Terrell Neuage @ AMAZON

Terrell Neuage Daily Thoughts for 2019 what I just wrote five minutes ago already thrown up on the web - who knew?updated (here) 02/08/19 Adelaide, South Australia
e-books of Terrell Neuage updated July 31 2019

picture poems are available at these sites: Twitter, Tumblr ~ Pinterest ~ linkedin updated 02/08/19 Adelaide, South Australia

State University of New York Albany

e-books of Terrell Neuage blogging at https://neuage.me


Globalisation and Culture ACOM 465


Fall 2003






Department of Communication, State University of New York, Albany.


                                              © Terrell Neuage August 2003




Course: ACOM 465 Intercultural Communication

CLASS: TTH 05:45:00 PM - 07:05:00 PM SS 116 Lecturer T. Neuage

OFFICE: SS 386   Hours: announced in class Phone 442-2604

E-mail: neuage@albany.edu



Cover photo: Segregation at McDonalds. Women queue on the left section. Men on the right. May 2000. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. © Copyright Photograph by Dafydd Jones 66 Stockwell Park Rd. London SW9 0DA Tel 020 7733 0108 https://www.dafjones.com/






Globalisation definition. 3

Required viewing. 3


1. What this course is about 4

2. Attendance Policy. 6

3. Assessment 6

A) Weekly e-discussion Due each Friday 5 PM. 7

B) Weekly Reading DUE each Thursday 1 PM. 8

C) Journal DUE WEEK 6 and 11. 8

Journal presentation guidelines: 9

Journal grading. 10

D) Group presentation DUE WEEK 12 - 14. 10

4. Course Expectations. 11

5. Weekly Reading. 11


Week 1 Introduction. 12

Group discussion. 12

Week 2 Culture and multiculturism.. 13

Journal 13

Readings: 14

Week 3 Globalisation. 15

Readings. 17

Week 4 Individuals, Groups and Corporations and Globalisation. 19

Journal 20

Discussion Board: 20

Readings. 20

Week 5 The Media, History of writing. 22

Journal 22

Discussion Board: 22

Week 6 Gender and globalisation: more or less rights for women?. 23

Online Discussion. 24

Readings: 24

Week 7 World music. 24

Discussion Board: 25

Journal 25

Readings. 26

Week 8 TOPIC: World sports and world foods. 26

Discussion Board. 27

Journal 27

Readings. 27

Week 9  The Internet and Cyber Identities. 28

Journal 28

Discussion Board: 28

Reading. 28

Week 10  Television and movies how the world sees each other 29

Journal 29

Discussion Board. 30

Readings. 30

Week 11 The virtual university and Digital Resistance. 31

Reading and Viewing: 31

Week 12 Beliefs. 32

Week 13. 32

Week 14. 32

6.  Referencing Guide. 33

A) Electronic sources citation. 33

B) Chicago Manual of Style for print material 35




1.      Main Course Index       https://eres.ulib.albany.edu/courseindex.asp

2.      Department                      communication 

3.      Instructor                           Neuage, Terrell          GO     

4.      PASSWORD                   given in class

5.      COURSE GUIDE            this guide online

6.      WEEK 1-14                     go to the weekly sections                            


Globalisation definition


An email from Manila...,

Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 21:08:49 -0700 (PDT)


From: yas sutaria

>Question: How to define globalization?

>Answer: Princess Diana's death

>Question: How come?

>Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was pissed on Scottish whiskey, followed closely by an Italian Paparazzi, on motorcycles, treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines! And this is sent to you by a Filipino, using an American's (Bill Gates') technology which he stole from the Taiwanese.


Required viewing

There are several videos used in this course. These are on hold at the library for this course. Several sections will be viewed in class. Other segments will be referred to in the weekly guide. You will need to look at our site each week to know when the tapes are available. At the time of the printing of this guide the following two are present in the library and several others are on order:


Global Insights 4.




MONDAY 5 PM EACH WEEK FOR NEW MATERIAL go to the Electronic Reserves Course Index, https://eres.ulib.albany.edu/ and find this course and go to the current week. What is in this guide for the weekly viewing may change as videos clips are made available online.



1. What this course is about

Globalisation and culture’ is a large topic. This course will examine and discuss different aspects of cultural change as technology has increasingly influenced our lives. In our exploration we will try to step back from our own personal world-views as much as possible, though much of the material will necessarily be presented from a Western perspective. We will discuss various cultures but we will focus mainly on how Western society is currently influencing the world.


The need to expand, learn and share ideas has been with us as long as life has existed. Expansion has been embraced as well as being met with resistance. Whether we see this as conquering, colonization, social-evolution or education depends on one’s perspective.


We will cover topics as diverse as music, money-exchange, foods, gender, beliefs, communication and sports.  Our emphasis will be on technological change, which has positive and negative effects on cultures and our own lives. Through viewing and reading sources such as video, Internet and journal readings it is hoped that you will be able to formulate a personal informed view of globalisation from both a positive and negative standpoint. This course is expected to encourage an active approach toward these issues and to provide you with new information with which to evaluate these issues.


At the end of this course you should have an understanding of cultural issues currently debated in contemporary society. Several perspectives will be presented and of course none of them are the correct model for everyone.  You may disagree with some of the content, and this will be welcomed. For example, several of the videos shown are from ‘Global Insights’ (https://www.skatv.org.au/skatv/) a series of videos, some which are subversive. These are from Australia and show protest activities worldwide that are meant to disrupt globalisation. See week 12’s viewings for other sources of viewing of dedicated activists and media mischief-makers around the world. Alternatively, you may agree with issues of globalisation and view it as a necessary force of good. Personally I believe there are both positive as well as negative aspects to globalisation just as there are aspects of sharing and introducing cultures there is the possible destruction of cultures.


This course is planned to encourage you to bring some of your own experiences and world-views to the course and for you to take responsibility for your learning. We will be working in cluster groups on Thursday and our Tuesday classes will be as interactive as possible. More of this will be discussed in the next section of this guide.

2. Attendance Policy


Class attendance will thus be taken each Tuesday and Thursday at the start of class and students are encouraged to come to class prepared and participate fully. Two-percent will be deducted from the final grade for each class missed that does not have one of the two excuses:


Ø      Illness, Absence must be verified by my sighting, or the Office of Undergraduate Studies stating that they have received appropriate documentation of an original copy of a medical excuse. (I do not want to know the nature of the illness, only a note stating you were unable to attend class that week signed by a doctor with his or her number on it).


Ø      An emergency, I must have a letter from the Office of Undergraduate Studies stating that they have received appropriate documentation.



For university policy, go to the Undergraduate Academic Policy Reminders Page: https://www.albany.edu/undergraduate_studies/policy_reminders.html


3. Grades

A  100-93               A- 92-90
B+ 89-87                B   86-83               B- 82-80
C+ 79-77                C   76-73               C- 72-70
D+ 69-67                D   66-63               D- 62-60

3. Assessment

There are no essays or tests for this course. Time allocation for this course is three-hours outside of class for each hour in class. You should allow eight to nine hours per week for this course outside of class.


Your assessment for this course will be made up of these three components:


1)     Weekly Readings   30%    DUE WEEKLY each Thursday (10 weeks times 3 points. Estimated time for reading and viewing of material is three-hours per week.


2)     Weekly Discussion            18%    DUE 5 PM Friday each week.


3)     Journal                      32%    DUE Tuesday, October 8th, WEEK 6 (16 %) and November12th, WEEK 11 (16 %). Eight weeks times 4 points each equals 32 points/percent. Estimated time for finding and writing up material is three-hours per week.



4)     Group presentation 20%  DUE Thursday November 21 and December 05. Estimated time for preparation is two-hours per week. 


A) Weekly e-discussion Due each Friday 5 PM.


Beginning with week three (September 17th) and for each week until week 13th you will be required to contribute to our online discussion group. THE URL FOR THIS WILL BE GIVEN IN CLASS IN WEEK TWO. Marking will attract two points: one point will be a result of saying anything on the topic and one extra point will come from responding to something someone else said. This will mean that you will need to return to the bulletin board later in the week. The question for the week will be posted each Monday AM, and will be based on the weekly topic. My suggestion is that you answer the question early in the week and return to the discussion board later in the week and read what your peers wrote then write a response to what they said. For example:


COM378 Discussion Board: Read a Post


Topic: Week Three: Discuss in two-three sentences something you did this week that was a result of globalisation -


Subject:  Nike shoes into trash

Author:   neuage (Terrell.Neuage@unisa.edu.au)

Posting Date:  8/28/2002 9:17:55 AM


Message: This week I had a gut-full of participating in the sweat factory practices of multinational companies who exploit Third-World countries so I can look as kool as other people my age and cleaned out my closet and drawers only to realise I would be lecturing in the nude this semester. After a re-think I discovered I was helping employ people who had no income by buying a new set of clothes at the Gap.



Title   RE:Nike shoes into trash

Author  terrell

Date 8/28/2002  9:23 AM

Subject:  RE:Nike shoes into trash

Author:  terrell (neuage@albany.edu)

Posting Date:  8/28/2002 9:23:23 AM

Message: Your reasoning is really faulty. Should I pay you one dollar a day whilst you work a 12-hour day in horrible conditions and then deduct 95-cents of that so you can use the loo twice a day so you can look ‘kool’? I think it would be better if you sent people in Cambodia a television so they can watch the World Series than to abuse them with sweatshop work. Now that is globalisation at work.


B) Weekly Reading DUE each Thursday 1 PM.   


Total mark for the semester for assignment one is 30%


Each week there will be required readings or activities. These will be available a week in advance. For example, readings for WEEK TWO (September 10-16) will be available online beginning September 02. Each week there will be several questions relating to the required reading or online viewings. You will need to answer these questions and hand your answer up at the beginning of the Thursday class of the week they are due.


Marks will be awarded in this segment as follows:


Questions answered satisfactorily each week, handed up in time (see above)  /33 (Each week 3 marks can be earned). Two points will be for answering the questions and one extra point for answering the questions extremely well! MISSED ASSIGNMENTS CAN ONLY BE ACCEPTED IF THERE IS A DOCTOR’S CERTIFICATE


C) Journal DUE WEEK 6 and 11   


Due Date: Tuesday, October 8th (Journal Part 1) and Tuesday, November 12th  (Journal Part 2)


Total mark for the semester for assignment two is 40%


Your journal will cover an eight-week period beginning with the second week of classes, September 09 (the week being from Sunday to Saturday) through to November 02. The week of November 03 to 09 you will have to format your journal to hand up at the beginning of class on Tuesday, November 12th. The journal must be done on a weekly basis, as the date of the material used will coincide with the week of the entry as explained below.


Your journal will be a weekly record of current topics on globalisation. Each week, beginning with week two (September 08) of this semester, find something that mentions or references globalisation. It can be an article from a printed source such as a newspaper or magazine or a story on television or from the Internet. The story could be about how different culture’s menus are appearing in your local deli. It can be a story on world music, the World Bank, or on the exploitation of the Third World to manufacture goods bought in your local shop. There is rarely a day that goes by where something about how cultures are mixing with business, ideas or world events is not discussed.


For your journal, cite the article correctly (see example below), then  type the first paragraph or two if it is a print or Internet story.  If it is from television or radio, cite the source correctly then outline it briefly. What is important is that the story is from the week of the entry and that the source is noted. Following the title and a synopsis, you are to write your own thoughts on the story. There are no right or wrong answers but you need to give a reason for your views of the story. Each journal entry needs approximately two hundred words.  For example:




Jameson, Tonya. (2002) Hip-hop rediscovers its political punch, Albany Times Union, August 25, 2002, p.15. 


‘ Hip-hop culture has infiltrated entertainment, shaping how we dress, talk and see the world…


As this story shows, hip-hop has been a global voice of youth for the past decade. The youth ‘culture’ has embraced several aspects that are associated with hip-hop such as music (rap), art (graffiti/piecing), clothing and world-views. For example, in Australia….



Your weekly entry could be about music such as how hip-hop music has become a point of protest for youth throughout the world much as folk music was in the 1960s. This specific topic on youth music and protest will be addressed in week seven. It could be about sports. For example, I have a son who was born in and grew up in Australia which is a cricket and football (Aussie-rules) mad country but he played baseball and is now a pitcher in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization. Baseball is a minor sport in Australia so this could be an illustration of how sports are globalised. In other words your weekly entries can be on what interests you as long as it was in the news that specific week. I would suggest using different sources for your journal entries such as, one week you may decide to use an article from a newspaper and another week a story from television or the Internet. THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE EACH WEEK AND SHOULD NOT TAKE MORE THAN ONE -HOUR PER WEEK.


Weekly marking for your journal (5 marks per week) will be based on the following formula:

Journal presentation guidelines:


  1. Word processed! If you use a picture such as a cartoon to illustrate your journal entry for a particular week or in your essay it may be pasted in.
  2. Put your full name in the header of each page and PART ONE.
  3. One and a half space with appropriate citations and reference pages. See: ‘How to Cite Bibliographic Entries and In-Text Citations Electronic Sources MLA Style’ at the end of the guide for this course or use the library resources.
  4. Printed on one side of the page only.
  5. Written in an easily readable font (e.g. New York, Times Roman) and in a 12-point font.
  6. Spell and grammar checked and proofread.
  7. Numbered at the bottom of each page.
  8. Given a properly filled in cover sheet to be used as the first page of each assignment. Photocopy the last page of this course information booklet.
  9. Stapled in the top left-hand corner.

Submitted by the deadline. Minus one-half point for each day late.


Journal grading


Your journal grade will represent 32 percent of your final grade (Part-one will equal 16 percent) and will be made up as :


1)     One-half-point for the weekly entry cited properly,

2)     One-half-point for presentation according to the above criteria,

3)     Adequate discussion will be worth one-point,

4)     a well-developed discussion with the reason for your view will be worth two-points, 


Part One is due Tuesday, October 15th, WEEK 07.


After four weeks, on Tuesday, October 15th the first four weeks of your journal will be due. You will receive it back the following Tuesday (October 15th) with your grade for the first half of your journal.


Part Two is due Tuesday, November 19, WEEK 11.


D) Group presentation DUE WEEK 12 - 14


Presentations will be done between Thursday November 21 and (Week 12, Thursday November 28 school is closed) December 05.


Thursdays the class will go into cluster-groups. The weekly group-session provides an opportunity to discuss the issues and concepts raised in the Tuesday lecture and in the readings and viewings for the week as well as exchanging entries in your journal.


These groups will be formed on our first Thursday together and will be made up from the enrollment sheet. Doing this gives interactivity in the class that may be different than if individuals picked their mates for the group.  The groups will have approximately five students in each.


One of the aims of the cluster group sessions is to maximize the use of your time. Working as a small group often makes it easier to get involved in class discussions, rather than struggling for airspace in our class of 45 or so students and helps with the speaking out in a new setting.


Each cluster group will make one presentation within the broad areas that are indicated in the study guide on either Thursday November 21 and December 05.


Presentations can be formal or informal, depending on the style with which your group feels more comfortable. They can be as simple as generally introducing the topic with each member in the group presenting material, such as a video or music. Your group may present a drama or video to illustrate your group’s work. Marks will be based on the group presentation and will be one-half peer-assessed: each student will be given a list of each group and each individual in it and will be expected to give marks on different areas of the presentation. The peer-assessed marks will equal 25% and my marking of each student will equal 75% of the presentation (which is worth 27 percent of your final grade). Marking of it will be discussed later in the course.


I expect your group presentations to extend beyond the original texts by introducing evidence of wider research, and using examples to illustrate the theoretical concepts that are discussed.


4. Course Expectations

It is a minimum requirement for this course that you attend and participate in all Tuesday lectures and Thursday groups as well as do the three assignments above. 


This course encourages independent research and it is a minimum expectation that you spend at least 8 hours per week outside of class for weekly-readings, assignments and sourcing current events on globalisation for your journal.

The expected outcomes for students who successfully complete A COM 378T 1326 are:

5. Weekly Reading


You will locate and access readings each week by going to the week of the class. All readings and viewings will have links to theURL. Readings must be completed before the Tuesday class, as you will need to be prepared to discuss issues from the readings in both the Tuesday lecture and Thursday group discussions.

Note: Because of the fluidity of the Internet the article may not be available the week it is due to be read. Therefore, it is imperative that you go to the reading for the week the week prior to its due viewing.



Week 1 Introduction

There are no readings for week one.



·        Introduction (overview of course, expectation etc).

·        What do you hope to get out of this semester?


________ initial of your first name ______ initial of your last name




This course will look at the issues surrounding the cultural dimensions of globalization, which includes debates about what globalization is and whether it is a meaningful term.

You may view globalization as a phenomenon wholly without precedent or you may see it simply as modernization, imperialism, or global capitalism with a new face.

Think of distinct regions—China, Africa, South America, Australia, Asia, Europe—and different disciplines and genres—anthropology, literature, political science, sociology, music, cinema, photography…


1.      What is your short answer on what globalisation is and do you think it is good, bad or a combination of positive and negative.


2.    Are you a global person? If so why? If not, why?


·        Citations. How to reference for this course (see referencing in this guide)


Group discussion

·        Groups: expectations, topic, ‘why groups succeed or fail’.    

·        Formation of cluster-groups

·        Return to class group: who led your group, who spoke, who didn’t and why?


Week 2 Culture and multiculturism  




Your journal entry is an article that has been in the media regarding globalisation during the time of last Tuesday’s class (3rd September) and this week’s class (September 10th).


Online reading and viewing for this week:

·        Mosa, Ali A. Why Globalisation? King Saud University, Abha, Saudi Arabia https://www.edfac.usyd.edu.au/projects/wcces96/papers/mosaa.pdf.

·        Ridofli, Kevin. Global Village of the Damned  https://www.renaissancemag.com/columnists/ridolfi/current.asp

·        GLOBAL INSIGHTS 4 PROGRAM https://www.accessnews.skatv.org.au/

·        Breidenbach,Joana and Zukrigl, Ina. CULTURAL  COLLABORATOR: The Dynamics of Cultural Globalization. The myths of cultural globalization. https://www.inst.at/studies/collab/breidenb.htm

·        Kellner,Douglas. Theorizing Globalization. https://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/papers/theoryglob.htm  


(Thursday) Group discussion: what communities do you belong to? (i.e. Sports, Social, Groups…)

Week Two Group worksheet. This week’s topic is multiculturalism.

The word ‘culture’ has its roots in the ancient Latin word cultura, "cultivation" or "tending." The 1960 Webster's a definition of culture is: 1. The cultivation of soil. 2. The raising, improvement, or development of some plant, animal or product" (Friend and Guralnik 1958). By the 1970s culture was coming to mean "the training, development, and refinement of mind, tastes, and manners" (Oxford English Dictionary). Now it is meant more to be. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought that are embraced by a group of people. 


I.                     What makes an American an American?

i.e. birth, Greencard, parents, acceptance of views/products, immigration…?


II.                   Can a person be an American and never have lived in the States? ___________________________________________________

III.                  Is someone from Canada or Central America or South America an American? ___________________________________________________

IV.               What are some groups you belong to?  Social, religion, sports, ethnicity, peers… ___________________________________________________

What are some of the rules of the group? ________________________________________________________


Who determines the rules ________________________________________________________

Is there a caste system or class system in the States? Like being middle-class, old-money, new-money, sexual behaviours, political – divisions of others sorts…. Are these the basis for sub-culture?How do several subgroups become a larger group? For example what are four subgroups that make up what would be considered the youth movement (world-wide) ________________________________________________________



A paper is to be handed up at the beginning of the class on Thursday, 12th, with the answer to the FOLLOWING FOUR questions (and your name at the top of the page). Hebdige's basic idea of hegemony is that as a society we are told what is normal
and we assume that it is right.Who is it that tells us what is normal? TYPE YOUR ANSWERS AND HAVE IT READY TO HANDUP AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS  3
-possible marks. Course Guide pp 8.


1.      From the reading, Kellner,Douglas. Theorizing Globalization. https://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/papers/theoryglob.htm  

There are no questions for this reading but read it for a background in globalisation for our Tuesday discussion.

2.      Mosa, Ali A. Why Globalisation? King Saud University, Abha, Saudi Arabia https://www.edfac.usyd.edu.au/projects/wcces96/papers/mosaa.pdf.

There are no questions for this reading but read it for a background in globalisation

3.      Global Village of the Damned by Kevin Ridofli.  https://www.renaissancemag.com/columnists/ridolfi/current.asp 

Question week 2/1.  Do you agree with the author’s assessment of website communication?  Why?   


Look at the site of ‘accessnews’ from Melbourne, Australia and click on the global insights link at the top of the page. We will be viewing segments of these videos in class and discussing globalisation and culture from an activist’s view. A COPY OF THIS VIDEO IS AVAILABLE AT THE REFERENCE DESK AT THE LIBRARY FOR 1-2 HOUR VIEWING IN THE LIBRARY.



Question week 2/2.  List two of the listings from the Insights 4 program and write a couple of sentences what you think the video clip will be about. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO VIEW THE CLIPS AS WE WILL VIEW THEM IN CLASS

5. CULTURAL  COLLABORATORY: The Dynamics of Cultural Globalization. The myths of cultural globalization. Joana Breidenbach / Ina Zukrigl (Berlin) https://www.inst.at/studies/collab/breidenb.htm

Question week 2/3.            Using the sentence in this article, ‘Over the last 20 years a "culture of cultures" (Marshall Sahlins) has emerged’ name two cultures that you see on the Albany University campus.

6. Hebdige's basic idea of hegemony is that as a society we are told what is normal
and we assume that it is right.Who is it that tells us what is normal?

Question week 2/4.  What is it about globalisation that makes this article valid?


Week 3 Globalisation



(Tuesday) TOPIC: Globalisation



  1. Are you a part of a Global culture? This is a follow-on of our Group Discussions of last?

One way to understand the extent of globalisation is to look at some traditional events such as marriage: see: https://www.kendricksdesignerimgs.com/trad.html


  1. The pros and cons of globalisation: the global debate
  2. Banking World Bank pros and cons


Thursday – 12 September

  1. Report from the country you were given See the groups page in this folder (week3-stuff)
  2. Information on next two week’s project: making a ‘chatroom pal’ in a foreign culture/country


Discussion Board

THIS IS THE FIRST WEEK OF THE DISCUSSION BOARD. You will need to make two entrees per week to get both marks.


GO TO OUR WEBPAGE on the right side is: COM378 Discussion Board AND click the discussion board.


Course Page Links

- Discussion Board



Week Three: Discuss in two-three sentences something you did this week that was a result of globalisation



Post a new message


Leave your message.


Come back toward the end of the week and do the same only respond to something someone else has said.

(Thursday) Discussion in groups



Journal article due Tuesday 117 September





due Thursday 19 September



There are no questions for this article but it needs to be read for this week’s discussion.


From the web viewing, Globalisation guide: https://www.globalisationguide.org/

Question 3/a.

Is globalisationAmericanisation’? Following ONE Internet link under the heading of either Anti-globalisation or Pro-globalisation and answer this question. 

It is important that you cite which site you are going to. For example,

Rifklin argues in his online article, Can Civilization Survive? by Jeremy Rifklin, https://mai.flora.org/forum/18507, that ….

From web viewing,  Globalization News:


Question 3/b

Name one of the top bands and their music from the country you printed your above article from: For example my article below comes from Kenya (African Daily), the top album there is by Fundi Konde  with his top album: ‘Retrospective / vol.1 which is in the style of  Taarab, the popular music of the East African coast.

Question 3/c

                        Go to the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation sites:

https://www.worldbank.org/ and https://www.wto.org/

                        Go to an anti-World Bank site such as:  https://www.irn.org/wcd/worldbank.shtml and https://www.abolishthebank.org/en/


                        In three-five sentences why is the World Bank good or bad?


Bring to class Thursday

From one foreign news site show one headline story for the week 15-21st September. A selection of foreign news services follows this ramble. PRINT YOUR ARTICLE AND BRING IT TO CLASS THURSDAY FOR DISCUSSION IN YOUR GROUP.

For example, From the African Daily online https://www.africadaily.com/


Kenya look boost Test bid

11/09/2002 12:31  - (SA) South Africa 

Brian Murgatroyd

Colombo - Kenya coach Sandip Patil is hoping that a strong showing by his team at the International Cricket Council (ICC) Champions Trophy will strengthen the country's case for elevation to full Test status.

"The talent in this team deserves Tests but it's not in our hands," said Patil ahead of Thursday's start to the 12-team tournament, which is being hosted by Sri Lanka.

"Our job is to play good cricket, to put the scores on the right track and that will push our case and make it stronger. It's up to the ICC to recognise that talent but I'm sure Kenya deserves Test status."

Kenya's application to become the 11th Test-playing country has already been lodged with the ICC and is being reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Foreign news sources
 Africa Daily / Al-Jazeera / Australia Daily / Asia Daily / BBC /  Berlin News / BloombergBosnia Post /  CBC.ca  / Telegraph (UK)Estonia Times /  Europe DailyFox NewsGlobalBus. Radio / GuardianHong Kong Daily / Independent (UK) /
Herald Tribune (FR) / Middle East DailyRussia NEW SITE = JULY 2014 - https://neuage.us/2014/July/ - Today / Sydney PostSCMP.com / Tokyo GlobeVatican Post  / JEWISH WORLD REVIEW / PAKISTAN BROADCASTING / ISLAMIC REPUBLIC WIRE /ITAR-TASS / KYODO WIRE / PR NEWSWIRE



Thursday class:

Answer these questions and bring them to your group to discuss with the other two projects for this week


A.     What was the top sport, song, food, artist and issue from your group’s country? This was in last week’s handout for you to do for NEW SITE = JULY 2014 - https://neuage.us/2014/July/ - Today’s group/

B.     Discuss the news story you printed and brought to class with your group.


  1. What other culture would you like to experiment living in?
  2. If there was no concern about your safety or cost of living or questioning of your world-views would you choose a different country than above?
  3. If it is different than the country in one why would it matter?
  4. How would you feel if another ‘culture’ wished to destroy your culture?Would it be better to fight against losing your way of life or better to be assimilated by another culture?
  5.  Do you think you would be the same person if it were not for globalisation? I.e you had nothing to do with any multi-national products – etc. Is it possible not to be part of a globalised world?
  6. From your readings this week do you think the World Bank is helpful to other countries or is it a negative influence?


Week 4 Individuals, Groups and Corporations and Globalisation  



Individuals, Groups, Corporations and Globalisation. Are we being ‘globalised’ by individuals (think of celebrates), corporations (Nike, the Gap), Groups (special interest groups etc), governments or do you chose what part of other cultures you want to incorporate into your life?


Are we being ‘globalised’ by individuals (think of celebrates), corporations (Nike, the Gap), Groups (special interest groups etc), governments or do you chose what part of other cultures you want to incorporate into your life?

The following sites will be discussed in class:

  1. Marketing of celebrities

a.      Nike Nike launched a campaign of jamming the jammers https://www.adbusters.org/creativeresistance/36/1.html (the ad) https://www.subvertise.org/details.php?code=674&PHPSESSID=f12cd143fe9442457b898c09132142cd

Nike defends itself https://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/970000/video/_973324_codes_vi.ram

BBC news on Nike and the Gap https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/audiovideo/programmes/panorama/970385.stm

b.      Amount paid to celebrities https://www.organicconsumers.org/clothes/nikesweatshop.cfm

c.      Personal shoe protest https://abcnews.go.com/sections/business/DailyNews/nike010402.html

1.      ad for Nike sweatshop https://www.toolness.com/nike/

2.      ad for Nike sweatshop https://www.subvertise.org/details.php?code=580


  1. Multinational Companies
    1. The Effect of Multinational Companies on Development https://www.foundation.novartis.com/multinational_companies.htm
    2. Multinational Companies in the Geneva Area https://www.geneva.ch/multinationals.htm


  1. Marketing of Products
    1. Behind the label https://www.behindthelabel.org/  video – something to hide – (video is in the library – VidCas HD 2337 S78V 1999 –
    2. Bangladesh factories - https://www.nlcnet.org/bangladesh/1001/youngan.htm 



THIS WEEK’S JOURNAL WILL BE FROM YOUR GROUP’S COUNTRY AND YOU ARE TO FIND TWO ARTICLES that show an interaction from that country and the United States:

  1. One article is to be on your group’s country and one instance of an issue with the United States affected its country that is negative (or they are having a cow about it, or they are spitting the dummy, etc)
  2. One article is to be on your group’s country and one instance of an issue with the United States affected its country that is positive (something our of the States is helping them)



 In your group discuss the different sites that were found for this week’s viewing.


Bring to class Thursday


From web viewing Find two online articles that discuss Individuals, Groups and Corporations and Globalisation, print them out and bring them to your group for discussion on Thursday the 26th.,


Discussion Board:

  1. Discuss in two-three sentences an individual who is marketed by groups or corporation: hint, think of a sports star, the Pope, singer… and whether you are sucked in by them I mean whether you are affected by their trip. (1 point)
  2. Respond to someone else. (1 point)



Question 4/1.

From the web viewing, From the site: ‘Digital Freedom Network’ read Eddie Koch’s article, Southern Africans use globalization to their advantage. https://www.dfn.org/news/south-africa/summit.htm

Why is it  ‘vital to nourish and support indigenous enterprises like those that are already working within international markets to debunk images of Africa as a destitute and unproductive basket case.’?

Question 4/2.

From web viewing

If an individual such as Bertolt Brecht has an International Brecht Society for him A. does this mean he has been globalised? B.  Have you ever heard of him? C. Do you know anyone who ever has?  Bertolt Brecht was influenced by a wide variety of sources including Chinese, Japanese, and Indian theatre, the Elizabethans (especially Shakespeare), Greek tragedy, Büchner, Wedekind, fair-ground entertainments, the Bavarian folk play, and many more. Find information online on Brecht and answer question number 2.

Question 4/3.


From web viewing

Kellner, Douglas. CULTURAL STUDIES, MULTICULTURALISM, AND MEDIA CULTURE  https://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/papers/SAGEcs.htm Viewed Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Chose one of Kellner’s Ideologies (gender, race, class) and in a few sentences discuss whether you agree or disagree. As always in this course there is no right or wrong but you need to have a think after reading the article what you feel on the topic.


Question 4/4.

According to Norman Solomon (You Are Being Lied To, 2001), six corporations control the American media: who are they?  https://members.shaw.ca/charenton_/media.html


Question 4/5.

Read: High coffee prices leave bitter taste in mouths of impoverished farmers.  By Chris Gray

https://news.independent.co.uk/world/politics/story.jsp?story=334368 sited: 19 September 2002What percentage of American households buy these four coffee products Maxwell House, Jacobs, Café Hag, Carte Noire?


Week 5 The Media, History of writing

October 1-7


Communications. The Media, History of writing (IF THERE IS TIME)


Go to a foreign chat site – try one of these larger foreign servers:



or find one in Yahoo, Excite etc.


In the chatroom carry on a discussion with others. When you have finished your chat (it should have lasted at least an hour) discuss five things you have discovered about the other person’s culture, this could be the result of a number of people talking about anything or a few – but get past the ‘hi’ ‘any girls in here’ stage and talk about a topic that has something to do with globalisation.  For your journal you will need to save the whole log of the conversation. I realise this could be a few hundred lines long. [Note: if you are using a java chatroom you will not be able to cut and paste the log. You will either have to type out your dialogue the best you can plus capture a screen shot by holding (at the same time) alt+shift+printscreen to capture and Shift+Insert to save it for printing.]

NOTE: If you cannot find a chat site for the country your group is doing then find another one. What I want is for you to communicate with someone with a different mind-set and background than yourself.


This will be the last week of the Part One half of this assignment. There will be no assignment due during week six – you will have that week to format and assemble your journal. How that should be done will be in next week’s assignment.


Discussion Board:


Discuss in a few sentences what communicative or media device you use to interact with another culture or country (i.e. phone, Internet (chat, e-mail, discussion etc), post (mail), webTV etc. and why Secondly respond to something someone else has written. (1-point)


Tuesday Class

The topic will be ‘How the media reports the news’. As we are discussing globalisation it is important to be aware of how we see other cultures and countries. See: MEDIA IN THE MIDST OF WAR https://www.tbsjournal.com/; The Information Revolution in the Arab World https://www.georgetown.edu/research/arabtech/mch397.htm; Questions from readings

Your biological footprint

    1. You are to do your biological footprint and print a copy to hand in with the other questions. Go to: https://www.lead.org/leadnet/footprint/intro.htm
    2. What are some of your personal reflections on how your life may affect other ‘less-prosperous’ societies?


For example print the whole page including how many earth-like planets it would take for everyone to live like you do.

2. Information and communication technologies

From web viewing,  Bechtel, Marie-Franise. Public Administration between Globalisation and Decentralisation.  Istanbul, TURKEY, 17-20 JUNE 2002 https://www.iiasiisa.be/schools/aeistanbul/KeynBechtelA.pdf

Do new information and communication technologies introduce changes in the exercise of democracy, notably with reference to globalisation and decentralisation that they facilitate?

3. Compare news stories

You will need to go to the follow five sites. Each one has an entirely different (agenda?) way of telling ‘the way it is’ in the world NEW SITE = JULY 2014 - https://neuage.us/2014/July/ - Today. Write a few sentences on whether you believe the news source is telling the truth and you would trust their reporting of current affairs.


a.      https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi.html

b.      https://www.rense.com/

c.      https://www.cnn.com/

d.      https://www.davidicke.com/ take the red pill to -  (https://www.davidicke.com/icke/index.html)

e.      https://www.cursor.org/aljazeera.htm


Thursday group

(Thursday) Bring to your group one kind of printed material that you often tend to read: magazine, novel, webpage, newspaper etc. In your group you will discuss how you use this material, how you learned to use it, and what purpose it serves you. What are the ranges of tastes and reading practices among the members of your group? Are there certain reading practices found among particular groups of individuals, or among women as compared to men, younger people compared with older and etc?


Week 6 Gender and globalisation: more or less rights for women? 


PART ONE OF YOUR JOURNAL IS DUE Tuesday, October 15th (in this weekly are the guidelines for your presentation) WEEK 06. There is no journal article due for this week, use this week to format your journal.



Gender and globalisation: more or less rights for women, for men? Sexuality and the beauty-youth market and globalisation.



Online Discussion

Discuss the Internet and women. Take a stand: for example, women are worse off because of Internet pornography and stereotyping or they are better off due to the use of the Internet to change public perspectives and create more equal


Discussion in your group will be on whether women are better off than they were before the most recent period of globalisation: 1980 – 2002 as well as Sexuality and the beauty-youth market and globalisation.




Nyman, Roseline The impact of globalisation on human rights, women and good governance Southern African Peoples Solidarity Network. 26 - 28 November 2001 Malawi

You will need to find this article yourself on the Internet (it is there).

Question 1.

What has been done to change women's realities in Africa according to this study?


Shiva, Vandana. The effects of WTO on women's rights. (Third World Resurgence No. 61/62, Sept/Oct 1995)

Question 2. 

What does Shiva say are the two major shifts in Gender analysis in a period of globalisation?

You will need to find this article yourself on the Internet.


Dale Spender is a writer on women and computers. Her book: Spender, Dale. Nattering on the Net Women, Power and Cyberspace. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1996 is not available in our library. If you can find it in another library it is well worth the read.

Question 3.

Read the following sites and discuss what Spender’s view on women and computers is:





Week 7 World music   -----




TOPIC: World music


Discussion Board:

(WORLD MUSIC) Discuss in 3-4 sentences what your favourite music is and give its origins & cultural roots and where it is currently situated. 1/2 pt. will be for you listing your music and 1/2-pt for the other 2-questions as well as 1-pt for



Journal  for week 7.

This will be due for 17 October. (though this is your Part-Two of your journal and will be due November 12th – but it needs to be done this for Tuesday 17 October for Class discussion.


Look up some definitions; if possible find different ones.

Choose ONE of these two areas and be prepared to engage in a class debate on this on Thursday 17 October. Write notes for yourself to help you in the debate. Be prepared to take either side. You will need to submit this to me as your journal entry. You will receive one point for engaging the topic, one point for citing at least three sources and two- points possible for a 300-word (approximately) discussion of your findings.




1. What is world music?

2. Do you think ethnic cultures suffer from being grouped together in a genre called ‘World Music’?

3. List some arguments for using this new genre, and some against. Find examples from different countries or styles to support your argument. The debate topic is “Globalization of ethnic music has helped promote the music of many cultures”

What is the music of the country your group chose?






Piracy of music is a problem. Do you pirate music? Do you have an ethical problem with that? If so, why, and if not why not? (don’t be concerned I am not with the cyberpolice)


The debate topic could be

            “ I pirate music by burning CD copies and I don’t feel it is wrong”

Consider the following in your thinking and research

            The role of the musician/composer

            The role of recording companies


Be prepared to back your arguments with some articles. I am not only interested in your own opinions; they should be supported with ‘evidence’.


A useful site is




but I’m sure you will find more, you need to have cited at least three-sources for your marks.


You may wish to choose one particular style, country, band or musician as an example in your argument.



(Thursday) Group discussion

will be on what music others in your group enjoy and whether it is world music




White, Miles. The Phonograph Turntable and Performance Practice in Hip Hop Music https://research.umbc.edu/eol/2/white/


Question 1. Discuss whether Hip Hop and Rap are a form of ‘resistance and contestation’ used on a world scale much as folk-music of the 1960’s (ask your grandparents) was?


Singh, Amardeep. 'World Music' and the Globalizing of 'Punk' https://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/global/Abstracts/singh.html  


Question 2.  If you listen to popular music produced in the States by an American are you listening to world music? If so why?


Question 3.  In your favourite search engine find an article on the topic ‘the music industry and globalization’ and critique it – be sure to properly cite the article.


Week 8 TOPIC: World sports and world foods

(October 22-October 29)


Group discussion will be on what sports others in your group enjoy and whether they are world sports and GM foods. Twenty-minutes will be for working on your group’s presentation in four-weeks.



Discussion Board

(food & sports) Discuss whether you would eat genetically modified foods (GM Foods) if you knew it was in your favourite product. Respond to someone else.




From your group country find articles on each of this week’s topics:

Globalisation and food

Globalisation and sports


I do not need the articles but you will need to cite them properly, including last visited URL.


Write two short essays (about 200 words each) answering these questions:


1.       Sports –


    1. How is the number one sport of your country (of course you have to find that part out yourself) been affected by stereotypes of Western cultural sports?  Look at how sports are portrayed in your country currently and how they have changed from their traditional portrayal (for example, for Japan look at kendo, judo, or aikido then at Jackie Chan)
    2. Is (are) the traditional sport of your country an Olympic sport? What does this say for the sport(s) in question and globalisation?





Please write out your answers in paragraph form as would be expected for any academic handup.



Where Food Crops Originated and GM foods

Question 1. From the two sources above or any other source, list three foods that you eat tell what country they had their origins in and whether they are likely candidates for GM foods.


Question 2. Is Zambia doing the right thing for its people by halting its emergency food aid program? Read https://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/gm/gm.jsp?id=ns99992806 and any other article you can find on it.

Whatever your answer – support what you say based on your reading. Please cite sources.


Question 3.

Do you think the problem of world hunger can be solved by using GM foods. What could be the arguments for or against this? Is the problem of world hunger related to this at all, or are there other factors involved. Whatever your answer – support what you say based on your reading. Please cite sources.


Week 9  The Internet and Cyber Identities 

GO TO WEEK NINE (October 29-November 4) ONLINE FOR LINKS



From the CyberAnthropology Page: https://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/cyberanthropos.html pick any one of the links in the categories of: Theory, Reflections, Praxis, Cyborg Eschatology, Predictions, AnthroFuturism, AnthroFuturism or Ethnogenesis and analyse the material in respect to how people in different cultural groupings would view it. (At the end of the day it really is just a bunch of anti-language so you should be able to go pass the words and read the techno-centerness of the author(s).


For example if you are using the article ‘TECHGNOSIS, INFOMYSTICISM, AND THE WAR AGAINST ENTROPY’ from Cyborg Eschatology  at https://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/techgnosis.html - reference it and relate it to the Internet, globalisation and discuss how someone from a different cultural background that had no knowledge of the Internet or cyberspace would view the article. WHAT IN THE ARTICLE YOU READ MADE IT PARTICULARILY WESTERN? For example is there an assumption that anyone can relate to the material presented or only those in the same mindset?  I would expect about three to four hundred words.


(Tuesday October 29) TOPIC:

The Internet and Cyber Identities

Discussion Board:

Discuss whether the Internet should be regulated and censored.



There are three readings on Internet chatrooms below. Read and critique two of the readings and discuss how chatrooms create a space where one can mold him or her self into anything – without boundaries and discuss whether these three readings pertain to people in Western/First World cultures or would they hold true in an Indigenous culture also?


·        Rheingold, Howard. A Slice of Life in My Virtual Community. https://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/mlr/readings/articles/aslice.html  Last viewed, Wednesday, October 23, 2002 (note: this article is of interest as it was written ten-years ago)

·        Neuage, Terrell. Case Study One, Conversational Analysis of Chatroom Talk. PD Thesis.  https://se.unisa.edu.au/1.html Last viewed, Wednesday, October 23, 2002

·        Suler, John The Psychology of Avatars and Graphical Space
in Multimedia Chat Communities: https://www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/psyav.html Last viewed,
Wednesday, October 23, 2002


(Thursday) Group discussion

·        Discuss the downsides of the Internet and the positives.

·        Do you think relationships in cyberspace are real?


Week 10  Television and movies how the world sees each other



There is only one assignment for this week’s journal – but it is a lot of work and I would expect 500 + words plus your references (which do not count as word count)


Using your group’s country find what is a top movie, sitcom or play particular to that country and discuss (you are now a movie review critic) how culture identity (of that country’s culture) is affected by globalisation. You may need to translate the site (as I showed in class last Thursday) – there are several site translators (each worse than the one before – so you will have to figure out what the site is saying on your own) such as

Altavista’s Babelfish Translation https://world.altavista.com/

Google’s stie translator  https://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en

and some will translate better or more languages than others. Most search engines have a ‘translate this page’ message if it is not in English.


  1. Please cite any URL’s authors – date accessed etc that you use – including the translator. If you speak the language and translate yourself all the better (list yourself as translator); the one I used in class - https://www.humanitas-international.org/newstran/index.html
  2. Do not just describe but write an essay – argue that your groups country’s culture is or is not affected  by globalisation
  3. For example, a movie now playing in Japan is WELCOME BACK MR. McDONALD (Japanese): A farcical sitcom set in a Tokyo radio station which takes some shots at Japan's rigid social codes. Kyoka Suzuki plays a sappy housewife whose romantic play is chosen to be broadcast over the radio.  "With its zany humor and hysterical (yet logical) leaps into the absurd, WELCOME BACK, MR. McDONALD exposes the fissures in Japan's much-vaunted social apparatus, particularly the collective decision-making process...and the (misguided?) appropriation of American culture." - Noah Cowan (Toronto Film Festival)
  4. Print out the translated page and include it with your journal if you use a translator.


If you were reviewing this film you may write a review as Cowan did above. This will mean that you will need to do some research – you will be doing secondary research as you most likely will not have seen the movie. However, if you are doing England – and you watch an English sit-com on the telly such as ‘Keeping up appearances’ or ‘Neighbours’ (Australia) you can write on them.


There is more work in this than the others – that is because there is only this and next week’s journal to do and you have until 03 December to hand it up – do not wait until the last moment –


Discussion Board

Discussion Board: Discuss whether American sitcoms or movies portray other cultures differently than the way they are (1/2 point). Give an example explaining whether it seems accurate or not (1/2 point).



Reading 1

MUÑOZ, LORENZA, (Tuesday, April 24, 2001) The Silver Screen That Divides Us, Times Staff Writer. Online:


Accessed, Friday, November 01, 2002.

Question 1.


Discuss what MUÑOZ’s problem is with how Hollywood portray’s Mexican’s in movies. Do you agree or disagree with his assessment and why?


Reading 2


Sohrabi, Naghmeh (August 24, 2000) Not THAT good Patronizing adoration for Iranian cinema, The Iranian. Viewed online: https://www.iranian.com/Arts/2000/August/Film Accessed, Friday, November 01, 2002.


Question 2.


THIS ANSWSER YOU WILL NEED TO SUBMIT BOTH TO THE IRANIAN ONLINE (See, https://www.iranian.com/write.html AND TO ME NEXT THURSDAY. (I have submitted articles to this before and they do put them on their site – it would be worthwhile to read some of the material here)


Read this and any other article and discuss whether you believe the West is patronizing Iranian cinema or does Sohrabi have it wrong.


Reading 3


Farrah, Joseph, Hollywood goes Havana, again. Viewed online: https://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21973

Accessed, Friday, November 01, 2002.


Question 3.


In my opinion, Farrah, is having an unjustified spit at the celebrities who visited Cuba – does he have a point or was he just having a bad hair day? Justify your answer


Week 11 The virtual university and Digital Resistance


(Tuesday) TOPIC: The virtual university and globalisation of learning.


Reading and Viewing:

Reading and Viewing are from the following sites:


            As well as:

·        Cogburn, Derrick. GLOBALIZATION, KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE INFORMATION AGE.  https://www.unesco.org/webworld/infoethics_2/eng/papers/paper_23.htm

·        Neave, Guy. Globalization: Threat, Opportunity or Both? https://www.unesco.org/iau/globalization/newsletter-globalization.html

·        Anderson, Khadija.  Western Education vs. Muslim Children https://www.jannah.org/articles/westernedu.html

(Thursday) Group discussion: Is one culture’s educational system better than another?


Week 12 Beliefs


(Tuesday) TOPIC: Beliefs (Astrology: different techniques from various cultures and how they produce similar results, Religion, Movements)

Discussion Board:

Religious: Christians – Moslems – Bahai Faith. Hip-Hop, graffiti


Barcelona – graffiti (July, 2003)

Hamburg, Germany – graffiti (July, 2003)

Amsterdam, Holland - graffiti (July, 2003)

 Seoul Hip-Hop Club (July, 2003)


(Thursday) Group presentations


Week 13


(Tuesday) TOPIC: 


Reading and Viewing:

(Thursday) NO CLASS


Week 14


(Tuesday) Review of the course

(Thursday) Group presentations



6.  Referencing Guide

All work is to be properly cited. Below is how to cite electronic sources and below that is using the Chicago Manual of Style for citing material in print.


A) Electronic sources citation


‘How to Cite Bibliographic Entries and In-Text Citations Electronic Sources MLA Style’ from the University Library Site: https://library.albany.edu/usered/style/mlaelec.html 


The following guidelines for the construction of a bibliography and the use of in-text citations are based on the 5th edition of the Modern Language Association of America's style manual, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (Ref LB 2369 G53 1999, also available on reserve at the University Library). This style is used primarily by those in the arts and humanities discipline.


Entries for electronic sources follow the same basic pattern as those for print sources (author, title, publication information). Citations should include the date assigned to the document in the source AS WELL as the date on which you accessed the document. For online works, it is recommended that citations include the URL, enclosed in angled brackets. If a URL must be divided between two lines, break it only after a slash. Note, the entire list should be double-spaced throughout each entry, and the lines after the first line of each entry should be indented 5 spaces.

Journal Article in Online Source

Christian, David. "Silk Roads or Steppe Roads? The Silk Roads in World

History."Journal of World History11.1 (2000):1-26. 19 June 2000

< https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_world_history/v011/11.1christian.html?>

Vogel, Gretchen. 揚aleobiology: Insect Wings Point to Early Sophistication.?P>

Science 282.5389 (1998): 599. 17 October 2000


Mann, Charles C. 揟he Heavenly Jukebox.? Atlantic Monthly 286.3 (2000): 39-56.

25 October 2000

<https://ehostvgwl.epnet.com/ ehostl.asp?key=>.

Web Page Professional Site

Cope, Virginia. Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn: Text,

Illustrations, and Early Reviews. 1995. The University of Virginia Library. 19

June 2000 <https://etext.lib.virginia.edu/twain/huckfinn.html>

Web Page Personal Site

Kennedy, William. Home page. 25 October 2000


NOTE : If available, include the name of the person who created the page; the title of the site, underlined; and the name of the organization associated with the site. If no title exists, then include a description such as Home page , with no underlining. See Personal Site example.

NOTE : The date preceding the URL is the date you accessed the Web site or the article.

CD-ROM (Abstract)

Boyatzis, Chris J. 揕et the Caged Bird Sing: Using Literature to Teach Developmental

Psychology.? 19.4 (1992): 221-22. ERIC. CD-ROM. SilverPlatter. December 1997.

NOTE : To determine the publication date of a CD-ROM database, look at the latest date of the section of the database you are searching. For example, if the menu gives you a choice of documents: Jan. 1980 through Dec. 1990 / Jan. 1991 through Dec. 1996, and you find a document dated May 17, 1986, the electronic publication date is December 1990.


In-text citations for electronic sources follow the same pattern as those for print sources: use the author's last name or the title of the work, which may be abbreviated. If you use an abbreviated title, begin the shortened version with the word by which the work is alphabetized in your list of works cited.


University Libraries - University at Albany, SUNY
Ask at the Reference Desk for further assistance


B) Chicago Manual of Style for print material

Copied from: https://web.library.emory.edu/services/ressvcs/citation/citationstyles.html

Following the format suggested by the Chicago Manual of Style, here are some examples of general citation styles for the most common types of print and electronic publications. For more extensive guidelines be sure to consult one of the style manuals (make link to Web site on General Style Manuals) included in this guide.


Single author/editor:

Bibliography: Simon, Jeffrey D. Terrorist trap: America's experience with terrorism.
2nd edition.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.

Footnote: Jeffrey D. Simon, Terrorist trap: America's experience with terrorism.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001). p.117.

Multiple authors/editors:

Bibliography: Turnbull, Linda S., Elaine Hallisey Hendrix and Borden S. Dent. Atlas of crime: mapping the criminal landscape. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 2001.

Footnote: Linda S. Turnbull, Elaine Hallisey Hendrix and Borden S. Dent. Atlas of crime: mapping the criminal landscape. (Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 2001). p. 145.


Single author:

Bibliography: Bradford, Helen. "Women, Gender and Colonialism: Rethinking
the History of the
British Cape Colony and Its Frontier Zones, C. 1806-70." Journal
of African History
37: 3 (1996): pp. 351-370.

Footnote: Helen Bradford. "Women, Gender and Colonialism: Rethinking
the History of the
British Cape Colony and Its Frontier Zones, C. 1806-70." Journal
of African History
37: 3 (1996): p. 362.

Note: Note: you don't need to provide the name of a magazine publisher or a place of publication in your citation.

Multiple authors:

Bibliography: Ham John C., Jan Svejnar, and Katherine Terrell. "Unemployment
and the Social Safety Net during Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the
Czech and
Slovak Republics." The American Economic Review 88:. 5 (December
1998): pp. 1117-1142.

Footnote: John C. Ham, Jan Svejnar, and Katherine Terrell. "Unemployment
and the Social Safety Net during Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the
Czech and
Slovak Republics." The American Economic Review 88: 5 (December 1998): p. 1118.

Electronic Sources:


Bibliography: Manley, Mary de la Riviere. The lost lover, or the jealous husband,
a comedy.
London: 1696]. Available at https://chaucer.library.emory.edu/cgi-bin/sgml2html/wwrp.pl. Last accessed on the World Wide Web on January 16, 2002.

Footnote: Mary de la Riviere Manley, The lost lover, or the jealous husband,
a comedy
. [
London: 1696]. 6. Available at https://chaucer.library.emory.edu/cgi-bin/sgml2html/wwrp.pl. Last accessed on the World Wide Web on January 16, 2002.


Bibliography: Dobson, Roger. "Scientists produce genetically engineered, cloned
pigs for xenotransplantation." BMJ: British Medical Journal 324: 7329 (
January 12, 2002): pp. 67-69. EBSCO Academic Search Premier via GALILEO. Last accessed on the World Wide Web on February 7, 2002.

Footnote: Rodger Dobson. "Scientists produce genetically engineered, cloned
pigs for xenotransplantation." BMJ: British Medical Journal 324: 7329 (
January 12, 2002): pp. 67-69. EBSCO Academic Search Premier via GALILEO. Last accessed on the World Wide Web on February 7, 2002.




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(to be copied and attached to your journal for presentation)


A COM 378T 1326


Globalisation and Culture

Fall 2002






Student name: __________________________________________________________



Journal Assignment (Part 1 or 2)_______





Due Date: /  /02


Date of submission:  /  /02



I declare the following to be my own work, unless otherwise referenced

