Speech Evaluation Form

Speaker ______________________________________________Topic____________________ Date _Wednesday, February 16, 2005

5= Excellent, Criteria Fulfilled    4= Very Good    3= Requires Noticeable Improvement  2= Requires Significant Improvement  1= Unacceptable           


1.      ____  Was the general speech goal (informative) maintained throughout the speech?

2.      ____  Was the specific goal of the speech made clear by the time the Introduction was concluded?


3.      ____  Was the topic a sufficiently honed subject so as to be manageable? (was there too much information?)

4.      ____  Did the speaker seem to choose the topic carefully? (was there sufficient work put into it? Or was it tossed together the night before on the freeway or at the pub?)

5.      ____  Did the speaker seem committed to the topic or did it sound like ‘I got to do something might as well do this’?

Analyzing and Adapting to the Audience

6.      ____  Did the speaker create audience interest? (using one of these: timeliness, proximity, seriousness, revive interest)

7.      ____  Did the speaker adapt to the audience's level of understanding? (use background information, present new information with proper supporting materials)

8.      ____  Did the speaker build audience perception of their expertise and knowledge?

9.      ____  Did the speaker build audience perception of their trustworthiness and general character?

10.  ____  Did the speaker relate directly to the audience? (personal pronouns, rhetorical questions, share common experiences, use hypothetical situations, personalize information, build on common interests)

11.  ____  Did the speaker appear to have audience reactions in mind BEFORE delivering the speech? WAS THE AUDIENCE IDENTIFIED AT THE START?



12.  ____  Did the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience?

13.  ____  Was emphasis used properly (placement, sequencing, proportion, repetition, transition)

14.  ____  Was the speech conversational (enthusiastic, expressive, fluent)

15.  ____  Was the speech delivered extemporaneously?

16.  ____  Did the speaker use notes unobtrusively?

17.  ____  Did the speaker use visual aids effectively?

18.  ____  Was the language vivid and clear?

19.  ____  Were grammar and pronunciation correct?

20.  ____  Was nonverbal communication used effectively?


21.  ____  Did the speaker satisfy the goals of a good Introduction? (get audience          attention, set tone, create a bond of goodwill, transition well to the         thesis statement)

22.  ____  Did the speech open with one or more of the types and with impact? (startling statement, story, rhetorical question, personal reference,           quotation, suspenseful opening, compliment, good use of statistic)

23.  ____          Was the thesis statement concise and clear?

24.  ____ Where the main points of the speech noted?


25.  ____  Did the speaker effectively use transitions both to get into the Body and throughout the Body?

26.  ____  Was the organization clear?

27.  ____  Were the main points clear?

28.  ____  Were main points supported properly with facts or expert opinion?

29.  ____  Were there enough supporting materials? (examples, illustrations, statistics, anecdotes, narratives, comparisons and contrasts, quotations, attributed definitions and descriptions)  

30.  ____  Were the supporting materials "strong?"

31.  ____  Were the sources adequately cited within the speech? For example, Saint Terrell said that “the cosmos is held together by superglue and toothpaste” or according to expedia.com “five star hotels in Albany are equal to a dog’s breakfast”.

32.  ____  Had the speaker done enough research? Do you have more than one or two sources for your information?


33.  ____  Did the speech conclude appropriately? Did you tell us what you told us? Is it ten perenct of your speech?

General Rules

34.  ____  Did the speaker stay reasonably within the time limit?

35.  ____  Correct bibliography

36.  ____  Outline?


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Max 36X5 = 180 points/0.56 = 100.8%

IE. Lost 12 points – 168= 92.4%

If lost 32 points = 148 = 82.8%