The next installment of our adventures in New York

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


We have discovered, or rediscovered our bikes. They are two rather rusty, but working bikes, ‘classic’ we bought for $10 each at a garage sale last year and rarely used. Well, now almost everyday after work and on weekends we go on a pedal. Brooklyn (or Breuckelen, as it was called by the Dutch) is a fairly flat city, at least around where we are, and some streets have bike lanes.


Last weekend was a long weekend, like in Australia, and gorgeous weather. (We were told it rained in Albany!) We take these bikes on the subway trains, and that gets us everywhere. On Monday we rode down the East side of Manhattan, following bike trails all the way. It’s very spectacular, as you can see from Terrell’s photos.


On Sunday we discovered a new ‘China town’ in Brooklyn, about 15 minutes ride from our place. It’s the real ‘McCoy’. No tourists to be found; just Chinese markets and stores and stacks of Chinese people.


We never realized that Brooklyn is such a ‘united nations’. I think I wrote this before, but you can really go for a long time without hearing any English spoken.


The New Utrecht area is a little rough; though very interesting too. It surprises us, because you see a few blocks where you think there are many crack addicts and shootings, and then 2 blocks further it will be regular family homes, and middle class.


Yesterday we watched a movie shoot in Manhattan. It is set in the future, can’t remember the name, but it’s supposed to be a remake of a movie made in the 70’s about the last remaining person on earth. They had all these cars along the side of the street covered in dust and with ‘weeds’ growing under them.


So there you go, enough for now. Hope everyone is well.


Much love

Narda and Terrell


See more at  videos on youtube at


born in Utrecht now in New Utrecht, Brooklyn




tall ships with Manhattan as a background


Narda and graffiti on the Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn


Nada on the F line Brooklyn