Romantic poem of the week for Tuesday, 23 October 2001




I saw her             laughing              standing at the bus stop

I asked her for a date

she laughed

We went to a rave      she laughed

We went to her cabin   at the freeway's end

she laughed

She laughed                   as we drank wine          as we made love             as she slept              when she awoke in the morning                during our shower         at breakfast                 and when I left her        at the bus stop          where I first            picked her up

Now everyday                  I drive by                 drive-by-love             She is always                 at the bus stop    laughing 

in the snow ~ cold ~ rain ~ hail ~ karma

Because I take life so seriously

(I have Saturn and Pluto [both at 13.05 leo] conjunct my Venus, Sun and MH in Leo in a Capricorn house)

I've never stopped to see her again

But I still hear her especially                     on stormy nights laughing

and though it scares me so I know              someday too                   I will laugh like her

She no longer has the body at the bus stop

Her laughter            every full moon          tries so desperately       to enter me

But as long as I refuse to laugh

I will never become possessed by her.


© Terrell Neuage                     Tuesday, 23 October 2001                adelaide south australia

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(c) Terrell Adsit-NeuageSaturday, 18 May 2002 Adelaide South Australia
next picture-poem (“..along the Maui shore when I first took them

off in front of you …”)