Friday, January 20, 2006


We have learnt some basics in Flash and we have some understanding in making a webpage.

Today we will discuss a project involving creating a children's story that will be 'performed' in front of a grade one class.

We will start this project by going to the library today and looking at some simple children's stories.

Everyone will be required (oh no!!!! HOMEWORK) to write a little story.

By Monday, I want at least a rough draft of what your story will be on.

Today we will go over some story conventions - such as how many words per 'page'.


Look at some ideas on line - of course yours will be original - out of your own brain...

We will do a collaborative story in three weeks - each student will write a part and then it will be 'performed' for a grade one class.


AND OH - almost forgot - we will still be learning Flash and 'oh NO' we will still do some exercises from the book.


On line see

andf Whootie Owl's 

and one more idea The Adventures of Meru and Boo