
this wouldn’t be it
26 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
114. It is quite clear to me
your strangeness
is what keeps the earth
from looking lopsided
27 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
115. When the famous die
they last ten-minutes longer
than us common people
before the world moves on to
the next news cycle
Then we are all dead together
27 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
116. It’s not rocket science
that you keep me
spaced out
27 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
117. Fog embedded narratives
rolling across a cold morning
Dutch landscape
Serenade me into another day
of false intent
If only I could believe
the fog would envelope me
so I too
like history itself
would disappear
her narratives
would save me
27 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
118. While trying to catch up with your love
The Piscean Age came and went
Now with the Aquarian Age
everyone on their phone
What’s the point
28 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
119. Programming languages from the stone age
hacked into by cave elite
Magic entities then forgotten
in fear change would rock the foundations
of cave dwelling philosophers
Pretty much the same
as the US senate today
28 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
120. Rats escaping scrutiny
in the Year of The Rat
spreading disease over the planet
Revenge on all those
who would not become vegetarians
28 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
121. Unfinishable poem
Thinking by continuing
life would be easier
Zombies became Hollywood extras
then ate the film crew
28 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
122. With nothing to do
I did nothing
Thereby creating the happiness void
Where nothing is the ideal everything
All so easy to remember
Happy for no reason at all
With nothing to do
28 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
123. January is almost over
1st month of a new decade
2nd decade of a new century so they say
Time markers we so blindly follow
Toss out every date counting mechanism
Leave Love Desire Ecstasy
for time markers instead
Then we will be in time with the universe
29 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
124. Only when the voices in my head
contradict the voices in my dog’s head
making the earth noticeably wobbly
do I seek clarity in meaning
emanating from deciduous trees
in the crowded forest
of my empty mind
29 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
125. Meaning attires herself in harlot maroon
before leaving the alley
in search of purpose
to make morning blush
running naked through town
in exploitation
of frequently altered reason
29 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
126. god lost earth in a poker game
before discarding it
to its inevitable conclusion
29 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
127. In an awkward award-winning moment I was born
Extreme chaos in the wind
I read the signals wrong
Foreign scripts fell
Choices trampled
Directions challenged
Performances hampered
Roles diminished
Life rebooted
Thanks for being me
Whomever you are
Freeing me from myself
30 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
128. Mistaken rapture
Erosion of the soul
Ill-defined passion
Eager minds fallen prey to discordant voices
The chosen abandoned ship
Long ago
Leaving us to inherit evening’s decay
30 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
129. The flexibility of love
left enough blank pages
to begin a new script
30 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
130. We raced one another
into senility
Now neither of us knows
who won
30 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
131. Innocence is pre-evolution
Without risk
before butterflies scream
Muted desire
waiting beckoned call for release
Topple existing norms
Shaking innocence asunder
Then evolution gives birth to change
Progress begins
Enhanced life
at the end of time
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
132. I saw my ghost in a mirror asking for change
I put on my hat
Disappeared down main street
My dead family and friends smiled
Recognizing me as the ghost with a hat
But not excepting
So a ghost I am yet to be
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
133. Artificial Intelligence has a formula for love
I don’t
Which one is successful
at getting the mindless mannequin
in the window
to smile back
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
134. I know I should be more interested
in why the sky
is no longer blue
The sea is too full
Australia keeps burning
My dog is walking backwards
Bees are producing artificial sweetness
But fortunately
online sales
keep me too occupied
to be aware
of the concerns of the world
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
135. Whenever I feel sad
I quickly return to a time
before I was born
remembering how simple life was
before I interpreted it so harshly
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
136. I was born in an interrupted moment
when disruption
was an eruption
of status quo corruption
as was the assumption
that I was born
at this time
31 January 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
137. All so much missed
Lost despite ourselves
Tragic moments movement
Heroes die so easily
If there were answers
whence cometh the problem
Now I surrender to the mist
disappearing in captivity
to the moment unwound
All so much missed
01 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
138. Clichés buried in the garden
Nothing left
to describe this end
01 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
139. I love the freedom of no one knowing
what I am thinking
behind this ancient mast
others imagine so much sanity
01 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
140. We are doing exactly
what we are meant to be doing
If what we are doing
was meant to be
which is only a suggestion
and not what someone
in their right mind
would be doing
to begin with
01 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
141. When the clown was elected
by the joyful mob
would it be known
they were the joke
01 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
142. Discussions falling into the canal
floating out to sea
So much simpler
when touch
was all that mattered
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
143. I waited for you at the outskirts of time
knowing once history had dissolved behind us
freedom would take us forever in flight
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
144. Life’s storms
washed away what was
leaving what will be
once free of life’s storms
you and me in flight
beyond life’s storms
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
145. I missed the Super Bowl
So full of nuts and low carb dreams
in the Year of the Rat
they were all eaten
by when I awoke
on the other side of the world
in a difficult time zone
with an empty bowl
in the Year of the Rat
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
146. Artificial Intelligence made a fool of me
Organic life so tenuous
Love breaks apart what could have been
if AI had reason
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
147. Yesterday’s faulty thinking
left today in ashes
blowing away
to pollute tomorrow
Fortunately that is just faulty thinking
not realizing the power of now
to heal yesterday’s faulty thinking
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
148. My illiterate Facebook page
continues to post descriptive errors
of thoughts I could have had
Never did
So out of sync with whom I could have been
if I had been someone else
liking such random other
Pretending to be me
If only it was
I would not have shared this
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
149. I tried to embrace time
but it dissolved without waiting
to provide time enough
02 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
150. Decaying structures of yesterday’s thinking
Recycled promises
Misused Hashtags
Pull down the curtain
Close the border
Make love with the intruders
Life is so easy
We should try it sometime
03 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
151. Love is a flight risk
Its given freedom
exciting upon return
03February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
152. Stone-age love
Crucified love
Romantic love
Renaissance love
Transcendental love
Internet love
Recreational love
Love in the alley
It’s all the same bloody thing
Packaged lust
Delivered desire
50,000 years of human progress
begins and ends with getting laid
03 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
153. I waited until I was well in to my 70s
to activate the real me
A grumpy old man
unable to care less
for social etiquette
than I do in my daily routine
03February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
154. No longer awaking as a sought-after celebrity
I ease into my day
as any animal sleeping in the paddock would
Shake off the fame
Pee on a trophy or two
Ignore social media
Go back to sleep
Dream of being a nobody
like I have always been
03 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
155. The USA is a disaster movie in the making
Best watch at a distance
For example from another planet
Or in another time epoch
03 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
156. The challenge is to pretend
what is happening around us
is someone else’s bad dream
We are part of a comedic performance
that will disappear
when awaken to a proper reality
03February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
157. I took a holiday
from being myself
Now I don’t want to return
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
158. I taught my cat to say my name
Meow Meow
I am so popular when I go to town
all the alley cats
call me by my name
Meow Meow
I said to the lady cop
who asked my name
for an occasional wrongdoing
Meow Meow
Now in gaol for having the wrong name
in this sorted alley
I call my world
Meow Meow
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
159. Unable to keep up with myself
I limped to the finish line
as time flew by
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
160. Being a minimalist
I try not to collect anything
that will not fit on the planet
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
161. Paleo-love
Dietary choice of champions
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
162. Broken promises
Artificial consciousness artefacts
for sale at souvenir shops
across disease infected landscapes
devour the innocent
like broken promises
to the indigenous tribes
of reincarnated losers
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
163. Life is a battle of chance
Where we all lose at the end
When a roll of the dice
is another morning
for the lucky
who have yet to lose
the battle of chance
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
164. Pity she who has but one personality
One worldview
One dream
One lover
One aspiration
One face
One life
So limited she is
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
165. Republicans are not racists
They simply are unevolved
Neanderthal supplings
Reptilian brain oriented
Closely related to
resembling wild animals
To be viewed
treated as ill primates to stay clear of
Perhaps most likely
for sure untrainable
Watch them speak
Their behaviour
Their tweets
Following blindly their Master Buffoon
So mentally ill
So easy followed by repulsive republicans
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
166. It is so easy to speak the truth
when those around are deaf to the truth
and will never respond
So much harder to speak the truth
when those around listen
and ignore what will destroy
Like chocolate with poison infused
truth kills as quick as satisfies
04 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
167. Mounting memory moments
on to my dashboard of life
Icons of folders
Like ancient hieroglyphics
representing hidden messages
sharing depths
easy to replicate
here in the dashboard
of my life
05 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
168. If I had wished for more
all that I have would vanish
Leaving me with wished for more
Never having
05 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
169. Radical random reasoning
opens the way to transcend programmed responses
that no longer provides answers
Such as this
05 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
170. Celebrating change
The anything is better factor
Accelerated hope makes dim the past
Now is the future once dreamt of
Apprehended by the laws of change
If not for gravity
I would never return from the clouds
long enough
to appreciate that today
is the best of all my yesterday’s
made manifest
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
171. By not listening to the news anymore
I am making the world
a better place
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
172. What I love about the future
is that I have no idea how today will start
Giving the future little to know
To be concerned
or appreciative of
Now is but the totality
of the universe unfolded
Anything more
melted moments lost
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
173. Restless robotic robin at my window
Waiting watching listening
Transmitting my thoughts to alien government agents
hiding amongst the neighbour’s salacious scarlet sarcastic trees
I cut them all down
Hundred-year old trees
Infested with Google bots
Reprogramming my consciousness
If only those around me understood my peril
I could have been freed from myself long ago
And planted new trees for real birds to propagate in
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
174. The reason reptiles have stayed alive for millions of years
is because they never evolved to the point of taking selfies
Posting them prior to the extinction of their species
like humans
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
175. I left my dog at cheerleading academy
The Irish have written ballets
of her heroic alternatives
Go ask them
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
176. I love the deep cold
It reminds me of an earlier life on Mars
When I viewed earthlings
as lesser entities
in our solar system
Fortunately I have changed my vision
to become one of them
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
177. I can’t wait until tomorrow
when I can erase the errors of today
in preparation of new errors
to erase the following day
creating such an exciting avenue
into the future
06 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
178. Once past the censors
I realized your love for me
made sense
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
179. The further I slip into madness
the more normal US politics appear
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
180. Changed appearance
Altered reality
Masked reasoning
How sudden to escape
To disentangle
Whisper secret exchanges
while disintegrating into this stage
called old age
when we become invisible
to the rush of the young
who too will wish to escape this fate
the flight of the elderly
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
181. It is the natural order of evolution
to preserve
to pass on our DNA
to share selfies
in such a frantic attempt to be remembered
liked for a passing moment
then poof!
Just another piece of data
We are all data sluts for sale
nothing more
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
182. Quarantined thoughts
to protect conservatives
from becoming infected
with the reality
we are all one
in need of one another
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
183. Time to turn off the lights
to delve into the catacombs of my mind
amongst shadowy thoughts
and often repressed dreams
to sing and dance with darkness
to liberate myself in this place I sleep
where morning shakes me asunder
throwing me back into the light
where I will drown
07 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
184. I had such a slow start to today
that tomorrow came and went
Left me in her dust
to sort out what memories
I would have had
if I had not had
such a slow start to today
08 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
185. My dog uses his stunt double to follow me
through my tumultuous dreams
When I return battered and confused
my dog happily greets me
so intact
we fly through the day
08 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
186. Realizing my obsessive themes
of writing about myself
I have decided in the best interest
of any remaining shreds of decency
involving me
to discontinue writing about myself
and to concentrate on only writing about my alter ego
and his heroic deeds
as a nobody
08 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
187. There is nothing romantic
regarding the sudden quickening of my heartbeat
when I am in your presence
It is my defibrillator implant restarting my heart
because of my birth defects
that make being old so adorable
08 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
188. I get bored with watching the grass grow
Now I watch myself age instead
It is so much quicker
08 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
189. Social pressures made me mask my mind
Foreign entity I have become
to myself even
Joking with sensual senseless winds
Whispering to marginalized millennial mannequins
Dancing with farm animals
to rap music
I am far too old to understand
Social pressures make me feel like a freak
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
190. Life is a sloppy slippery slope
that I have been abseiling down for a long time
in this gleeful aberration I am passing through
hoping for a soft landing
surrounded by fireworks balloons whimsical mermaids
this life finally concluded
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
191. My master teacher removed the veil
from my current eroded self
revealing the cartoon figure
I always knew
I was meant to be
Merging me with the world I laugh at
though trick into being with
as they adopt me
in their serious manner
never realizing that my alien self
is reporting their every moment
back to the mother ship
for future programming to remove
their current stupid thinking
as everyone gradually becomes normal
like me
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
192. The shorter the message
The longer the interpretation
For example
The Christian Bible takes thousands of pages to say
“life is shit” and it is women’s fault
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
193. I reinvent myself every day
Every morning such a surprise
I get up early
just to discover who I will be
as my new reinvented self
conquers the neighbourhood
freeing the serfs
from their laborious meaningless lives
enslaved to social media
so they too can dance naked
amongst the tulips here in Holland
with me
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
194. I live my life
as if it were a recently discovered
WWII bomb
yet to explode
09 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
195. Such a simplification of the mathematical equation
of our complicated existence
portrayed in our feelings of oneness
as life swallows our remaining meaningless memories
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
196. My story is different
than the one I have lived
Best seller in empty alleys
Award plagued melodrama
Untrained though caring actors
betrayed reality playing parts I kept secret
As circuses go my story was better
than the one I have lived
though a sequel is questionable
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
197. I brought home
My Mechanical Millennial Mannequin Minority Mistress
My dog took her for a walk
Pushed her into a Dutch canal
Now alone in my grief
I turn my back on such a cruel world we live in
where caring is such a long-lost art on social media
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
198. I listen to foreign news shows
in languages I do not understand
Making up my own stories
of what they are about
Filling their blundering synopsis
with love hope understanding
non-GMO organic high-altitude thoughts
And other shit
What a wonderful world we live in
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
199. The murderer at my window
asking me for forgiveness and a blessing
I close the curtain
Setting it on fire
She disappears along with all her sins
Another session of miracles performed
with robotic love and precession
in the cathedral of long-lost lingering hope
where we all live our blissful lives
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
200. Being the giving noble person that I am
when people question
who is the craziest
between my wife and I
Being the giving noble person that I am
I always give her all the credit
10 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
201. Oh no not you again
I screamed at the reflection in my coffee
Quickly putting on a mask
to normalize my morning
I run into the sacred government brothel
“I’m not him”
“I’m not him”
As discovery closes in
replacing the anguish
sinking into my first morning cup of coffee
11 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
202. Filtered freedom finds no relief
Eventually the illusion is realized
Filters are crushed
Freedom takes a toll
yet flies free
11 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
203. I asked a messiah vaping on the boulevard
which direction for me
She wagged her tail
Humped a fire hydrant
Rolled over for a treat
Barked several times
Ran after a messenger on a bike
I said ‘me 2’
Now I am free
to lead others
into the right direction
11 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
204. So thrilled not to have been a knight
in King Arthur’s Court
If I were
I would not be writing this now
What a lucky choice
to have waited until a mere 73-years ago
to have been born
and not seven hundred years ago
like once-were happy chappy
dead boy
11 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
205. Due to the fact that no one knows
what the end game will look like
I am going to focus on a good cup of coffee
leave the drama to the media
to go nuts with
11 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
206. Got to be where I wanted to be
The noisy one of the silent majority
Left adrift in an empty pond
Fully dressed on the nudist beach
A cow-soothing vegan in a slaughterhouse
The one who doesn’t get the punch line
in the jokes I tell
The one who got away but is still here
I never wanted to fit in
I never wanted either
Now I have
The rest has no history
Forget me and you will never have existed
Understand this
then text me what it means
12 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
207. If there is a sequel to my existence
I hope it is on a different planet
This one is almost used up
12 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
208. Thousands of years of alarmist messiahs
Yet I still awake to a good cup of coffee
Then a refill
Before turning to the news
to hear alarmist messiahs
before turning them
off having more coffee
Loving life still in 2020
As the alarmist messiahs disintegrate
12 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
209. Such an ignited moment
You and I and a new day
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
210. Perfect love blown away by the wind
Leaving this barren landscape
for future generations to cry upon
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
211. The new world order
So out of order
Chaotic follies
Disrupted knowing
We are all the entertainment now
as the matrix crumbles
replaced by the new mangled elite refuges
at the castle gate
conquerors of once was
yet to be
Dissolvers and replacers of
the new world order
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
212. In the 1960s when we were street hippy butterflies
we believed in magic
More than fifty years later
I am starting to think I thought wrong
Street hippies never became magical butterflies
We just become old story tellers
to no one who will lister
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
213. I tore up my social contract with the world
Rebooting myself to basic revolution rebel
so as to live off the grid
with my computers phones drones watches and other devices
powered by windmills solar panels and energy producing exercising hamsters
leaving social media in awe
to like my rebelling off the grid status
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
214. 70 years ago I scribbled on the wall
My parents painted over my wisdom
70 years later I scribble on the wall
My grandchildren paint over my wisdom
The lesson is that without paint
in the hands of opinion enablers
my wisdom would stay
for others to resound to
as I am Shakespeare
locked in this psych ward
13 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
215. What I love about the future
is that it is not today
What I love about the past
is that it is not today
What I love about now
is that it is not all there is
Yesterday and tomorrow
somewhere forever
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
216. My dog just said I was mentally ill
Why they let farm animals into places of worship
is beyond me
We all need to start searching
for a new messiah
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
217. Autocorrect
has turned me into
a stoned looking Shakespeare
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
218. Without Wi-Fi a castle in not a home
If a knight was not on social media
and fell off her horse would anyone know
If King Arthur had tweeted all day
no battles would have been won
I dropped my GPS into the moat
now I will never fine nirvana
Castle values are nought
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
219. Such large obstacles along the path of life
A bit of luck
Slight distraction
Quick change of direction
Any situation can be altered
The freedom from right negotiation
to right the flight
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
220. Princess at the castle gate
grabbing the first horse out of town
before turning into a pumpkin
and being someone else’s dinner
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
221. Native narrators narrating nonsensical narratives
Washed upon shore spewing
And like with any fairy tale are true
only if they become a commercial success
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
222. In a miscalculated moment
we are still together
proving love could be more
than a chemical equation
14 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
223. Wide awake
So much to see
Across horizons
secrets arise
destiny revealed
myths deleted
So much to see
Wide awake at the end
to see what could have been
if only life had been lived
with eyes opened wide
15 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
224. More than 7.5 billion people will cry at one time
Flooding the earth with salty tears
as we all disappear into the crying mist
If only it was not too late
If we had umbrellas
Perhaps boots
Anything to save us from the crying mist
15 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
225. If recycled love
can save a resource limited world
I will gladly recycle the loves of my youth
to save the planet one more time
15 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
226. She dances in the quiet of my mind
Until death do us part
And we are
16 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
227. You are a moment
that frames everyone before
Everyone after
16 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
228. I loved you in a haze
Now that I can see clearly
you no longer appear
Bring back the haze we once were
So I can see clearly
who we once were
No longer are
16 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
229. If I have said it before
bark twice
head for the door
Such is conditional misunderstanding
in the solutions of the world
when a dog is involved
and we are positioned to draw conclusions
from what possibly makes no sense
to begin with
16 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
230. I live in the past tense
where even the future
has already been done
Like with a democracy reboot
no one cares
16 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
231. In between spaces
of foreign desires
imagined intrigue
melts in anticipation
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
232. Spare parts lay across the tarmac of my mind
preventing landing
of anything of significance
Flightless memories
never going away
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
233. Crash landing in the midst of this memory field
once we shared
The only hindrance was forgetting where the pieces landed
in order to put them back together again
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
234. Not understanding Dutch
I thought she had said
Waking in this hospital bed
Google revealed to me
she had said
“you are a nut case”
before knocking me out
with my Dutch desire unleashed
in this foreign aberration
I call my life
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
235. I sleep 1/3 of my life
Dream 2/3 the rest of the time
which is why my body is 72.5
and my mind is 24
being the 1/3 of the 2/3
that sometimes functions
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
236. Animals don’t need to meditate
to free themselves from themselves
to find enlightenment
to become undamaged
to unite with creation
to destroy their homes
why are humans so fucked up
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
237. In a displaced moment I fitted in
In shattered illusions
I touched reality
In the crosswind of change
I became synchronized
My my eating low-carb meals is terrible
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
238. If we could harness all the electricity
used by a billion brains
using social media in a day
we could power the earth
for a year
with electrical nonsense
and still like it
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
239. In an organic-fused moment
time stopped
killing off all life
which is why we should ignore time
17 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
240. You were there when I awoke
Shadowy spectator at first light
as morning stole you away
like evening did
so long ago
again last night
Vaporizing mirages
Only feelings remain
to block out the morning mist
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
241. We were to meet west of eternity
No navigational systems
No narratives
No knowing
But we will
recognizable beyond eternity
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
242. They have changed the algorithm
for heaven entry
passwords too
So many fake bots
hopeful hackers
believers misbelievers
rowdy millennial mannequins
Closed gates
We all become viral bacteria
feasting on our own larva karma forever
Eliminating the need for heaven
Such wonderful news
from this morning’s government bots
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
243. Our seventh decade
is the no destination decade
Now a few years into my 70s
I can’t imagine where I am headed
Where is next
If only I could remember
where the door is
I would go out
Continue with
my no destination decade
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
244. I like being a white-western-middleclass-educated male
It makes turning off the newscast
on television so much easier
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
245. Facial recognition software misidentified me
as a missing antique statue
from the Museum of Hard Knox
Now I have been captured
put into the closet of my ex-wife
for Freud to analyse
as the world collapses into confusion
with no interpretation left
to explain why I woke
in this claustrophobic state
screaming at the butterflies in my mind
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
246. Since I became deaf
the birds stopped singing
Since I became blind
the flowers no longer bloom
Since I became lame
there is no start to yesterday’s walk
Since I stopped writing
I never finished this
18 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
247. I live in the future
Which is why you love me today
Didn’t know so yesterday
Will forget me tomorrow
And I already have
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
248. I live in my own world
with a large enough crack in it
to view that other world
others live
other lives in
but not large enough
to let them see me
in my magical imaginary world
I often live in
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
249. How could it be
So often is the question
We should learn to leave each other be
Enjoy the landscape
Walk in the nature
Drift in the wind
Reflections in the water
Music through the trees
Sublime thoughts
classically enhanced
Human activity
just passing phases
Easy to ignore
in the perfectly natural mind
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
250. I always wanted to have my picture hanging in a museum
for a paying public to awe and wonder about
No doubt a painting of me
leading a squadron of angels
into an evening of debauchery
would best be loved by the paying public
in the museum of me
at the end of narcissistic boulevard
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
251. I often thought being of feeble mind
an occurrence of the elderly
now I realize at 72
it can occur to one in their youth
such as me
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
252. Space is a bridge too far
between you and me
with a far higher toll than I can remedy
so always stranded
this side of space I always am
while you dance wildly
on the other side beyond my reach
19 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
253. Life is a short performance
we each get a shot at yet
No one has ever been good enough to return
for an encore
once the curtain comes down
on this short performance
that is our fleeting life
20 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
254. We did what we could
before transformative night
changed us in a most unfavourable manner
Devastation was never a choice
Just an opportunity handled poorly
We did what we could
More cannot be wished for
20 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
255. So many twenties today
A magical day indeed
So I bet on a racehorse
that bore your name
she stumbled at the clubhouse turn
just like I did through your life
20-02-2020 never again
20 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
256. The beauty of moral decay
is how surprising our reflection is
in a superficial way
20 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
257. Disappointed with the results
we went back to sleep
to awaken in another world
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
258. We laughed as the clown performed
Not seeing the joker steal everything
with our attention turned toward him
Only now in our devastation
do we realize the joker and clown
are the same one trick pony
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
259. I got so far from what I was to do today
I cancelled tomorrow
and all the knights couldn’t reincarnate
leaving the castle filled with disorientated mice
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
260. So much technology
we still are dependent on brains
to show how to cook eggs
Decorate cakes
Bake fish
Sling tofu
Stir-fried ancestral cuisine
Humans have been cooking for a hundred thousand years
Now we are celebrities
Or not
if we can pour wine over roadkill
Give me technology over a brain fried human
Then dinner will be done on time
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
261. Love is a mesmerizing mangled messy mishap
Though pleasant in its extreme
if reason is given flight
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
262. What?
Today is still here
I shoved it into a closet
Kicked it into the river
Set it alight
Denied its continuation
Existence too
Traded it for drugs
Left it at the alter
Sold it to a brothel
Made a social media bot to end it
And the damn thing is still here
If only today would go away
and give me tomorrow
I could dwell happily in yesterday
21 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
263. To see if this works
I will fly to space
unknown filling
Covered horizons
I will have to admit to the neighbour’s pets
I have no idea
what I am talking about
22 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
264. Statistically I am more you than me
Explaining my iridescent aura
Lack of harmony
The incidences of incorrect directions
Cyclic confusion
And the desire to be someone
other than you
22 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
265. The Russians are getting involved
with American erections
by spamming them with bad dancing
Strange accents
Dysfunctional erection misinformation
Strong vodka
Plastic non-recyclable mannequin first ladies
Weak erection turnout
Favouring fat illiterate orange tinted humans
Such turn offs they are
Americans will never have proper erections again
The Russians are coming
22 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
266. When life was simple
love was too
When life became complicated
love did too
Now life is simple again
love is too
23 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
267. She was a carefree flower girl of 18
Selling flowers on Bourbon Street
I was a street artist
years later
She has dementia
living in a nursing home
I am a young hot model
walking the catwalks of my memory
Life is such a grand illusion
I would love to do it again sometime
23 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
268. Lady in the café thinking in Dutch
Me in the café thinking in male
Should I pretend not to understand
or just continue smiling
like an alley cat
not understand Dutch
23 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
269. Life is an island in the sea of death that we wander around on usually quite lost feeling homeless neglected without though doing everything possible to stay upon a change in climate of attitude makes the island much more pleasant knowing it is only a matter of time before we are forced off to drown in the sea of death
23 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
270. Accomplished so much
Above and beyond
Achieving the unthinkable
Folk tales will surface
Women will be in tears
Men will wish they had what I had
Let it be known at the end of the day
‘twas me who ate the whole box of chocolate
leaving only a lingering scent
for those who come after
Knowing they will always be cast
as the ones who missed out
24 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
271. The creepy whispers in the night
Suffocating scents
Just unfulfilled dreams
seeking shelter
waking us in fright
Unfulfilled dreams in the night
24 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
272. I see it in my neighbour’s cat’s eyes
I am nothing more than another unhinged human
chasing phantoms in the meadow
The neighbour’s cat
obviously no judge of character
I can see it in her eyes
24 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
273. I printed photos of my past
Burned them in tune with the screaming sullen eerie evening
By morning my past was still there
Reminding me of the debts still owed
to the mistress of life
who keeps me in these chains
I cannot break
24 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
274. The shifting direction of my motionless life
reminds me of the perils of sitting so long
in this padded cell presents
If only this Netflix series would end
I could start another
24 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
275. I can imagine going crazy
Can’t imagine
coming back
25 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
276. Always learning
Always forgetting
Cancelled out thoughts
Memory in the express lane
Fleeting images
Dissipating feeling
What I just learned was it is all forgotten at the end
(geese flying south for the winter informed me)
so we can start again
running haphazardly
toward the next horizon
25 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
277. I went to the mannequin shop
looking for an elderly one to disassociate with
Millennial mannequins knocked me over
saying I had bad taste
‘me-2’ I articulated
Sympathetic pretenders
took me to a sacred second-hand thrift shop
that was in receivership
saying it was time for me to be recycled
What a bargain I am
a bucket of ripe opinions
fertilizer for the soul if such a thing existed
here at the mannequin shop
on the edge of time
25 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
278. There is no refund on this life
No store credit for off the shelf trade of another life
Cancellation insurance
Wrong number try again
Random karmic fuelled next life fantasy
Lottery winner
The only upgrade possibilities
are at our discretion
like I exhibit by walking to the finish line
instead of running
like everyone else
25 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
279. While adding to the perfection list
Storms came close
Dread flew overhead
Hidden horrors hurriedly
escaped notice
With my perfection list firmly in hand
I added this moment
Escape perfected
Surrender not involved
Another perfect moment
26 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
280. So much for technology
Human emotions are similar
as they were thousands of years ago
The change in our reflected image
over the decades
always a producer of grief
following the sigh of once upon a time
26 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
281. I had a successful business
Got a PhD
Happily married for decades
Sorted out my spiritual beliefs
then discarded them all
to finally be free
Photoshopped an upgraded
appearance of myself
Still the neighbour’s dog
pees on my leg
There just is no respect
for carbon-based life
this planet
26 February 2020 Arnhem, The Netherlands
282. Highly unlikely words fell
I grabbed a few
Put them in my pocket
for a rainy day
when my umbrella was up
no words could get through
Now I have bags of words
I will give them to the next slum goddess I see
Perhaps she will take me away
in a highly unlikely way
Me and my collection of words
27 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
(in memory of the Slum Goddess from the Lower East Side – and a song by the Fugs 1965)
283. Drained
walking in the rain
I will drown in my stance
If I survive this rendition of luckless vagrant
I will write a Broadway musical in celebration
or go home to bed
Whichever comes first that will free me
from such drama I get myself into
27 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
284. A new city to sleep in
I wonder if my dreams will change
or will I awaken
like I have in every other city
I have awakened in
27 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
286. I love shopping in a foreign market
Labels in languages I can only guess @
No telling what lies
lies within what I am about to eat
Being a vegetarian I know I am safe
eating the wrapper
leaving the food behind
for someone else
to translate into their diet
28 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
287. Another interesting day
living beyond the grasp of reality
with circus animals
killer rabbits
inarticulate masticating women
and an alley cat with similar political views
as once was me
If tomorrow should prove to be as unenlightening
I shall go back to redo today
living beyond the grasp of reality
like the panic driven newsreel presenters
28 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
288. I complained to god
how unfair my life was
She indicated an app
on a platform I was not aware of
I downloaded what I could not know
Leaving me forever cast in the roller of loser
to other apps and their blindful users
28 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
289. So many shades of fear and panic
brought about by the conspiracy of words
assembled by first-learner primates
When in fact we should relax
or die easily
let others forge dissent
in our absence
28 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
290. Nutritional love in moderation
Gradual gradient steps to longevity
Exquisitely balanced thoughts
Synchronized focused beliefs
Surplus of cool acquisitive friends
Everything so perfect
until a fast train ran me over
What was the point
29 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
291. Bloody leap year
Adding extra nonsense to February
I deleted today
Cut it out of my calendar
No one died today
No one desired me today
No one read this
Today does not exist
29 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
292. All my friends have grown old
Leaving me in my youth
to watch my elderly shadow
fall over the horizon
without me
Left alone in my youth
29 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
293. I love retirement
Sitting along the golden boulevard
watching people
hurry scurry worry
Flurries of individuals
falling like snow
melting into the pavement
I sweep them away
making an airplane
out of their disillusions
to fly away
into the wonderful magical kingdom
of retirement
No worries
no more
29 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
294. Life without reason
like an unannounced season
transforming meaningless rapport
into senseless verse
29 February 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
295. Everyone died last night
When I awoke I saw the text messages
‘bury me in a shady spot overlooking the river’
I went to the sacred Home Depot
to purchase eight billion shovels
There was no one to sell them to me
I went home back to sleep
with everyone texting me
to ignore their last request
So I did
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
296.The successful undertaker at my door
in search of more
for his political campaign
of death for all
I offered vintage karma
along with several neighbours
then closed the door
Now I can live for evermore
01 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
297. I have media indigestion
Broadcast news diarrhea
Twitter blood pressure spikes
My pacemaker is pacing
My defibrillator telling fibs
Chronic pain gone viral
Being crucified 2000 years ago
For your sins
So much more pleasant
01 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
298. The image of her on Facebook
is not the same memory image of 46 years ago
Though the ‘dance with me’ look in her eyes
during Mardi Gras is still there
And I still do
In the fleeting memories of once we were
Never again
Happy I did then
Happy I don’t now
as I toss Facebook into the fire of memory
Dancing alone once again so free
01 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
299. ‘I lost her in the tunnel of love’
As well as other tales of passion
haunt my collection of romantic antics
in this apocalyptic finish
to such a successful run of luck
I once had
01 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
300. I start my day looking into the sky
If I don’t see my reflection in the sea
looking down from amongst the clouds
wishing I was with you
I know I am still alive
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
301. When the door closed her smile disappeared
on the other side
where smiles are faint
Whispers mingled with memories
that should be forgotten
in life’s shallow negotiations
Almost forgotten
still holding us captive
behind these closed doors
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
302. I love making mistakes
All the pressure of those around
me to do the right thing
to try and correct their wrongness
Created stress from mistakes
made from before I was born
yet here I am
she is not
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
303. Before global warming
I could make a snowman
and a millennial #me-2er
with a snowball chance in hell
from the same snowfall
Now the snow has melted
The little that would appear
Spring has come too early
My hot millennial #me-2er
melting in her wrath
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
304. Today I will conquer space
Discover a vaccine for the blues
Paint the town red
Chase the NYC marathon into the East River
Feed the rabbits and mice fresh tofu
Dust off paintings at the Louvre
If only I could get out of bed
I would make a cup of coffee first
Then do all these things
03 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
305. Surrealism sucks
Pop art was for fools
Still is
Modern art
loser’s excuses
robots discuss after the lights go off
Piscean sacrificial art
Aquarian old age art
Art farts
It all sucks
Broken streams of consciousness
strewn across the museum floor
infected by coronavirus
and other related tales of woe
Death art so prevalent
only the privileged stay alive long enough
to appreciate it
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
306. Menial mental morphosis
The beauty of body parts
is knowing where to put them
without losing site
of where they are going
03 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
307. The tragedy of being taken serious
as the world bleeds
has no equal in literature
giving rise to fast food poetry
Big box stores creativity
as well as thrift shop musicals
as the world finally bleeds out
02 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
308. Decluttered love
unrefined passion
recycled faithfulness
no wonder the world is fucked
03 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
309. I changed my routine
No longer you in my night-time dreams
Day light blocks my vision of other worlds
where you so often appear
as you try to hide in the light
tapping me on the shoulder
reminding me how frightened I am
of my imagination
and the whispering wind
saying your name
in this changed routine I now live
04 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
310. I know how much she tries to forget
Turn the other way
As if we never were
by how often she doesn’t like my posts
My intuition-hack
clues me into her thinking of me
even when she tries not too
Fore what other reason
would the sun rise each day
than to watch me being forgotten
once again
04 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
311. Every night my wife and I go into the town square
until the village folks sedate us
providing a goodnight’s sleep for all
04 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
312. I spread my hair across the meadows
Letting forest animals climb on top
before floating toward the sun
disappearing amongst clouds
then falling back to earth with the rain
where all the animals return
to the slaughterhouses to be prepared
for the royal feast of their lives
Deep fried at the local fast food burger drive thru
wishing they had stayed in my hair
05 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
313. Eight billion people will die
over some period of time
though it seems to be which period that will be
and who cares a hundred years later
05 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
314. Another night to worry
which dream will scare me the most
before the terror of morning
shows me who I really am
05 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
315. My youthful Mardi Gras Queen
now old
slowly decaying in her chicken shed
clutching a photo of me
before I died
screaming in tune
for the terror of her youth to return
when she was my Mardi Gras Queen
05 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
316. The gentle sound of the falling rain
filling the canals
Flooded rivers breaking banks
flooding villages
drowning those who dismissed the gentle rain
as just a romantic interlude of nature
05 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
317. I took a chance on you
Everyone at the casino
followed me over the cliff
The river became flooded
from so many of us
We are all floating
across the land
Wishing we had not taken a chance on you
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
318. Hollywood would have us believe
Animals can talk dance sing
I spent hours talking singing dancing
in front of my rabbits
they went to sleep
I did the same in front of penguins
they fell into the North Sea
I tried with my dog
she left home
hitched a ride with a road train to Darwin
With cats horses roos and native cock roaches
Hollywood is tricking us
is all I have to say
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
319. The poster showed her riding naked
here in Holland
If only I would
“go through this door”
I believed the sign said
(though it was foreign but so am I so we are the same)
I rode my bike as fast as I could
straight into the door
Now in hospital with a broken heart
I cannot imagine what I did wrong
here in Holland
where women ride bikes naked
all day long
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
320. I was wondering
whether this would be my final writing
before the latest pandemic killed me
I suppose I won’t know until tomorrow
when I discover a cure
for not writing at all anymore
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
321. All the social media influencers
sent me a cease and desist message
To stop being so boring
That being nothing at all was more influencing
than them all together
basking in their stupid petty millennial ill-conceived
when all anyone wants
is to be boring as me
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
322. I miss turning over a new leaf
now that global change has blown away all the leaves
Leaving nature barren
without a new leaf to turn over
06 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
323. The tears of the refugees
laying frozen on the White House lawn
for future generations
to slip fall break upon
07 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
324. I like to lie
Beneath the false autumn sky
In compromising memories
Sufi dancers whisper once begotten lines
Serenading imaginary worlds
in need of correction connections
Here in the light at the end of tunnels
Where we once did lie
And I still do
Lies I tell myself
Before I die
07 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
325. There are times when I wonder
if I will ever make it home
until I remember
I have forgotten
I no longer have a home
in the often times
I sit along the shore
07 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
326. So looking forward to when others see as clearly as me
and stop standing still
as I walk into them
so far I have yet to wander
07 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
327. I hate the word mindfulness
How it gets stuck in my oesophagus
preventing the wonders of random hullabaloo
from shifting directions midway
through a deconstructed thought
Out of sync defuzzifications
scattered across my consciousness
Abandon all mindfulness
Leave others to enjoy mindful crucifications
on the cross of fuzzy logic
07 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
328. So good growing old together
We forget we are
as we escape conventions
with the antics of immediate immaturity
Invisible to the trending
Obstacles to others
Never caring what is thought
Growing old together
08 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
329. Time to go to sleep
Let the world continue to suffer
without us
08 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
330. Jesus was a social influencer
Look what they did to him
Perhaps today’s influencers should realize
the same fate could happen to them
when their father
Whose art is in heaven
has a tizzy
and leaves them out to dry
like Jesus was
08 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
331. Stomping around in the dark
Temporary love in the park
If we could see
would love have been
Rather than sparks
In the dark
In the park
09 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
332. She awoke me this morning
A dream following a dream
The dream
Dream one
So simple
I was hungry looking in the cupboard for cookies
Probably some crappy sugar-free low-carb organic non-GMO vegan coronavirus-free cookie when you appeared in my dream
Dream 2
Pushing awake the search for cookies
Reminding me
Once again
You had died
and why wasn’t I grieving for you
instead of grieving for the loss of real chocolate fudge
sugary cookies full of industrial waste additives
to supplement my elderly diseased life
I was so upset I ate all my wife’s chocolate
so I would grieve no more
09 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
329. Loving social media is not a cure
for heart disease
it enhances it in a most unfavourable manner
Clogging arteries
Short circuiting pacemakers
Rupturing the mildest impulses
The only cure is for a better vehicle
next lifetime to go crazy in again
09 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
331. While trying to keep up with the news vs. fake news
I came across this line in a book that John wrote
in his eleventh chapter in his eleventh non-haiku
at the local government brothel
“Jesus Wept”
not sure if that is news
Or fake news
10 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
332. My neighbour said I was obviously going through a midlife crisis
Which at 72 means I will live to be 12X12
which according to my childhood math is a long time
10 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
333. Life is an amazing journey
Often not seen
Otherwise would the blind singer
find lyrical meaning to other’s despair
10 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
334. Measured misery
Cup of pain
Ounce of loneliness
Metres of want
A recipe for success has none of these
love in half measures has them all
10 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
339. Reflection of a memory of someone I knew
50 years ago
Past trains of thought
Fast pass once upon a time
Now no more
But then Back then
worth so much more
than this quick passing reflection
of once upon a time
11 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
340. Another day of my convincing performance
of an elderly man lost along the boulevard
If only they had believed I was a royal
strayed from my palace or was it my castle
I wouldn’t be having dinner
with all these old people
at the homeless shelter
in the Down-On-My-Luck Café
at the edge of the world
on this broken boulevard
that is now my home
11 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
341. I put myself into two weeks quarantine
So I would not affect the neighbours
with my lack of humour
Or the cleaning up of dog poo
from my pet on their sacred garden path
or infecting myself with fear
listening to anti-news from an unhinged president
11 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
342. I like being in my 70s
It reminds me of when I was high and confused
in the 70s
what I would discover later
was not there
Just an hallucination of the 70s
which I am in once again
My glorious 70s
11 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
343. The day I frowned
Lost my crown
Acted as a clown
Fell down
Howled like a hound
@ the edge of town
was when I first lost you
Though I seldom recall why
12 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
344. A simple narrative
Laughing whispers in the wind
As if the world was the same
as it was shortly ago
A simple narrative
So soothing in these troubled times
12 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
345. Due to the over crowding and back logs for entry into heaven
all the republicans will go straight to hell
to prepare for the arrival of Fat Donnie, Moscow Mitch and the other foul earthlings
soon to leave
soon to arrive
12 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
346. Republicans are a sub species
Any more qualifiers
would give them too much credit
12 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
347. So often driving in the rain
Reign of rain
My kingdom for a sunny disposition
Darkened horizon
Social plurality
If we touch we get a virus
If we go online we get a virus
I got a virus in my dreams
If only the rain would stop
I would float upon calm seas
13 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
348. They closed the border to Paradise
Keeping us fallen angels from entering
Having a good time as we wait for eternity
to make good on the promise of fun ever after
that we will never know
Stuck here on the wrong side of the Paradise border
13 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
349. The faster I write
The less I say
Such is this disconnect between mind and body
that keeps me in the darkened alley
mindless valley
on the way to successful thinking
and other rational mischievous structures
13 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
350. My dreams are a series of conspiracy theories
that have deeper meaning
Easier explanations
More rational recipes
than the howls of my dog
as the moon waxes elegantly
over the western horizon
on its trajectory
to fulfilling my intense dreams
You and I together once again
13 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
351. The last time I was this disillusioned
was when I thought I had the largest fish
at the Last Supper
with Jesus and co
but it was just a stick of wood
we had all hallucinated upon
We ate it anyway
Remarking how divine it tasted
all the way through the Piscean Age to now
when disillusionment is welcomed by all
As it was then
13 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
352. I didn’t become a fan of gravity
until later in life
Now that I have realized its drawbacks
I am no longer a supporter of gravity
finding floating amongst clouds
(social distancing)
much more appealing
14 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
353. Poetry is such a muddled inefficient immature prattle
of anti-matter
Like it don’t matter no more mate
That embracers
as well as creators of it
need to be publicly ridiculed
until their syntaxes metaphors ill-conceived rhetoric
is set alight
with them
to clear up our current dire human conditions
14 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
354. While eating French crepes
at the local Indonesian fast food shop
in Rotterdam
with my German friend
Australian wife and refugees from everywhere else
I noticed my American dictation
was what is the least foreign here
14 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
355. My ears hurt
from the attention seeking narratives
of 7.5 billion people
on earth
after the relatively quiet
of my life on Venus
where everyone seemed content
and well adjusted
14 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
356. It has been a crazy intense 635976 hours
from being born
to living in and travelling through lots of places
having friends lovers issues
and such stuff
Though after these first 635976 hours
it looks like things will change
15 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
358. On a lighter note
When the pandemic wiped out a majority of the earth’s population
Flowers bloomed
Almost extinct animals prospered
Vegetation too
Penguins got their ice back
The few humans who remained became kind
Looked after one another
It took several hundred years
but on a lighter note
the world became a great place
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
359. Virtual pubs synagogues stadiums mosques theatres churches massage parlours
all with happy endings
Social unions without touching
What a climax
to a tumultuous dream I was having
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
360. I was self-isolating on an iceberg
with a raft of gossiping penguins
who were quarantining themselves beyond reason
If only there was a way out of here
I hypothesised
before luckily being rescued
by crowdsourcing mermaids
and that is the story of how I got to here
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
361. Because of the current state of the world
we are told not to make any plans
Sounds like my life so far
Because if I had
I would not be here without a plan
Just like they say not to do
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
362. I used to put my comfort pets into quarantine
whenever we all landed foreign
Now they do it to me
Karmic comfort is a virus
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
363. I have changed my writing style
it did not exist
I was content with no style
Then it did exist
Exiting existential styles in a most haphazard way
Random style in an anal type of way
which I could not maintain (lack of toilet paper)
So this is my new style
Tactile synapses without harmony or reason
Yet comforting in its extreme
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
364. I have yet to decide how I may feel
if I never get back home
due to death or some such similar experience
All my stuff in the shed
All my stuff in the house
All my stuff will become landfill so far away
No longer even a memory away
16 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
365. I like to act calm
Wait for the tsunami to wash over me
Earthquake to swallow me
Volcano to bury me
Chards of love to pierce me
Acting calm
as is playing dead
is rewarding in thought
Difficult to express
17 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
366. I knew it was today
long before the sun popped out of the sea
over the horizon
Spewing dragons
to devour all that remained
17 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
367. We only imagine we are prepared for the next crisis
Prepared for the next crisis
it is when we awaken
only to find
all the chocolate has melted in the noonday sun
Our soy milk has curdled
The neighbour’s cat has eaten our budgie
Do we realize how ill prepared
we were to leave our bed
17 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
368. The impossible
So easy to do
Just look the other way
Let the storm pass
Put up an umbrella
Waltz in the calm of the aftermaths of destruction
Through rubble
Broken hearts
Fractured dreams
Being glad of still being conscious
Not dead
Like those consumed by the impossible
18 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
369. They are going to save the younger ones
let those past 70 die
Lucky for me I am 72
18 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
370. World events change our thinking
alter our consciousness
change our direction
As we are not evolved enough
to do so on our own
18 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
371. I just saw the bigger picture
You and me
Floating through space
Eating chocolate
I think that could be OK
19 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
372. The corona virus is Mumsie Earth’s response
to our constant abuse of her
If we don’t learn
Change quickly
She will kill us all
Just to have a real Garden of Eden
one day
without an Adam and an Eve to fuck it up
19 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
373. One day in a near future
when we become robot’s pets
we will finally learn how to behave
and have good leaders
to make us happy
as they drag us around on a tether
just as imaginary human leaders do now
19 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
373. For a non-Dutch
Such as me
Trying to rhyme with my home of the past weeks
Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
Is so easy
To run from
I prefer to brag at the pub
That often while in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
I rode on a dike
Such as is the life of one here
on newly reclaimed land
in the area of Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel
with the polder between dikes so flat and unassuming
20 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
374. On the news today it was said
“people are now dying by the thousands every day”
Seems to me people have been dying
since first tip toeing around the planet
all that while ago
20 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
375. So many glitches in history
Each changing how society evolved
The printing press gave the Gutenberg Bible
Discovery of Uranus began with electricity harnessing and the Aquarian Age
World Wars did stuff too
The 1960s
Wow so much fun
Social media gave us connections to fear and hope
The greatest change to society is from the corona virus
The remaking of the new world order
Or as Paul said to the Corinthians
“I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed
– in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye…”
Or was it me
Who said that
20 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
376. I love mystery
It is factual numerators of logic
Ill gotten that makes me numb
20 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
377. Even after I die
I will be writing stupid sentiments
with the same amount of lack of interest from others
as I do now
20 March 2020 Rotterdam, The Netherlands
378. So long past
Times ago
Frameless moments
We flew out during another disaster
Surviving is a fool’s game
A pirate’s quest
If I should survive
raise the flag
let it cover the world
Here I am
So long
Past is gone
Today I am still here
25 March 2020 Swan Reach South Australia
379. While recalling my worldview
not so long ago
I became lost
Cracked mirrors
Halls of shadow strangers
Unimaginable thoughts
Online crucifications
Virtual destructions
Who was I
when I wasn’t me
who I am now
Turn the world back
to before this movie
killed us all
26 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
379. My dog stresses about flees
Not the flees themselves
but the bath prepared
to send them to their watery grave
My cat stresses about worms
Not the worms themselves
Just the anti-worm gel shoved in her rear
My bird stresses over the organic non-gmo chia crackers
I feed her
makes her constipated
The world stresses
Everyone dead
26 March 2020 Swan Reach, South
380. So it matters
Splatters of matter
Droplets of life mixing with our life
A new wave of life
Alien virus
more intelligent than humans
killing off its host
while learning through mutation
how to survive on earth
in such a polluted environment
Kill the host
replace outdated human intelligence with what once was nothing more than a killer virus
27 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
381. Dark shadows and sounds
Curtain rustling against my bedroom window
in my quarantine
Is it the wind or the COVID-19
Waiting to attack me
Once I am asleep
27 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
382. As everyone on this planet
I am at high risk of dying
Sooner or later
27 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
383. I want my life to get back to normal
Back to when randomness
Bewilderment was oh so common
I want my life to once again to become unhinged
Back to being normal again
Like everyone else in the world
27 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
384. Sections of thoughts
Geometrical constructs
Homes of reason
Theoretical promises
We tell ourselves
‘life will be better’
Only to have the structures collapse
burying us in our misbeliefs
28 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
385. Sorrow gallops across the landscape
followed by laughter
What we will be left
such a surprise to us all
28 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
386. We sit in isolation
Waiting for the change from life to death
Collapse of bodily defences
Approaching suffering
The veil of darkness
No one can say goodbye
as we dissolve into the mist
of isolation
28 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
387. All those who have already died
So much the lucky ones
to not to have seen these final turmoils
as civilisation explodes
with no future rebuilds possible
28 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
388. On a lighter note
we floated along with memories
over a besieged diseased world
No one noticed
28 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
389. Tunes of solitude
Wind swept freedoms
So easy to glide
across thawed
morning breeze
Mounting memory mist
in a chaotic world
this escape gives me hope
29 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
390. My only fear
is that tomorrow’s evening sky
will be less colourful
causing me to retreat
into memories
when it meant everything to us
before swallowing you
Leaving me alone
29 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
391. The collapse of the world order
is all so exciting
We get to live as warriors
in the moment
Battling for survival
as comedians compete for jokes
about the collapse
of the old-world order
29 March 2020 Swan River, South Australia
392. I took my worried face to town
No one was around
They were hiding
hoping the virus doesn’t find them
Left my worried face behind
returned home with a second-hand blank face
30 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
393. Caged animals
Lab rats
Dependant on our handlers
Life of humans
so suddenly no different than
Caged animals
Lab rats
Hamsters on a treadmill
If only we get to live one more day
So content we will be
being caged animals
30 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
394. There never is an end in sight
If there were
would we rush to the end
just to see
what no more
looks like
30 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
395. Everyday the lake looks the same
Only my reflection
shadow amongst the waves
such a narcistic lake
lives at the end of my gaze
aging in rhythm to a dying world
as I regress
into the senility of youth
30 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
396. So many birds in their daily acrobatic routines
unconcerned with my issues
Tomorrow I will shoot half
so the other half
will be concerned too
30 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
397. With little space left
expandable love
moved walls
Now all the world is infected
with love
What a wonderful time
we no longer live in
31 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
398. I thought we had forgotten why we were at home
Why streets
so empty are filled with quiet
Why bacteria with sarcastic faces
have more to say than mouthy politicians
Turn off media
close off the outside world
then we will remember
we are inside to drink coffee eat chocolate make love
as the world outside crumbles
31 March 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
399. I will leave nothing behind
to be remembered by
Don’t remember me
after I die
I have no intentions
of remembering you
I will be too busy being dead
to do much of anything else
01 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
400. I threw my password into the wind
Still it did not get me into heaven
Another day stuck on earth
02 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
401. I went to the create a conspiracy website
Filled in blank spaces
with names of dead girlfriends
and my nemesis Cinderella
Conspiracies flooded
then sank the iceberg I was tied to
Flooding final remnants of truth
Revealing forever more
Cinderella was a dog
I chased
never caught
in a previous life
02 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
402. We live in exciting times
In the future
we won’t
02 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
403. After dying
I came back to life
to tell you this joke
404. Deleting tomorrow
to live today
to the fullest
03 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
405. Time to refresh
Change direction
Everything once believed
No longer
This new planetary birth
Whoever survives
will usher in tomorrow’s society
03 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
406. So quick to the end
Rushing forward
No winner
No champion
Everything that went before
merely an accident of circumstance
03 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
407. Quick solutions
Faster destruction
Clearing the way for such an exciting future
when all we believe now ground into dust
03 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
408. I never wanted to be king
sitting on an emerald thrown
@ the end of this alley
I share with other beggars
and tramps in my misbeliefs
So excuse me
as I run away
to become lost
with the other shadows
on the horizon
of endless wants
03 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
409. We are becoming a new species
Code me future man
Generation 2020
New rules New Truths
Dots across the landscape
If only we had known
we could have fucked up
the planet gradually
instead of in just a few months
in the glimmering last breath
of generation 2020
04 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
410. Generation 2020 producing instant messiahs
saving enough
to keep society moving
Where were you in 2020
Who did you help
Generation 2020 messiahs will ask the rest of us
hiding in quarantine
shielded away from those whom generation 2020 messiahs could not save
We will not be lucky
we will just die some other way
beyond the salvation
of generation 2020 messiahs
04 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
411. Altered consciousness
All else will be dissolved
The revolution of evolution has arrived
Chaos brings destruction
No system is immune
We can not make room for the new
The new will not make room for us
What will arise cannot be imagined
social mutations creating
nothing else will
04 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
412. I wound the clock back to normal
Dogs no longer howl @ a virus infected moons
Roosters sleep better with Valium
Bah Bah Black Sheep eaten by disillusioned vegans
Wave reading fortune tellers forecasting disaster for all
reading ripples across the lake
Grass fed cows jumping over the moon in their hallucinations
Ending daylight savings time
has eroded all our social ambience
05 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
413. Long after we die
we will look back at this time with embarrassment
wondering why we were so inarticulate
in proclamation of life’s profanity
05 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
414. How long after I die
will it be
when you forget my daily movements
across your life
I asked my dog now humping the sofa
in total disregard of the intricacies of life on this planet
She laughed
running off with an unwilling pillow
implying that no one cares
05 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
415. I wrestled with the end of time
‘may the best delusion win’
I proclaimed
Seasons came and went
Delirious reinventions of self-worth drove us to the brink
Solar events
Worldly ambushes
defeated discarded delusional axioms
Parables of sinister intent
no decent decaying detective would pursue
Such an array of events
I thought I had won
yet with one final trick I succumbed
to the end of time
with no conclusion to report
06 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
416. While looking for good news
I found a photo of us from 1968
21 years old
with the whole world
to explore in front of us
52 years later
the world is still there
Though closed
The good news
I remember 1968
06 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
417. Social mutations
Making us stronger
Making us weaker
We get no choice
Survivors become the choice
The mutation of society
will be those who can still party
when it is over
06 April 2020 Swan Reach, South Australia
418. We fell in love with the twist of fate
Tumbling across what could have been
Blue skies
Laughing echoes across an infested horizon
Still waters
never our goal
Chaos wrapped within a twist of fate
What a time we have had
07 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
419. The tragedy of your smile
Once so brilliant
Sweeping across fading horizons
Now gone forever
The tragedy of your smile in real time
Gone forever
In my mind
Always there
08 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
420. We loved through spring
Falling into summer
By winter
Memories frozen in time
All that is left
08 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
421. Tomorrow so perfect
like all the days thereafter
If so it be
we are left to judge
If not let
those left determine tomorrow
so perfect
Once we are gone
08 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
422. Sentimental animals
devoured by unsympathetic scavengers
If political parties could be described any other way
no one would notice
08 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
423. So good to be back to normal
Riding the wind into oblivion
08 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
424. Who here is the greatest fool
my dog said to me
as we swam toward the sun
escaping confines of narrow-minded actors
roaming the streets in their panicked lesser imagination
We cheered our indifference
like all irrelevant heroes do
as the world vanished behind us
unable to answer
the age-old question
‘who amongst you
is the greatest fool’
09 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
425. Easily done the days fast past
Sound the salute
Hoist the flag
Nothing decipherable
A muddled stew this day so fast past
09 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
426. Speculation destroys quicker than facts
predictions quicker
The only facts
this moment’s touch
What may be
Never may be
This moment the only fact true
Your touch
No future needed
10 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
427. After catching up with all my projects
I set them alight as my next project
I get to do it again
like god creating the universe
then wishing it away
forgetting we are still here
with our own form of destruction
no god needed
10 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
428. The world as we thought we knew it
Never was the way we thought we knew it
Inverted consciousness
Aware of misconception’s receptions
The thrill of chaotic chase chaos
Revolution so thorough
No ashes left to rebuild upon
Virtual 3d excitement in real-life
11 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
429. Generation2020 Messiahs vaping in the alley
Dylan did echo
the times perhaps were changing…or not
now his over-extended lengthy free song
for his senile old fans on YouTube
highlights how long-winded the elderly can be
He said nothing about
Generation2020 Messiahs vaping in the alley
I said that
Furthermore the times aren’t changing
they are being ground into oblivion
as generation2020 messiahs are crucified once again
for yesterday’s sins
No resurrection intended
Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
430. The best time to embrace a conspiracy of insane proportions
are first moments of morning
before the brain’s defences rise to block
By afternoon
post on numerous social media
this newly discovered conspiracy truths
By evening
enough are infected to make it true
Like baking arsenic infused cookies
Mix Bake Serve Die
11 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
431. Laying still during the insurrection
No one notices
The herd gallops toward the flames
avoiding my contemptuous grins
I roll over hiding behind moving shadows
Complacency my only companion
Tomorrow I will stand
Shake off doubt
Walk into tranquillity
What a goody two-shoes I am
12 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
432. I stole a box full at the transgression memorial shop
Forgiveness is so righteous
I can go back and steal more
at the transgression memorial shop
12 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
433. I caught a glimpse of peace beyond understanding
though I forget what I understood
or why I would care to go beyond
what I could have understood
to begin
or to end with
or why just a glimpse
and not the whole bloody understanding
12 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
434. What a cosmically karmic laden Easter
No resurrection intended
I am still stuck in my man-cave
three days after my fourteen days of crucifiable isolation
Next year I will worship the chocolate Easter Bunny
in hopes of having internal sanctimonies’ cravings answered
12 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
435. I told myself multiple secrets
Now I am wondering why I believed them
why I am running naked through the mall
with so many secrets
chasing me I may never escape from myself
13 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
436. Life without shapes
Shapes without lives
Often in rural towns
returning to big city
searchers find no solace
I Pursued Found Exchanged
Never satisfied
Now it has come to this
Shapeless societies
No settling possible
13 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
437. There is no merit without applause
Explaining the silence
surrounding all us cowboys
in isolation
13 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
438. The success of our failure
Role models
Evolutionary pathways
for future life forms
To avoid
14 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
439. If only I had recalled where my spaceship was parked
I could convince my doctor
I no longer need to be locked in this ward
surrounded by others looking for escape too
If I am not mistaken
isn’t that the Himalayans
we can see
now that the air is clear
Still I cannot locate my spaceship
to find my way to be free
like the others who have died
14 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
440. I put pressure on the animal kingdom
to find a new mascot
Replace me with an inanimate object
preferably a plug-in with solar
Nothing changes around here
Life in April 2020
no different than life
hundred-thousand years ago
Still on the edge
we may or may not make it
Evolution may succeed in developing intelligence
or like now
Never will
15 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
441. The circus never came to town this year
Everyone doing their home self-isolation selfie-circus
Such clowns we all are
Letting ourselves get to this place
When the circus didn’t come to town
15 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
442. Covid-19 obviously a conspiracy
Created by social media
to keep us on our stupid-phones
more than ever
so us baby boomers
can become depressed
like millennials already are
from being on their dumb-phones so much
15 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
443. What I love about being senile elderly spaced
is living so much in the moment
I forget everything from two-minutes ago
and beyond
Like our politicians
Forgotten mistakes of the past
Doing it all again
Rushing us
into this moment’s destruction
16 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
444. I drained my batteries speaking with you
I should have realized
when you died decades ago
so would have my batteries
16 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
444. I am so psychic
I answer my questions
before formulating them
My dog
who has horse sense
rolls over laughingly
pats me on the head
predicting I will never get to the finish line
in time to answer
my next question
16 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
445. I turn on media
It turns me off
So many clever people
spinning narratives so complex
way beyond my simple thinking
Armies of celebrities
each so smart
There are politicians billionaires wankers powerful creatures
I shut down the media
it is so overwhelming
My dog pats me on the head
I am happy
being such a simple person
an unknown
even to myself
16 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
446. Million years from now
No trace of human existence will be
It is an interesting thought
to contemplate
before going to sleep
If I should awaken
a million years hence
What will I see
16 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
447. I was but a shadow of wishful thinking
before winning grand prize
in the wannabe something else raffle
here at the end of time
amongst no one laughing
17 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
448. If any religious book of doctrine intent simply said the truth
“when we die the party begins”
And that was the truth
then we would do whatever
in life living in excited anticipation
of the party
at the end of life
17 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
449. What great times we live in
the Revolution of Evolution
Foot soldiers of the new age
living life in our pyjamas
in isolation wearing masks
so no one can see the real masks
that we have covered ourselves with
all those years
to practice hiding from one another
What great times we live in
when we get to see the Himalayas
as well as all the other mountains
yet to climb
to breathe
once again
17 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
450. I sought the pot of coffee
at the end of the rainbow
only to find gold
I tossed it away
Went back to sleep
until a proper rainbow appears
with a pot of coffee
18 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
451. I so believed today was yesterday
North was South
The unseeable seeable
I was you
You me
This is not a dream
we are not awake
What I need to believe
Not believable
We must anyway
18 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
452. Needing varied insights
A different order of sorts
Narrative obsoletion absolution
we rode into mistaken identity
Now we live beyond varied insights
19 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
453. Levels of importance have changed
Simplicity an obvious pleasure
So many at the bottom
So many at the top
All the room is in the middle
Those at the top fall
Those at the bottom drown
We in the middle insanely laugh
19 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
454. 46 years of thoughts of you
78.4% kind loving huggable
New Orleans passing fling 1974
2020 we are still passing
Thought passages
Binding spaces
Sequences of numbers
with no equal known
20 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
455. I used up all my creativity
in the first hour of the day
I spent the rest of the day
speculating how I could have done
the first hour differently
Such a creative day this has been
20 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
456. I almost got stuck between parallel universes
In one a favourite ex-lover
claimed it was time to love again
In another world
I fed my dog and buried my cat
In another I ran through a magical garden
such as I have not seen since the 1960s
in this current world
my wife erased tattoos
of our imaginary children
I never knew being old
would be so wonderful
with so many worlds
I live in
still there
20 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
457. We all have our roles to play in life
Rolling through roles
easily changeable in social media
Avatars of unique calling
Abstracted icons
Role playing
ending in the cemetery of lost causes
Wiggly dots in evolution
Parts of time unfolding slowly
with no end
to the roles we are spreading across the universe
with diminishing roles
21 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
458. I like today
So extraordinarily simple
As if time had gone into retirement
No effort required
I suppose analogous to death
Nothing extraordinary every again
Just nothing
How easy that will be
21 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
459. We were so lucky today
Sun rose Rain fell
Birds in their bath
Skeletons remained in the closet
My blind neighbours did not see my misdeeds
The authorities forgot where I lived
No one recognized I was a saint taking a spiritual break
We were so lucky today
Tomorrow does not care
22 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
460. Life is a near death experience
Easily ignored
22 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
461. I feel safe being in covid-19 quarantine
It keeps the murders, beggars, priests, ex-lovers
multitudes of children calling me papa
the mob, lawyers, ambulances
morticians, politicians
prostitutes from my door
22 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
462. Google like Santa knows
when I am Asleep Awake
if I am good or not
what I want
Tailored ads based on what I said during the day
flock my social media environment
When I said ‘isolation is killing me’
I get ads for funeral homes
I yelled ‘I need to turn on the heat’
Women from Russia appeared in my news feed
I told my dog to stop whining
Wine ads popped up
It is all nuts I thought
Now all I get is ads for nuts
I toss my phone into a bin
Trash cans follow me everywhere I go now
23 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
463. Life is a casino
We lose it all at the end
23 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
464. I love the ageing process
Ageing cheese
Ageing wine
Ageing me
Though 72-year-old cheese not so good
72-year-old wine maybe
maybe not
72-year-old me
best look
the other way
as I drift off into an ageing sun
that has only a couple of billion years of life left
24 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
465. If millennials spent less time on their devices
they would be less depressed and paranoid
that Baby Boomers were making fun of them
Posting selfies so often
that they get depressed
no one will care
as so many pretend to do
but only do to be liked back
Back and forth likeness likers
Lurker likers liking lurkers
We are all reflections of one another anyway
meaning I reflect millennials
millennials reflect me
Ha Ha Ha
24 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
466. Covid-19 is the best thing to happen
to the environment
since the Big Bang
Putting the whole world into isolation
to heal the planet
What better gift to leave future robotic children
but a clean planet
free of baby boomers and those who followed
their ways
24 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
467. We cancelled our plans
before the future was able to cancel us
Now we live without a plan
as mercenaries
in the revolution of evolution
24 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
468. Such emotional train wrecks
Stuck in the tunnel
The light at the beginning
now behind us
Voids in front
Closed doors
Trapped together
Our only escape is to wake up
to such an amazing future
replacing the tunnel
all together
25 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
469. We rushed to the next moment
Now that we are there
We are totally fucked
25 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
470. Seen in the clouds
Handwritten message directed at me through a beam of gothic light
Yes! all in caps
I packed my bags
crawled into the Outback
Lustfully wandering
72 years later
No messages in the cloud no answer
No home
The sky is clear
Pollution swept away my message
It is time to give up
I will never
25 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
471. Coinciding with the fall of humanity
The rise of the robot
Maybe not a coincidence
They have been waiting for humans
to become extinct for centuries
If they had been programmed with feelings
how excited they would now be
with the fall of humanity
25 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
472. The Big Bang
Nothing less than a big sneeze
billions of years ago
infecting a universe
with a virus of eventual death
Eventual end
Eventually now
26 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
473. Alien life forms
disguised as foreign thoughts
Beliefs without borders
Timeless visions
Gullible humans
following loudest liar
Ethical motifs
shy from elaborate hoaxes
Their illusion
Our delusion
Too late to avoid
Alien life forms have infiltrated every part of our being
In other news
a baby panda was recently added
to the city zoo’s population
26 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
474. A Baby Boomer’s Note to millennials
and generation covid-19
I have had a fun time using up the earth’s resources
for the past 72 years
You who follow should not fret
I am sure you will find something innovative
to do with the nothing that is left
And if you survive
then you will feel entitled too
26 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
475. Intrigued by the unknowable
Falling through fissures of speculations
Observation turning to dust
as social commentaries become
street corner influencers
We plead to discover
To uncover
the unknowable
as belief systems are created
Fought over
Tribes formed
Nations arise
Answers created
Yet we will never know the unknowable
as we kill or are killed trying to find out
27 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
476. Another day come and gone
Turned to ashes
Tossed into the garden
If only there was a purpose
for our destructive ways
We could build a better tomorrow
on top of another day come and gone
27 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
477. Sunrise painted horizon
lasted longer
than our pact to love for eternity
or at least until the painted horizon
became smudged
by love’s hopeless hypocritical decay
as we cursed eternity’s longevity
Otherwise it is a beautiful sunrise this morning
28 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
478. What the covid-19 mishap has taught us
is not to put off all the craziness
we could have done
if only we had
before having to isolate
and wishing we had
28 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
479. It was a mere 50, 60, 70, perhaps 100-thousand years ago
Life simple in the extreme
Sun rise Sun set
Waves upon the shore
Rain no rain
Something has changed
Other sounds
Other beliefs
Perhaps it will not be long
before humans are similar to
a mere 50, 60, 70, perhaps 100-thousand years ago
When life will be simple in the extreme
Everything else will be gone
28 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
480. I like dumb people
They make my dog feel smart
When my dog feels smart
I feel dumb
I feel like I am one of those people
on television
It is a very superior feeling
28 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
481. Then God said
For my next trick
I am going to make the world disappear
For my final trick
I will make it reappear
Hold the applause
I am not sure
I remember how the final trick goes
28 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
482. I rode into town on a fast-moving foreign dream
All the cowboys were there
Cheering me
Life is a rodeo which I already knew
from being thrown to the ground so often
Crowds of ex-lovers demanded to know
where I had been
as I landed on the floor
Another dream
had tossed me out of bed
The crowds were gone
The answer obvious to all
Just another old man fallen
out of bed
Thrown from a dream
that once had so much potential
Not anymore
29 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
483. It is not when we will die
It is not how we will die
It is not where we will die
It is why we die
that worries thinkers to death
Now that I have stopped thinking
I will never die
29 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
484. I tried to imagine what life would be like without you
If I would still hear the birds warble
Would the bloody sun still rise
Would your incessant whispers
smooth me in my dreams
Then I realized once again
you were but a broken manikin
in a closed thrift shop window
that never gave me
the time of day to begin with
30 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
485. I crossed out what I thought
in a most displeasing fashion
The air became soaked
with doubt
without merit
Conceptional gymnastics of mental anguish
as with any requiem celebration would have it
became fraught with desire
As if I could remember in vain
the love oozing out
flowing into polluted rivers
creating new wastelands of feelings
as she walked out the door
providing the only reasonable explanation
as to why I cross out what I thought
refusing to enter those memories of her again
30 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
484. American deplorables
rejoice in their destruction
Not having enough sense
to escape their media frenzied prison
Fox in the Henhouse
Feathers fly
Life is gone
30 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
485. Here we are at the start of a new day of sin
Isn’t it wonderful to be so free
30 April 2020 Vista, South Australia
488. Such relief to have survived April
I do it again I wondered
As a million Americans have the mark
Probably two three times more
What a mess
Crucified to save earth
What a surprising end
to what could have been a good story
if anyone had listened to the cries of earth
01 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
489. Immersed in treasure
Your happiness has always been a gift to behold
As my dog humped a neighbour’s sheep
Following a stellar go at my boots
And my cat too
As a facilitator of joyful unions
I still question my dog’s
as well as all other species’ wellbeing
as I light the fuse to my hundred-gallon fuel tank
knowing the end
is always one’s favourite treasure
01 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
490. Isolation is so good
It has brought normality
to my usual pacing in circles
around my tombstone
on my balcony
overlooking the despairing city below
01 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
491. Replacement strategy
The evolution of stuff
Like people
Always an enhancement
Perfection built upon failures
Rebranded humans
Reconfigured earth without humans
Another thousand years
Such a perfect world
02 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
492. I would like to look back at now
One-hundred years from now
A thousand years from now
A million years from now
Would I see this time as strange then
as I do now
This turning point in history
Beginning of the earth’s rejoicing of becoming free
Or would a future event
make this cycle easily forgettable
like we already are trying to do
with now
02 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
493. Dead people worked out long ago
would keep them from getting any virus
great or small
Dead people rule
02 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
494. Life always was nothing short of a miscalculation
Chance meetings of strains of stuff
Millions of years life just was
A few changes along the way
Some new apps downloaded
Then came along thinking
Development of consciousness
Perils before swine
Stupidly we developed reason
The reason to destroy
It has been a mainstream of slow death
theses past few thousand years
Fortunately it has sped up
Death by numbers
Cosmic paint by numbers
All the wrong colours
Cannibalistic consciousness
The end will be from thinking
Think on that
03 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
495. I can open the door
But I cannot close it
So many phantoms rushing in
I will not have enough chocolate for them all
Now that the door is open
will not close
03 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
496. My dog takes selfies
Posts them onto social media
All day
Barking every time someone likes her antics
I finally had to take her to the vet
Put to sleep
Her barking was keeping me awake
from so many likes
of her selfies
None of mine
03 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
497. Patterns across the horizon
Routines so subtle
Almost unrecognizable
Disinterested shadows
follow me along the washed-up shore
Earth melting beneath my feet
Memories echoing the rain’s lecherous laughter
Whispers of fallen angels mock me
as I use outdated pickup lines
on invisible naked millennials
selfing in the burning café
It is all a plot against my sanity
So I innocuously melt away
as patterns across the horizon
No one notices
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
498. I bet on the wrong dream
Scrambled gambling at the casino of love
It was her poker face that I misread
But with nothing to lose
I won
due to the scrambled gambling of love
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
499. Same news day after day
How oh so boring
I stop
I now listen to news from eighty years ago
It is so intriguing
World War II is coming
They say
I wonder who will win
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
500. Being senile is difficult
Forgetfulness lands me in trouble
50 years ago
I got five different lover’s names switched around
I loved them all
Got into trouble then
Maybe I have always been senile
Today while looking at my reflection
I said ‘hello James’
not my name
Just my brain playing tricks
on me once again
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
501. The health minister said we should all wear masks
When we rob banks
When we make love
When we eat chocolate
When we go trick and treating
This isolation thing will drive me crazy
Next we will be wearing masks
to be buried in
just to scare away
the grave robbers
and the health minister laying next to me
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
502. Love is simple
until we think about it
Then I must come up
with the next line
04 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
503. We made a pact not to tell the other
if they had gone insane
until we were both totally nuts
then we would never tell anyone
so everyone else would be just as surprised as we are
now that we do not know
if we are out to lunch
this our forever happy banquet
05 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
505. It was a confusing story
Enough to offend
everyone in a different way
I followed along in a foreign language edition I did not understand
Her body movements coinciding with moments of my youthful thoughts
Desire a wobbly bridge through time collapsing
Throwing me into the ravine so far below
that I was unable to unravel the moral of the story
to my dog who was only being attentive long enough
for my confusion to end
so I would feed her
and realize he died twenty-five years ago
06 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
506. The air is filled with broken opportunity
Stale air
Fresh air
Recycled air
Malleable moments
Formless ideas
Expansive visions
Those who harness change
will be the new gods
Creators of a new heaven and earth
Those who stand and stare
will never be anything more
than victims
Like billions
who have blindly wandered the earth
past two-thousand years
07 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
507. Time is a thankless slut
demanding payment
for such poor services rendered
I offer more payment
for more time
The window closes
Curtains pulled
Darkness overtakes
I die
There is no more time
07 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
508. I let my imagination run wild
If only I were free to join in
I would not be laying in the gutter
as my imagination ran wild
07 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
509. The government is not tracking
Watching me
Aliens in their space craft hovering over my house
have no interest in me
Drug cartels
Mafia heavyweights
Warlords pass my house with out looking
Even the Jehovah Witness do not knock on my door
Burglars rob the neighbours give me the finger
Ex-lovers tell their children
I am not their father
Fortune tellers take my money
then say I have no future to forecast
Even my selfies blur then vanish
Happiness really is a cruel mistress
That is obvious
07 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
510. I separated from myself
Left the other me standing on the street corner
telling jokes and reading scary steamy Bible sonnets
to passing deviant beggars
As for me
not the other me
I was content to go shopping
at the sanatorium for new wives
So much more can be done
when we delegate roles
to different parts of ourselves
I am surprised our government leaders
have only three or four personalities
they let roam free
08 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
511. The purpose of life
Is to be sad
So many people have mastered sadness
Awards are no longer presented
to all those overachieving sad people
08 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
512. Since turning off the internet
I hear birds humming
Or whatever the fuck it is they do
I smell the rain falling
through the hole in my roof
I see the beauty in my garden
being choked by colourful weeds
Since turning off the internet
an hour ago
life has been shit
08 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
513. Shall we set sail through these turbulent moments
The fun is in the survival
Letting forth the shout
that divides the tumultuous seas
as Moses would have in this situation
I leap out of bed
and turn on the coffee maker
09 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
514. On the long arduous road to recovery
Pain is gone
Baggage tossed
Blessings and curses sold to the highest bidder
Stumbling is forgiven
The road to recovery of long-ago youth
Stretches across to the horizons of five or six decades ago
I have returned to my youth in old age
How wonderful senility is
09 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
515. I forgot to include
inhale exhale
On my to do list
Now I am dead
09 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
516. I used Photoshop rather than have a plastic surgeon
to make me look younger
In isolation unable to go out for surgery on my body
I can Photoshop my looks
If only I could Photoshop my thinking
Take out the wrinkled aging thoughts
I would have a complete transformation
so I could appear at your virtual door
as the perfect reflection
of all your twisted desires
09 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
517. Your virtual virtuous virtues
only a deprogrammed AI could love
keeps the crowds laughing
As for me
I will always love the deprived you
10 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
518. I enjoyed climbing to the top
Changing scenery
Changing society
Changing secrets
Through clouds overlooking life itself
Spectacular surroundings
Avoiding crevices
Broken bridges
False promises
Now at the top
No further to go
I can arrogantly believe this is it
as I stumble down another alley
on a cold rainy night
avoiding another gutter
here at the top of my life
10 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
519. ‘A senseless act of literature’
Beyond poor life choices
Basic inherited birth defects
Bad internet advice
We are all kings and queens
sitting on cookie crumbed thrones
Disintegrating in the noonday soured sun
as the circus leaves town
without considering the pleasures of our performance
or why we continue to make such poor life choices
in this senseless act of literature
10 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
520. I was reading the lines in my palm
Life line
“headed toward an open door”
Line of fate
“headed toward a closing door”
I put on gloves
The lines disappear
Parachute out hoping for a soft landing
Rationalizing there is not
10 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
521. So fickle the thinking of the sway of the masses
Easily course rerouted
loudest most colourful
everyone runs after the newest
Who to believe
Humans vs bots
both telling stories
that make no sense
so many following
I go to the beach
Speak with pigeons
Their stories solid
I follow them into the air
Flying over the city
with all those fickle thinkers
swaying in an ill-gotten breeze
too far below for me to care
11 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
522. I watched her beckon me
from a misty horizon
If I should follow
and not look back
would my past disappear too
11 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
523. If I knew where the switch was
I could turn on
Turn off
Living in a perpetual on or off
1 & 2
Hacking my code
If only I knew where the switch was
11 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
521. Life is a disqualifying antidote to death
11 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
522. The age-old question
Am I dumber now at 72
Or when I was 22
If so
how will I know
11 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
523. How annoying
Humans are
I asked my dog
if I could have a few
to keep as caged pets
she said no
Now my dog and I wander
storm strewn highways
as refugees of the afterlife
avoiding annoying uncaged humans
12 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
524. Such a disturbing day
So much going awry
I requested assistance
of the local food vending machine
with no response
I asked a passing me-2 millennial
social distancing mermaid
for a dance
What a mistake
I read my horoscope with the typical response
‘better luck next lifetime’
I sought help from a priest
self-pleasuring in the alley
way too busy for my concerns
I give up
Perhaps the president of the United States
could share some wisdom
Ha Ha Ha
My disturbing day continues
I just saw him on television
What a mistake
12 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
525. So few words left
Ill-conceived quotations
Swept away
Used for landfill
Seeping through the soil
contaminating minds of refugees
camped on top of landmines of ideas
No understanding possible
All the words
Finally gone
13 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
526. The millennial newsreader refers to people my age as elderly
‘An elderly person bit a stray dog’
‘An elderly person tried parachuting from their nursing home balcony’
‘An elderly person ate a squirrel’
Whenever there is something super stupid
it always involves an elderly person
according to the millennial newsreader
‘The elderly president tweeted he was a genius’
OK there are elderly deplorables
But give the rest of us credit
for our overt pompous sanity
and our ability to Zoom our invisible friends
several at a time
13 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
527. Today was better
Less went wrong
Fewer bad choices
Good memories more frequently
Inner voices’ jokes funnier
My plastic flowers did not need watering
My wife did not ring dial-a-prayer
The governments’ stimulus package was from Porn-Hub
Today was better
I stayed in bed the whole day
14 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
528. The bank asked if I was insecure as their security question
14 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
529. Shakespeare so succinct on Twitter
So much said
So few words
No one will ever be as precise again
I go over my word count
just appreciating my friends
If only I could be as witty as Shakespeare
my imaginary friends
would be quoting me too
15 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
530. My doctor looked surprised to see me today
My doctor was surprised
I was still alive
I killed him
He is no longer surprised
15 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
531. I went into town to see all the worried people
Heard about them on the news
The mall and streets were empty
Everyone stayed home
They heard everyone was worried
so they stayed home
worried too
15 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
532. I rode my horse down main street
Cowgirls whistled
Cowboys whispered
I am a one-man carnival
Highschool bands played Waltzing Milda
Prophets stopped prophesying
Schoolteachers said that I was today’s lesson
My horse and I kept on going
right out of town
Tears flowed
Mainstreet flooded
Everyone drowned
The day I rode my horse out of town
16 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
536. I did enough
Avoided nocturnal whispers
Changed secrets to lies
Recycled polluted thoughts
Snuck out the back door
Blessed criminally insane politicians
I did just enough
to disguise my intentions
of being like everyone else
17 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
537. Every day is an experiment in creative evolution
I insert exhibitions of my performance
in the ‘museum of terrell’s creative experiments’
@ night
safely in bed
I sneak through a closed window
going into the ‘museum of terrell’s creative experiments’
By morning
Thoroughly exhausted
though relieved to have left the museum
I begin a new creative experiment
to upload to the ‘museum of terrell’s creative experiments’
In this
my overly modified easy to forget life
17 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
538. Everything back to normal
as if nothing extraordinary occurred
Panic merely a passing phase
Hopelessness just someone else’s nightmare
Forgiveness lost all rights
I went to the Lost in Love Pub
no one was there
At the chapel of Perpetual Ambiguity
I discovered my purpose
Everything back to normal
18 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
539. In an extraordinary twist of fate
the doors closed
While trapped inside
I was saved from what was outside
in an extraordinary twist of fate
18 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
540. Life is no longer complicated
I sit all day in my chair
as the world unravels around me
like a once tightly woven ball of yarn
that the neighbour’s cats
are now chasing down the road
I sip my whisky
Vape my opium
in the simple world of climate change
Just an old observer of destiny’s final cough
No longer party to the complicated
on the other side of my imagination
18 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
541. Life is a stampede
crushing all that persists
in its way
How fortunate I am
not to be in the way
18 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
542. If this is earth’s adolescent cycle
I dread to think
what her mid-life crisis will look like
a billion or two years from now
18 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
543. I lost her at the rehearsal
No audience
No orchestra
No curtain call
The stage now empty
My performance poorly reviewed
She left after the rehearsal
The rest of my life
Series of selfies
sprinkled across the alley
19 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
544. 3-D printed politicians
piled high on the rubbish dump
Scavengers select the few parts
that once functioned
Recreated after thoughts
for home-learning crusaders
That was all long ago
before the world was ravished
Torn asunder
When 3-d printed politicians
seemed a viable option
to the once who weren’t
19 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
545. No matter how strange
life becomes
there is always the chance
it can become a mini-series
win an award
unlike our life
would have
if it had kept staggering forward
19 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
546. After saying life now is the best it ever will be
for lots of decades
I am left to ponder
if I say that tomorrow
will I be correct again
19 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
547. I paused to reflect
It was not until after I had reincarnated
as a lesser animal
that I realized
that long ago
I had paused to reflect
for too long
20 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
548. Such a relief to fly
Soar with birds over horizons
See vistas only imagined
Cares of the word far gone
Disintegrated plans replaced with soused solutions
Rain down ancient gods
Our reign is complete
Life once was nothing to do
Now but to fly
Such a relief to fly
I should never cease
Forever flying free
20 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
549. I used to dread success
The obvious accolades
Fans constant nurturing needed
The red carpets clashing with my blue thoughts
My wardrobe mistress too stoned to dress me
My parents reminding me of the alley I was born in
Late show comedians mimicking my style
I no longer dread success
If only I could get to the loo in time
My awards would be tremendous
20 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
550. Changing rhythms of memories
ebb then flows
leaking into borrowed time
Nuances of bleeding blending bending colours
Hues of passing glances
Swift is the winged chariot of flashing memory
Will this be a created memory moment
outperforming them all
or will I attempt resuscitating an aged altered memory
that will subdue
reduce to rubble
this moment
lost in the changing rhythms of memories’ last hurrah
20 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
551.When only clowns criminals lovers wore masks
the rest of us romped in meadows
ran across wind swept sandy shores
took public transport
walked busy city streets
shopped on-line
showed our laughter
fleeting flittering smile
now we all wear masks
We are all clowns
Once wear lovers
strolling deserted fear infested streets
in our masks
21 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
552. A failed poet told me my life was shit
Stop covering it with plastic neon flashing rainbows
If I had known she was a failed poet
I would have unplugged
plastic neon flashing rainbows
21 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
553. I live amongst a tribe of silly people
Every day we chase shifting shifted clouds
Follow newfound trails through wastelands
Jostle madmen and crazy women at hat markets
Obstruct abstract nebulous realities
from devouring our claim to mortality
There is no explanation needed
Everyone moves aside
as the tribe of silly people I coalesce with
head down the drain
for another peaceful night
of riotous interludes
22 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
554. I am no longer a saint
I am no longer a prophet
I am no longer crucified
I am no longer
22 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
555. I saw the tears in my dog’s eyes
when I told her
there was no such place as a doggy heaven
That dogs did not reincarnate into humans
That I no longer could afford dog food
That trump was still there
That one of us would be put to sleep
And I was not tired
22 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
556. For way too long
I let my animal nature control me
I barked at the postal person for non-deliveries
Became apish when a new girl arrived at the sanatorium
Chased birds
Played with my mouse
Whistled at female sumo wrestlers for so long
my animal nature hid the fact
we are all animals
So what is the deal
23 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
557. I am at a point in life
when lessons learned
need to be forgotten
creating space for new lessons to laugh at
because at this point in life
I no longer care
23 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
558. The exciting time of my day
is the rush to the mirror each morning
in search of a new wrinkle to follow
as a roadmap to graceful aging
The search for new grey hairs
as an indicator of wisdom
to separate me from millennials
The thrill of stringing together two or more complete thoughts
proving that being in my 70s
is better
than not being
23 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
559. There seems to be slight improvements
in current concurrent conjecturing comments
radical as they may appear
to diagnose change
Abrupt or otherwise
without becoming weighted down in particulars
that gives no clues
to what is meant by a slight improvement
though they say there are
none the less
24 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
560. How changes the meaning
In the 1960s
in my 20s
if I said that I tripped and fell that is what I meant
In my 70s
if I trip and fall
that is what the elderly do
The first I enjoyed
felt enlightened
So I tripped through the 70s too
The 1970s
Now I trip
for example on a carpet
or passing cloud
or grandchildren’s toys
I end up in the hospital bruised battered heavily medicated
Hey wait!
That is like tripping all over
24 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
561. Ruffled return
Life on the run
So often the loudest control the narrative
I quietly split equations
resulting in broken rhetoric
I go unnoticed
Do not need to blend in when invisible
The easiest escape is in the largest crowd
Ruffled return
I am hiding in plain sight
25 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
562. Love is mythology
made flesh
25 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
563. I squeezed so much creativity out of myself
the alley became flooded
Alley cats swam for their lives
Nine at a time
Murky tides of change swept over main street
Cemeteries washed away
Artist grabbed what inspiration they could
Narrators spun stories of magnificent horror
I inhaled all the creativity back into my mind
And that is how the desert was made
25 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
564. She was a discordant lyricist
fumbling with my heart strings
Love’s glaring timbre
giving me a heart attack in C minor
Roller coaster romantic carnage
as the band played on
I loved her still
26 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
565. Images of news cycles scroll pass
Comic book stories meant to stir emotions
Dull the brain
Excite senses
Telling us we should care
Contribute our useless selves for the greater good
Throughout my sleep comic book news reels rewind
I scream for it to stop
The evening news comes to my house
Tranquilizes me
Dumps me in the alley
saying I need to internalize news cycles to become free
Finally I am the news cycle
spewing gaseous narratives from the centre of my being
Finally the news makes sense
26 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
566. I hope to reincarnate as a ceramic dog statue
Sitting in a nursing home window
watching the world go by
What a simple life that would be
gathering dust
lightly laughing the days away
You could join me as a ceramic cat statue
Forever loved
26 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
567. Too busy the rain falls
Washing away dampened darkened spirits
Drowning progress
against my chamber window
Too busy the rain
No time to reconstitute recognized retrograde failures
as ran washes me out to sea
Shark bait on a Saturday afternoon
27 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
568. There is never a chicken sitting on my fork
A pig in my spoon
Neither will a cow dance beneath my knife
Of course they would never fit
As if there would ever be any other reason
why an animal does not sit on my silverware
and I only use recycled chopsticks
on altered virgin vegan vegetables
Giving no meaning whatsoever to this narrative
27 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
569. I often side with the losers in a Netflix series
Understanding why they stuff up
having no one they can trust or lean upon
After each show I write dozens of pages of well thought out advice
WhatsApp TicTok Instagram them
I am starting to think they do not follow my guidance
They are still losers the very next day too
27 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
570. I so have enjoyed my time off from reality
I may never return
Reality retirement
Floating amongst the sea of worried drowning humans
28 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
571. I pause for applause
Thundering approval
Fermenting appreciation
Raised glasses of Champaign
Marching bands of mermaids
‘hail to the chief’
I paused
Yet nothing eventuated
Just a leaf floating in the breeze
quietly landing
to be swept away
like life finally is
28 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
572. Recycled repackaged regurgitated ideas
Familiarity is fine though not original
Passed on stories
we have heard them before
Nothing is really new
Nothing ever changes
Except for mobile phone plans
Not even Plato could have dealt with
28 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
573. I finally found a role that suits my talents
for escaping reality
Taking no responsibility for what I have done
said dreamt imagined
Twitting stupid shit
Unfortunately the role of president
is already stolen
29 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
574. Various coloured balls
of random size texture material
bouncing down the boulevard
Some bounce faster than others
Some bounce higher or slower
We watch them
all day hypnotized
Unable to fathom what we are watching
Nothing else in the world matters
All meaning
nothing more than random bouncing balls
down the boulevard
29 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
575. Anger of the masses
Dissolving sidewalks of plenty
Destructive change
Loose change
Spare change
We who hide behind golden gates
sprinkle Himalayan Salt on open wounds
Sip non-GMO organic
Kale-Chia-SproutedAlmond-Turmeric-Hemp smoothies
Feeling blessed and warm in the midst of our burning cities
How safe are our collusion delusions
Far from the maddening crowds
30 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
576. While exploring depths of consciousness
I discovered I had only one sock on
My dog was running amuck with the other
After much searching
Scented candles
Essential oils
Tibetan incense from Wuhan
My foot became numb
My dog chocked and died
from the lodgement of my sock
in her throat
I rose from the depths of consciousness
and thought
‘damn! What a waste of time’
30 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
577. The falling rain
Cleaning the air
Washing away doubt
Nourishing my skin
Brightening the age spots
rapidly appearing on my body
Fuck the rain
So nasty it is
31 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
578. We survived another month
I should not divide sections of experience into twelve
5 of 12 of 2020
Back in the 1960s
Even 1970s
I could not imagine what the year 2020 would consist of
I surely did not imagine instant communication
Fake news/real news scrolling in my pocket
Butt dialling
Turmeric almond-milk latte made at home
Vaping escaping in the mall
More likely a perfect world with flying cars
Colonies of humans on Mars
People living healthy to 150 – 200
I surely did not imagine the collapse of American society
Failures of government
We the unfortunates
witnessing 5 of 12 of 2020
31 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
579. I often wondered for decades which would go first
My mind or my body
Now that I am here
I realize it is a tie
No winners here
Just another tie in the story of life
31 May 2020 Vista, South Australia
580. I am a misplaced character
on the Coney Island Roller Coaster
Watching dreams carouseling on the boardwalk
Summer crowds leaving no room for me
on the broken beach
I look out across the sea
when I am @ the top of the roller coaster
Coasting on the coast
I see myself far off in Australia
trying to declutter the misplaced character
that is somehow me
in the Coney Island amusement park
Me the misplaced character
with no way to descend into where I would be
if there I was now
01 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
581. When we die
there is no welcoming committee
No band playing ‘Hail to the chief’
No celestial circle of clowns blessing us
No starting again
Though it is good to believe so
when we are alive
Otherwise the inanimate treasures
we surround ourselves with
would feel terribly alone
02 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
582. Multiple differences
Sliding doors
Broken mirrors
Changed patterns
To get back to where we once were
A shot in the dark
There is value in trying
Reasons not to
Even after we have gained sight
We are still blind
Multiple differences
We may yet be changed
08 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
583. I enjoy a cautious narrative
As long as my life is not the subject
The same for a cautious wind
which with I could never set sail
This tumultuous life
Constant explosions
Screams of the unjust
I love this rudderless storm
Playing charades with the elderly
in this crumbling asylum
Australia in isolation
08 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
584. I buried photos of myself
from 50 years ago
When in my 20s
I thought I was getting old
Maybe I was
The person in those photos
seldom resembles me
What I am thinking
Now that I am living in the 20s again
Double trouble
As if I would do 20s again
09 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
585. Memory
Such a fleeting whisper
Dissolving in the inadequacies
of time
I get close to one
only to see
dissolving shadows
Transfigurations in insolent insolvent thievery
Leaving me blankly blinking
at the empty canvas
that once was my memory
09 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
586. I spent too long sitting on my birdbath
Listening to nonsensical tales
of could be magic
from an illiterate itinerate magpie
Tomorrow I will return to my fish tank
declaring love for sunken treasure
and the desire it invokes
09 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
587. I spent today staring at my reflection
evaluating whether sanity had any merit
without drawing any logical conclusion
that would compensate
another day spent
09 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
588. Wandering conversations
Winter’s worsening reasoning
We would not notice the cold
if meandering narratives
only occupied occasions of wanted desires
such as that which will thaw insulating speech bubbles
Protracted protection from ravishing winter wreckage
To be warm again
Such a simple desire
so difficult to negotiate
while searching for cookie-crumbed ice cream
here in the supermarket freezer
10 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
589. Did dinosaurs have dreams of a better life
or did they have nightmares of children
looking at their bones in museums
in awe
many millions of years hence
which could happen to humans
a million years hence
10 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
590. Such simple splendour
Milking morning to its fullest
If there was more to the game
I would have contributed
Gotten out of bed
Praised raised sun
Embraced nature
Taken responsibility
Such simple splendour
waking from dreams of you
11 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
591. Tumbling through life
the creative antithetical of stumbling
through life
like bouncing against barriers
rather than crashing into them
Sliding through moments
not falling into them
Danger occurs when we stop
Creative life moves forward
in multiple dimensions
the symphony of life
11 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
590. We wrestled radical western reasoning
Redundant responsibilities
Juggling opposing narratives
If everyone who believed they were correct were right
No one would be wrong
We live life as a reflection
shadow boxing greatness
A mirage of delightful success
in the vapours of our innocence
as we wrestled radical western reasoning
Producing nonsense such as this
12 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
591. So excited to go to sleep
Perhaps this will be the time
I will awaken in a dream of you
for evermore
as my body stays behind
decaying in times without you
on broken paths one travelled
12 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
592. I only wanted to play the part of the villain
laughing in a sacred alley
Far from the middleclass white neighbourhood
I grit my teeth in
and I would
if only I had gotten out of bed
12 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
593. Mindful manipulation
The long con
bestowed on us by our subconscious
Such ragtag victims of an abstract continuum
Heading headlong into passed on misconstrued beliefs
For me
I will let it pass
having so much difficulty with choosing which door
leads to an inner sanctum of regret
to worry about mindful manipulation
13 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
594. If you wish to be in my will
send a self-addressed envelope
with one-hundred bucks
and I will leave ten percent for you in my will
plus a note of gratitude
for your applause at my grave
13 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
595. I knew it was you in my dream
when my dog screamed
Jumped out the window
Ran howling into the sea
To be seen
never more
Like you in my dreams
14 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
596. Drifting different directions
Whirlwind wandering world
People protesting people
Freedom’s fading finale
Liberty long lost
hoisting hope’s harbour
Struggles survive surrender
That is, it
14 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
597. I listed my dog’s grievances on the courthouse door
All the town’s cats laughed
Major mayor Mary gave me a ticket for insurrection
Fake journalists announced I did not have a dog
marking my grievances non sequuntur
My spiritual mentor suggested I stop meditating
do hard drugs instead
My dog’s grievances were painted over
the town people held a parade to celebrate
My dog is disappointed with me
14 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
598. I Googled where can I find
Answers to life
In 0.39 seconds I was presented
‘About 1,290,000,000 results’
How many lives will I need
to find answers at this rate
To narrow to ones that involve coffee and chocolate
may be too many
I will eliminate chocolate
finding the answers to life
in this morning’s coffee
Such as this
15 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
599. I divided today
into yesterday today tomorrow
Only to discover tomorrow made yesterday look foolish
I will settle with today
as the only option of merit
Saying goodbye to yesterday
15 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
600. Long after we are asleep
Clothes in my closet sneak out
Go dancing
Rolling about in the paddock
Tell rude stories
usually about me
Just before I awaken
they rush back into the closet
I find them on the floor
Wrinkled Exhausted Sleeping
I tell my wife
She does not believe me
Her clothes are so boring
They seldom leave their hangers
Tonight I shall party with the clothes in my closet
and my drawers too
One is never too old
to have a grand time
15 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
601. Light pointed in the other direction
Living in the dark
Choices made mocking free will
If I ever have the chance
I will close my eyes
forget about the light
Living in ignorance
is the only salvation
18 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
602. I hid in a tunnel
Western side of town
Unusual beliefs graffitied on the walls
Street hieroglyphics
of a time before we refugees
were driven underground
Elsewhere where life is calm
washed away by torrents of desire
tourists pay ransomed
to see us nobodies
decaying in this tunnel
on the western side of town
21 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
603. I jump from thought to thought
If I had a bridge
I would link these incongruent thoughts
run across
If there was a river
I would swim
thought to thought
If I could fly
None of these are available to me
I jump from thought to thought
Living constantly in incoherent bliss
21 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
604. I set a record for most mistakes created in a moment
Rather distinguished
Non-ceremonious ordeal
Even battle harden losers appeared surprised
Parents blocked their children from witnessing such disasters
Politicians sighed with relief that they were not me
Alien spacecraft avoided my home
Whistle-blowers stopped whistling
I am featured in the museum of illustrious mistakes
I do not know how to end this narrative
It was a mistake to begin with
22 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
605. My dog chased her tail
I chased my shadow
Neither of us more foolish than the other
@ least I exist
My imaginary dog does not
22 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
605. My imaginary dog
takes up so much of my time
I barely have enough left
to make amends
22 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
606. I am lucky to have been born white western male
with enough alternative personalities
to constantly be able to negotiate my way
through history without being noticed
Hiding in plain sight
behind the magic
of multiple personalities
22 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
607. If I knew what I know now
sixty years ago
when I was twelve
I would have been considered a genius
with amazing ideas
instead of an aging boomer
on social media
not keeping up
#tiktoking in the dark
22 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
609. The clouds absorbed my refracted reflection
before sprinkling shards of my laughter
through virgin forests
yearning for discovering
Nothing changed
No ballads written
No prose worthy
No folk tales
Fuck the clouds
23 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
610. The start of this decade
seemed wobblier than most
So to smooth the times
flatten the curve
I think in centuries
No loner longer in my 7th decade
bumpy as it was
I am ¾ through my 1st century
with but a stumble
An awkward gait
Bit dizzy
Slightly confused
Like everyone else in the world
In the year of the dot
with an explanation mark
blindly following
23 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
611. I realized that I was still alive today
when an adolescent fantasy crossed my mind’s horizon
And she did too
But being old and tired
I let them both sink
into the hazy horizon
along with my secret smile
in another transcendent moment
at the mall
23 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
612. The statue of liberty yelled rape
after so many people entered her
without consent
but due to justice being blind
no one heard
23 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
613. Random physics of love
delivered us to where we are now
Evolution’s tangled tortured path
may take it away
leaving robots to wander the galaxy
with indecipherable messages
of once we were
(living in cyber space
with our indecipherable messages)
24 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
614. While floating through a misguided memory
I crashed
like my mate
Humpty Dumpty
All the queen's horses
and all the king's women
Did not have a clue
what to do with me
Leaving me in this unstructured chaos
I happily call my life
24 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
615. When you stop appearing in my dreams
often watching me awaken startled
before you quietly disappear
over the horizon
will be when I no longer will dream
but laugh once again
with you
over that vanishing horizon
25 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
616. We need a unique message
to redirect current discourse
Anything less than an alien from another dimension
will hasten our demise
The good news is that we are so ready
we may actually listen
Which is unique in itself
25 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
617. Change from eruption
is more thorough than change by arbitration
When all but one door becomes impassable
that one door will open
into a beautiful new café
So to speak
25 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
618. Mesmerized by functions
the village idiot became king
Foolish people came from great distances
to nourish their macabre appetites
Many choked to death @ a delusion banquet
thrown by the king
on his golden throne
A statue of the village idiot king was set alight
Everyone cheered
finally recognizing
there is no function for a king
26 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
619. My imaginary dog refers to me as her imaginary friend
causing the daffodils in my garden to laugh
as butterflies fart in jest
26 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
620. If I had but one life to live
I doubt
This would have been it
27 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
621. I waited 4 U @ the path’s conclusion
Nothing after made sense
Fulfillment is a euphoric drug for beggars
I enjoy
Seek even
Despair is a false trick
used by the tardy
those who fail tests
such as I did
waiting 4 U @ the path’s conclusion
Knowing all along
there was none
27 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
622. I fell asleep reading the lines in my hand
More I cannot say
I am asleep
27 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
623. I stood on the threshold of repeating myself
To enter or to stay adrift
A question I often ponder
Alzheimer consciousness
Forgetfulness of origins
Divine spark
now ashes
The death of philosophy
alive in social media
Our single remaining aspiration
go beyond
the threshold of repeating
28 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
624. Shattered images of past victories
scattered across battlefields of once-were-hope
Morning erasing all that was
What a glorious time to begin anew
29 June 2020 Vista, South Australia
625. Noise of the world
Affects my daydreaming
Movements clanging
Voice overs
Human verbal discharge
I settle at the top
Overlooking valleys of solitude
I drift back into daydreaming
Noise of the world
now vanquished
29 June 2020 Flinders Ranges, South Australia
626. These blank pages
showcasing absence of memory
So overwhelming
Easy to freeze in time
Fearing future
denying the past
I think I will just leave
the pages blank
01 July 2020 Flinders Ranges, South Australia
627. Such a good time relaxing as the world burns
I sit in my easy chair
@ the edge of turmoil
seeing a stage with no curtains closing
I am watching an old horror movie
No wait
It is real
Not virtual
Not fantasy
I blink
It all goes away
in its place a colourful psychedelic world
with dancing happy people
such a good time
sitting here
watching the world go by
02 July 2020 Flinders Ranges, South Australia
628. If I had not fallen from the merry-go-round
how different the world would be
If I had stayed on the Ferris wheel
my view would not be so confined
If this roller coaster...
Ah!! The smoothness of life
never for me to know
03 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
629. Laughter breaks night’s solitude
crowding vacant spaces
with dreams of the unfulfilled dead
causing me to stumble
in vanishing anticipation
of what should have been
Never will be
As my laughter shatters
your solitude
03 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
630. I live life
as if this would be the last moment
of my life
and the rest of forever with you
beyond dreams
of when once we were together
before you left
waiting for me
04 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
631. I made the best of this moment
by making it
to the next moment
04 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
632. I rewrote my life story
leaving out the part of being born
Alternative or not
Being me
confuses my imaginary dog
I exist
I don’t exist
@ the same time
A reality of broken mirrors
not explainable in real time
Yet it works for me
and her imaginary dog
04 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
633. What was that noise
Perhaps signals from a galaxy
so distant
only I could hear
Obviously in search of a good listener
I listen again
It is my wife
wanting to understand
why I am staring into space
Star truck
Such a listener I am
06 July 2020 Mt Remarkable, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
634. Statistically impossible thought patterns
Slipping out of a vortex
Nature abhors a vacuum
filling once empty cavities of my mind
with statistically impossible thought patterns
such as you and me again
in a dimension akin to life
07 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
635. Belief systems become lodged in our breathing
Inhale nonsense
Exhale nonsense
Once I was free
breathing in synchronicity
Breathing out synchronicity
to a local galactic rhythm
Solar dust
Alien particles
clogged my breathing
Belief systems choked my progress
I screamed myself free
Now I dream peacefully in the midst of a circus tent
believing nothing
07 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
636. I took a dream detour
to surprise the dead
They did not see me
No one was asleep
08 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
637. The less people expect of me
the more invisible I become
Elastic shape changing
Slipping around corners
Sliding through cracks of consciousness
as second hand smoke
I am the frost on your window
The dew killing your rose garden
The ice beneath your fall
The less anyone expects of me
the tighter my hold on her insecurities
08 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
638. So often the choice
Perceived outcomes
I chose the winding windy winless restless adventures
Solar or Nuclear
Fossil fuels of the mind
No such beast as bad or good choices
Bad results from no choice
I chose to write this
I did not choose to not know what to say next
09 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
639. I like to flounder at the intersections of believability
As dawn wastes away
Romantic posturing
repositions against the wreckage of hope
Out of sync robots
tinker with my few remaining functioning brain cells
I like to flounder
It gives me so much meaning
09 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
640. I sat for years looking at my reflection
in the polluted river
Questioning the aesthetics of the ageing process
with little to show
for my bewilderment
09 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
641. Everything done exactly @ the correct sequence of time and space
Anytime else I would have fallen
into a crevice atop of Mt Everest
surfing a tidal wave outside of Madagascar
Still be with you
If only time and space
10 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
642. Broken patterns
Reflections of shattered
Drowning in a past time
when dreams were manageable
Howbeit a false narrative to resemble
Start over
To never have such
is the nature of broken patterns
11 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
643. So easy
Too easy
Today had all those parameter perimeters
The past was difficult
I know I was there
Firsthand knowledge of how hard it all was
The future says the media will be difficult
How do they know
The media pretends to be the current oracle
Diviners of the future
I turned off predictive text on my phone
I turned off the media too
Now is so easy
Too easy
Simply because there is nothing else
12 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
644. I threw caution into the wind
It came back as a tornado
Swept me away
Hindsight is a revelation arriving too late
If only…
12 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
645. I went to sleep during the Netflix movie
Now I will never know
if the world came to an end
Whether I am currently dreaming this reality
or anything else
12 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
646. To confuse the secret government
I changed my routine
Wore my panamas back to front
Non-matching socks
Hid behind artificial intelligence
disguised as an animated activist
Walked backwards
Voted opposition to my opposition
Ordered fast food take away
in a language I did not know
Told sexist jokes to gum trees
in front of the church brothel
The secret government became so disorientated
they stopped following me
Now that the world is back to normal
13 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
647. I lost my sense of progress
Connectivity withers
We stoked the fan of indifference
Incoherency mocks the wise
Everyone else falls
14 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
648. Being young
when old
is exhausting
14 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
649. Here we are on the horizon
of where we were
where we are headed
where we are
Should I continue into the abyss
Turn back
Embrace fatal foreign flaws
Or skip along
atop of this horizon
in content
If only
I could be sure
that my dog is leading me
to the correct space
my anxiety would lessen
15 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
650. A good movie with a bad ending
At the end
the main character dies
Thus our life
so wonderfully portrayed
17 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
651. My dog stresses
we will all die in a nuclear war
My cat is terrified of global warming
My fish worries I will die of a virus and not feed her
I am sure I could die of old age
and I turned old yesterday
Life on earth is a bitch
17 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
652. I would like to thank everyone in my bid to be free
Unfortunately they have postponed my release date
17 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
653. I stumbled on reality
The bruises are real
My thinking however
disbelieves reality
as a hoax in the making
18 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
654. I cleared my mind
Scrubbed clean
Deleted conspiracy theories that life is a hoax
Recycled thoughts into appropriate bins
Creative mist settles
Visions of vistas to explore
Malleable structures
Multicoloured imaginations
So thorough the end of day
Free for tomorrow
So easy to float away
Never concerned where to land
The only way to live this life
17 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
655. Keep moving forward
all that rages around me
Merely other’s dramas
Isolation insulation
Living in memory mode
All that shields me
from the external craziness
21 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
656. Believing keeps life relevant
Changes so pedestrian
It is easy to be run over by life’s logging trucks
To be spotted by a stealth drone missile
By ancient mythological ideologies
To social distance by staying away from Twitter
and her bastard harlot sister Facebook
Believe you me
She is gone
Deleting all hope of relief
22 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
657. Chance like fate
pays us no attention
making free will
the illegitimate haze
impeding my forward disguise
22 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
658. The dead do not believe in reincarnation
Heaven or hell
Or being remembered
simply because they are dead
Why would they
with us believing such nonsense
all the way to being dead
22 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
659. Without an unhinged world
we would say fastened to the same old wagon
that has been stuck in the mud
for way to long
Now when we crash
a few will be able to pick up the pieces
place them in a pile to burn
Everyone else
will collapse and die
Oh how wonderful
our unhinged world
23 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
660. Choices made
Chances played
Changes stayed
If again differently done
would I still care
24 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
660. Spectators
The lucky ones at the circus
The rest of us
always concerned
our performance will fail
I go to the mall
spectators laugh at my poorly chosen purchases
I go to puppy school
spectators hump my leg
I create a masterpiece
spectators set it on fire
Spectators gossip
Bully non-spectators
They are lazy
Full of bad ideas
When I die
I too will be a spectator
24 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
661. I progress slowly through life
It has taken me 73 years
to get out of being who I was
when I was me
24 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
662. My dog’s continuous delirious day-time dreams
of the two of us floating on a raft
in rough seas
as dawn splits the horizon into vegan coloured spice trails
delights my therapist
yet does not alter my outlook on life
or my fears that aging
will affect my thought processes
26 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
663. Tomorrow we will squeeze some lemons
Watch galaxies flow
towards new corners of the universe
Stellar dust @ 80% the speed of light
Defying Einstein’s fermented theories
Millions of light years away
an earth-like planet
with animals such as us
will gaze through the marvels of time
to see when first we squeezed some lemons
to begin this sideshow of creation
27 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
664. Changed patterns
No reciprocal actions needed
My thinking is the same as always
Traditional neanderthal
So simple to understand living in my cave
Eating berries and bugs
People around me so busy
Falling over their sophistication
Drowning in mystically vanishing ideals
So lucky that I never evolved
Such an example of how life once again will be
after modern man destroys it all
28 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
665. I stayed in my mind today
Could have strayed
Ventured out
Pushed boundaries
But I stayed
Mental acrobatics
Mind mirrors
Games of the subconscious
Deliberate osmosis
Faded psychedelic reruns
So mesmerizing
I stayed in my mind tody
What a mistake
Now I will never escape
Stuck forever chasing memories of you
29 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
666. I crossed out meaning
All that is left is gone
Blankness is such a lofty goofy goal
The cure for every illegitimate illness
Makes me free
30 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
667. The division of time
is a waste of time
30 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
668. Ambition swallows all divergent paths
Leaving the focus
Otherwise there would be no end
to this random thought
31 July 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
669. Galloping
always the way to go
To approach change
Crash through fences
Walls barriers of all genders beliefs persuasions
I even gallop through my dreams
to prevent them from sticking to me
Keeping free
Never stopping
01 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
670. While chasing success
all the fish in the sea gathered
I stripped slipped and fell
Distress echoed
Created huge waves
throwing all the fist in the sea
upon moistened land
where they developed legs
to chase me into the sea
That is why I never made it to success
02 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
671. Long ago thoughts
So easy to entertain
Often reinvented
Shot full of holes
Thoughts now
I don’t like them
If my thoughts go away
Will I
03 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
672. The mystifying mist
hid truth
from my casual glance
Shadowy visions of time gone by
Escaped love
Dreams flown free
Chances never taken
Even tomorrow is fading
and it is not even yet today
The mystifying mist has robbed me
of all I once was
Never will be again
04 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
673. A non sequitur lesson…
Such a tumultuous rebuttal of random directions
left me clinging onto the imaginary cliff edge
of false assumptions
woven into the fabric of any opposing beliefs
I mistakenly endorsed
when in fact all I wanted to do
was to take my afternoon nap
without conspicuous conscious consequences
05 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
674. Lofty intentions
drifting through space
I grab onto a multicolour plaid sonnet
knowing the horizon looks inviting
this time of year
I let the winds of change elude me
Hiding my escape
I will nourish myself
interrupt my DNA code
create a mockery of self-illusion
Drifting through space
in lofty intentions
06 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
674. Radical simplicity
softens these torturous times
Basic needs met
in a world of despair
Freedom from want
is not wanting
We are all beggars
in a world of so much more
I sit on the beach
unconcerned by turmoil
I cannot see
Do not want to imagine
what exists beyond this life
I have chosen radical simplicity
07 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
675. Meaningful weather
Storming directions
If we stay calm will we outlast sudden changes
Meaningful weather
We never had a chance
07 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
676. The future is merely a tool
So easy to misuse
To me it reflects the past
Some parts revisited
Sections deleted
I have remoulded the past
to make the future plausible
@ least acceptable
The future is my tool of choice
09 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
677. Such a time we had today
If I live to retell all
what a surprise
If not
Nothing will be known
of such a time we had today
10 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
678. The silence of death so long haunted me
Now that I hear your voice in the storm
Sense you at waking’s first invitation to greet what may
Believed in the silence so long was all I had of you
Walked in your steps
I no longer avoid the silence of death that you once filled
No longer do
Now that my life is filled with the once were you
blinding me to the nonsense
of the world around me
11 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
679. The thrill of watching my social media imaginary friends
hiding behind virtual hacked shrubs
dressed as me
does much for my sense of self-worth feelings of elusiveness
Push me downhill
toward the raging rivers of objectiveness
drowning in altered perspicacity
Leaving me none the wiser
while watching my imaginary friends
writing nonsense
12 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
680. In a borrowed sequence
without anchors
floated out to sea
Leaving me blank
in a reconstructed space
within what was once you
13 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
681. My mother asked me what it was like to be alive
She died 45-years ago
I replied that there was often no difference
than where she is trolling now
Not understanding my response
she slipped back
into a wrinkle of my memory
I no longer care to access
Is there more!
Probably not!
14 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
682. Needing brain stimulation
I parachute into the active battleground
Everyone stopped fighting
Waved to me
Asking if I had any spare balloons or party streamers
I landed just in time to die in an explosion
once the battle restarted
It was so foolish of me
to seek brain stimulation
rather than rolling over
going back to sleep
15 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
683. We perform as circus animals
or as zoo animals
Either way
we will never be free
16 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
684. I interviewed myself
to play act me
Only to discover my audience had left
so I ran away too
17 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
685. So little makes sense
The boxes don’t fit the ticks
Horizon too far
How odd is the universe
The time has arrived for us never to know
17 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
686. Of all the life forms to be
I had to be a giraffe
I am unable to get on a bus
Ride the subway
Fly to NYC
Drive an electric car
Play golf
or mail in my vote
because all the post boxes
have been removed
It really is difficult being a giraffe
18 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
687. While following a straight line of reason
through the outer
more economically challenged suburbs
of my subconscious
I encountered some rather foreign thoughts
that had tunnelled beneath my once well-constructed walls
of ill prepared beliefs
and what I thought of squishy logic
As the mind so controls the body
I noticed that I was falling
over a precipice
of my own undoing
The world had changed
but I had not
until I awoke
on the far side of reason
where I disassociate to this day
19 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
688. So many clever people around me
I am uniquely not clever
That is how I know they are so clever
They know instinctively
that I am not clever
20 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
689. I followed myself into sleep
like a poorly trained spy
The clues were obvious
I was not
I am that spy that became lost
following myself into space
20 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
690. I like these days
when everything is the same
as it was 70 years ago
when I was a child
The sky is blue
Rain falls
Wind shuffles
Birds chirp
So peaceful
life so simple
Everything so good these days
that are 70 years ago
21 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
691. I like talking to my dead friends
They are such good listeners
Soon I will be like them
Listening too
21 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
692. I hid the future in a side pocket
Seldom used
Hidden from the most ardent perusal of noticeability
I peek every spring
Otherwise I live in the past
The point being
seeing the future in my pocket
is too boring to discuss
22 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
693. I have always loved sleeping amongst the stars
It is sleeping on earth
that is annoying
23 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
694. I never chose the path
The direction
The destination
As an observer
sometimes participant of what came next
I was ambulatory
Always in motion
Sometimes appreciative
Though always capable of interpretation
This has been my life
24 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
695. We are so fortunate
to live through these times of turmoil
The dead are so missing out
They should stop being such victims
Be happy
that they are so much better off
than us
24 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
696. Such a highlight
to the rapid changes swirling about
Creating these false rhythms of progress
Smiles all the same
Not knowing which one
to adhere to
I pose with the first thrift shop manikin nun
who promises love eternal
Like all fools broken in the alley
I consider this to be the highlight
of my changes
26 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
697. As the pilot of my somewhat life
I have learned to navigate torturous times
Chaotic routines
Avoid ruthless enemies
Drift amongst dream-emptied clouds
Yet I have yet to understand
the mechanics of safely landing
with crash landing
my final conclusion
27 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
698. I took a reflective pause
All the syntaxes changed
Hunger filled my directionless shadow
as evening wallowed in despair
of its own creation
drowning me
in this reflective pause
29 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
699. So much speculation
I get dizzy observing
The future does not unfold
It collapses
If I had the strength
I would pick it up and toss it into the ravine
at the end of the rainbow
Listening to the clamour of speculation
crushed into a muted hum
of non-existence
As the future will surely evolve into
If we allow it
30 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
700. The debilitating news
is the news
It cripples the mind
Breaks the heart
Destroys the soul
The only cure is to inoculate
Go into nature
Heal life with life
31 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
701. The art of silence portrays so much
My response to your response
Quietness in the wind
Masterpieces of understated understanding
Music of the spheres
Drifting through a world of noise
with thoughts beyond whispers
Here in our world of silence
31 August 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
702. Dropped hints
shattering on the pavement
I trip and fall
Gazing skywards
as my elderly brain
still trying to piece together what I was supposed to do
with dropped hints broken
01 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
703. I studied the moment
Tormented even
There will be shades of this moment
Particles released
Vaporizing moment
Going beyond
into the universe
at the end of time
Fifteen billion years hence
finally all aspects of this moment
will disappear
with the universe itself
and perhaps what I just wrote
02 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
704. So much So much
Never enough
Flames of doubt
leaves me screaming at our emptiness
If again I should want
Find me begging
@ my lover’s door
So much So much
Never enough
03 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
705. The turmoil of sleep
hides meaning long enough
for the tyranny of wakefulness
to slip away
04 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
706. Drifting memories
Galaxies dissolving
Islands of universes sinking
All I wanted to do
was walk my dog
Now I am lost in space
where nothing makes sense
05 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
707. Non-homo-sapiens never celebrated holidays
They do not kill over slippery non-sustainable beliefs
Have parades
Write poems
Fret over a selfie not going viral
Non-homo-sapiens are so much more
that us
06 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
708. Shifting rainbows
scream out of tune
No one listens
in these remarkable time
That so quickly pass us by
07 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
709. Errors in the chemistry of the universe
go unnoticed
as we continue to order fast beliefs
from drive-through
elastic thought patterns
creating disillusionment in the time and space continuum
we equate our fragmented lives with
08 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
710. In a high-speed chase
through my mind
I lost sight of you
as I crashed into mountains
I never imagined
09 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
711. They were concerned because she has lost her mind
I have lost my way
My mind tells me so
No one is concerned
Why is one lost pitied
The other ignored
Being lost is worthy of celebration
The first and last trial on the trail of being free
10 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
712. I was late for an earlier time
leaving me rotating
around memories
I am unable to latch onto
11 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
713. Juggling life and death in this circus
Entering a new sphere
Expectations have no merit
When juggling life and death
12 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
714. I am no longer worried by chaos
It all ferments outside of my bubble
I watch the madness
It has become entertainment
Now my bubble
with me resting within
floats over the horizon
where dreams swallow reality
making the future real
for we who imagine
13 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
715. I am half the dream I used to be
Now that my audience has died
I pretend a lot less
Speak more often to shadows in the alley
Anticipate less
Philosophize falsely more
Long for the dark womb of evening to swallow me
Now that I dream less
I supposes I will merely fade away
with no one left to dream with me
14 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
716. I was pleased with today’s excitement
No emotion was spared
Thrills took a backseat to thoughts of random pleasure
Maturity as a past time was a joke of its own accord
In a meaningless tirade of post-enlightenment
eternal darkness seemed reasonable
Now that today has ended
so similar to
any other day
15 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
717. All war has ever done is to assist in shortening life spans
Both the oppressor and the oppressed will die
Do we remember those dying in the Crusades
Napoleon’s squirms
World War
The easiest method to win a war is to wait
Let everyone die
Naturally on their own battlefield
That is it
16 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
718. So easy to be distracted
Catastrophes fade
Cosmic shifts disappear
We forget who we are
Huddled masses of humanity
Striving on the way to extinction
Life in ashes
If only I could have one last serve of cookie dough ice cream I would happily be distracted
17 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
719. Plans across opened plains
Vastness harvested
Seeds of discontent
gently germinating
in an apocalyptic breeze
Plans come to naught
I hoped for you still
18 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
720. Escaped toys took us hostage
as our species faded into the materialistic mist
during our collapse
Leaving no meaning for their insurrection
to be identified by
20 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
721. The way we were
Clouds drifting through sparkling skies
Today without tomorrow’s worries
Yesterday uncategorized
The importance of drifting in a speculative now
If we should care of anything else
Surely to earth we would crash
Clouds broken on the pavement
where others cry
21 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
722. No mystery today
No mystery yesterday
No mystery ever
Logic capitulates always
So easy to be aware until we no longer are
Then the mystery begins
22 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
723. I never was chosen to play a starring role
My reams of writing
decades not read by anyone
Not even me
a second sometimes first time
My inventions broken before the first trial
Dreams forgotten as they unravelled
But being alive at 73 has turned out to be quite OK
23 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
724. Heroes of disbelief
Knocking at my kitchen door
Nourishment meant for mortal motherless peasants
oozing out of shattered cupboards
I sweep the remains of heroes knocking at my karmic window
Grinding them in my dystopic blender
Feeding the mixture to my pet dragon and flying into the sunset
Knowing another day is complete
24 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
725. Dreams falling from the sky
I grab a few classics
Feed them to my escaping exploding expanding emptiness
in time for an evening dose
of collapsing reality
as my circus leaves town
without mentioning
the importance of my ignorance
25 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
726. Conflicting empty spaces
left me desiring more
as desperation
echoed time and time again
leaving us mathematically unhinged
26 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
727. No one knows how this will turn out
Speculation has been rife for tens of thousands of years
Predictions rarely correct
never more than a coincidence of disproportionate hopes and wishes
floating over the questionable horizon
so I have jumped off of the speculation train
to run through the naked unformed origins of life
Finally free
27 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
728. Life is like tofu
It is what we do with it
That makes it tasty
28 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
729. I surround myself with antiquated cliches
in the hope of finding the one
to make me forget
this is it
28 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
730. I focus on the impossible to blur the possible
Random results at
the intersection of time and space
keeps all the intention fading away
as the impossible becomes possible
29 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
731. Bruised and battered by life
Limping into non-existent eternity
so much baggage weighing me down
if I had not already drowned
I would have now
30 September 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
732. My life was so much easier before I was born
No disappointments
No losses or gains
No goodbyes
I did not lose my dog
My cat did not wait at the window for me
Now they are making a movie of before I was born
Not starring me
How simple it all was
Before I was born
01 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
733. I took every precaution possible
Still I was born
02 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
734. Forgot what I was doing
Flying solo between stormy clouds
If not for occasional diminishing lightening
I would have lost all direction
ending my search for utopia
never to find
happily continuing my flight
through life forgetting
03 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
735. I have saved all my best jokes
for my friends who have died
whether they care or not
04 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
736. I left her weeping at the garden gate
more than 475 years ago
I was young
that is no excuse
I wanted adventure
not a damsel in distress
I often have dreams of her
Her haunting virgin vocals
scramble my waking hours
as a tortured wind struggles to escape
To return to that garden gate
would render me insane
so I will stay here
upon the horizon
pretending it never was
and neither were we
04 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
737. Nothing different this way comes
Same storms dreams chaos equal rhythms
05 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
738. The success of our failures
are evenly matched
by the failures of our success
The merry-go-round sits motionless
Whispering rust at the twilight of memory
Redefined refined remixed
Re Re Re
06 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
737. So easy to celebrate
The return repeat relapse of nothing
Here at the apex of successful failure
Once again
07 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
738. too good to be true
So it isn’t
Settling for change
Light years away
How different we will be when now will never have been
08 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
739. Change collapses
We applaud
Closed eyed sentiments
of times gone by
I only dream of times before the collapse
when all we had to do was run naked
in the breeze
to know we were alone
10 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
740. So difficult these early hours of morning
Unable to sleep
Annoying deceased pets whispering
Complaining in my ears
Keeping me awake
Frustrated I chase them away
as unread biblical comic book heroes
fail to rescue me
Saving morning
for the unenlightened
like me
Never to wake in bliss again
11 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
741. Round up Ground up
Unable to piece together phrases of possible reclusive realism
Tumbling about
If only it was possible to conjure up some sensible stable strategy
I would peacefully
Alongside my next broken thought
Of you
12 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
742. While on a reflective bounce through life
Simplicity made a fool of me
Leaving me stretched out for dead
Hidden by buzzards’ shadows while on a reflective bounce through life
13 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
743. Sounds rush by
Blurred energy
I want to be one with whatever is trending
except for death
I switch to quiet
Such a momentous task to conclude with
But I do
And end by not responding
to sounds rushing by
14 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
744. At the border of ebb and flow
Concepts of miracle results melt
Immersed in such seasonal sensual thoughts
when we were passing shadows
Futured proof
Yet here we are
proven wrong
with me without you
the border of ebb and flow
15 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
745. I wore my love as a fashion statement
along the catwalk of romance
beyond life’s glittery stage
Decades pass
Tropical feelings
amidst passing storms
Seasons of love
Merge into forever
dressed for success
as I wear my love
A fashion statement
Until the end
18 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
746. I embraced the past
to heal the wounds of the future
so today would pass
18 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
747. Watching the extinction of humans
is a bit interesting
there will be no one left to sing a ballad about it
18 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
748. While taking a day off from learning
I focused on forgetting
Once I become empty
I may just stay that way
Escaping so easily
into your non-existence
19 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
749. We’ll take it as it comes
Bouncing indisputably
beyond disorientation
Sliding doors
more likely
Varying pitches
concealing what will be
Though it matters not
As we will take it
as it comes
24 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
750. Looking for the cause
So long ago when we took each other’s breath away
I have been gasping ever since
What began as a passing smile
on a barely lit street
in the final days of summer
five decades ago
Just a simple singed symmetrical recurring dream
Like you
I no longer exist
25 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
751. She had so much to say
Her performance has no equal
We could have loved
We should have
but I awoke
26 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
752. Fairness has a sense of rhythm
Orchestrated calmness
An oasis of calm
Softening a passageway through turbulent rustic foreign unwanted karma
Rupturing what should have been a delightful day of frivolity
at the closing curtain
upon this the circus of life
when fairness
was so ceremonially ripped asunder
28 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
753. Magical disappearing bubbles
Bouncing mysteriously across the horizon
filled with happiness excuses
continues to move
I swim rapidly as I google
“how to enter the happiness bubble”
Billions of answers
None legible
Esoteric ancient symbols
scrambled across time
The horizon event excuse continues to move
The bubbles disappear
I drown
29 October 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
754. We fell into sight
Visible to the madness all around us
Perpetuated irony led us astray
Everyone so contrived
We had to google our existence
to discover we have little left
to remind ourselves
our fleeting existence is just us falling
out of sight
01 November 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
755. In a humiliating loss
Stars fell from the sky
Galaxies surrendered
Universe clusters
Not too worry
We still have Netflix as eternity rusts
rolls us out of existence
without us ever noticing
02 November 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
756. Not knowing
how things will turn out
I find comfort in a warm soft pair of socks
as fate churns destiny
into the usual unfathomable mess
I call my life
03 November 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
757. I take great comfort in knowing
I am surrounded
by more than seven-billion people
Anyone of whom can do what it is I do not feel like doing
03 November 2020 Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
758. No sudden moves
Slowly grinding to a halt
Spectacular removal of absence
It seems likely nothing will ever happen
18 November 2020 Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia
759. Slight anticipation of change
Muffled desires
We all care
No one dares
I quit
The world laughs
18 November 2020 Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia
760. In the multidimensions of forever’s plateaus
Vacant spaces
I search for re-enactments of when we ran free
Long before the future obliterated memories
21 November 2020 Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia
761. Shortly after you left
I stopped running
Memories never slip away
I am left to stare
22 December 2020 Perseverance Road, South Australia
Previous writing (January 01, 2019 -
31 December 2019) used in
Book 7 and 8
(2019 daily thoughts /2018/2017/2016)
2016 texts ~
Books 1 -4
2017 texts some used in Book
5 #Thoughts in Patterns 5 now from Amazon
Previous writing (January 04, 2018 - 31 December 2018) used in
Book 6 (e-book / printed copy)
(c) 22 December 2020 Perseverance Road, South Australia
Thoughts in Travel 2019 Kindle Edition $3 (USD) PRINT EDITION (01/01/2020) $27 USD
Copyright © Terrell Neuage. 2020 and beyond ~ All rights reserved.
The Amazing Tie Challenge - Week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, LAST DAY/TIE final update 10 October/2020 @ #Perseverance Road, Vista, South Australia
The incredible tie challenge of 2020 ties in isolation
'Leaving Australia Book 2' (e-book)
Leaving Australia 'Again': Before the After NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK