
2021 ............................................................................................................................................................ 1

Adelaide 1

Darwin 10

Adelaide 17

Road Trip > Adelaide South Australia – OUTBACK – Cairns - Queensland 47

Lahore 109

2022 ........................................................................................................................................................ 113

Washington DC 113

Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel 114




  1. If we had begun

    If we had finished

    If we had floated or laughed @ the crossroads

    marvellous would be our discourse none we did

    we did none

    The outcome is well worth the wait

    The weight of our choice crushes and frees us Simultaneously

    01 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  2. Long after yesterday’s vanquished irony

    I fell in love with it Wishing for it to be again

    01 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    For my Australian siblings of whom I have none today’s maths date is 2-1-21 (it is now Saturday) For my Yanks who count

    The date is 1-2-21 (it is still Friday but when it is Saturday it will be 1-2-21) And that is our difference

    May it be no more than that in 2021

  3. Absence of turmoil

    In this vacated space

    Filled with once were shadows of ours wandering freely


    Across opaque horizon(s)

    never knowing the absence of turmoil would lull us to sleep Without regret

    You and I

    Eternal turmoil made manifest

    02 January 2021 Victor Harbor South Australia

  4. Plateaus of latent polluted consciousness

    (entrenched by many)

    How trite the uninitiated beggars becomes Mistakes of evolution

    fools who do not garner my vision I think I will go and shower

    just to wash away my thoughts so exhausting it is being me

    03 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  5. Thoughts clashing


    Accidental reasoning Love

    …such a token effort

    If we make it to tomorrow we will know hope is real

    04 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  6. I sped through life

    just to get to here

    to hear

    what I thought then would be now so mistaken was my prophecy intent unravelled

    Revelations disregarded But then again

    now could be what someone else imagined [implanted into me]

    as it surely is not where I thought I would be

    long before I sped through life to arrive to here

    The miracle of life finally realized

    05 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  7. I treat my like as a foreign spy Hiding behind a façade of normality and my love for you

    No criminal intent discoverable

    so good I am @ living life as a double agent to my memories

    06 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  8. The entertainments of disaster

    so easily removed

    hiding in front of my TV screen computer

    devices galore

    Sometimes I have several disasters Streaming


    across multiple screens All so distance

    so abstract

    I liked the world before

    all these visual haphazard attempts at life-living fell to the ground Tomorrow I will sit in my garden Talk to my flowers

    Such a calm world I will see Why can’t everyone do that

    08 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  9. Not a favourable situation Falling off the cliff Following

    the herd We heard Wrongly

    I love the notion of eternity lasting in nanoseconds Such a favourable situation after all

    09 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  10. Your love obfuscated memories that had no chance of survival

    10 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  11. I waited Anticipated Strived for

    the crowning moment of my life The turning point


    Orgasmic nuclear achievements unhinged Unlocked

    Bursting forth Flying free

    That metamorphosis moment

    in the fable narrative made manifest But alas

    After 73 years of incoherent mumblings This is it

    These words strewn across my rapidly vaporizing self Damn!

    10 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  12. No one really cared

    though the wind pretended to as the village was swept

    by one more tornado

    and as with any love at the end of a dream various misguided saints

    turned away

    11 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  13. While rehearsing my death

    That final moment prior to lights going out Senses no more

    Unfilled dreams erased

    I was surprised to see how funny you were your magical smile so surrendering

    Before I forgot all that once was #Life’sFinalEraser

    While rehearsing my death once again

    12 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  14. So late the change Seasonal obstruction Bleeding softly Blending slowly

    Believing surrender is the only option Tomorrow we riot

    Turmoil awakening desire

    Changing the spectator’s perspective So exciting

    The only side I choose is that of change

    13 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  15. Passing paragraph toward the end of the news

    “death of galaxy observed”

    A galaxy with billions of stars gone such a loss of innocent lives

    I look at my hairbrush

    More of my hair on my brush less on my head

    now that is a tragedy

    of cosmic dimension

    We do not see that in the news do we

    15 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  16. If only

    That is what we tell ourselves

    (opinion enhanced opportunist’s options) Orchestrated insurrection of life’s imaginary choices As hallucinations begat our distorted reality

    (our love is forever)

    As a child I believed so much I was a mental magician

    (An absorber of what is possible though never possible) Then suddenly I became old

    No longer believing in much (though still as bewildered as ever) I stare into the vacuum of my life If only

    17 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  17. Plain played plans

    Seemingly so simple

    Death defying dread directly displayed I had no idea it would end like this Plain plans played

    18 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  18. While mumbling incoherently on the corner of here and there passing pedestrians

    stopped smiled saying

    “of course that is the answer” Before going over the cliff

    Of here and now

    18 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  19. Dreams surrendering shackled to reality beliefs unhinged

    The alchemy of broken memories lay scattered


    across the masked horizon



    I had quite the normal day

    19 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  20. During an analysis of cliffs never gone over

    Flooded rivers almost crossed Fleeting desires slightly quenched

    I reflected on my out-of-focus reflection(s)


    why always so close never closer

    Perhaps being close is all that kept me alive So far

    22 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  21. Souvenir shop of love’s lost interest

    sitting on dusty cracked shelves

    Once-were-trophies of a younger time when a drunken world

    so easily staggered

    only to awaken decades later scarcely remembering

    love’s lingering souvenirs

    24 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  22. As the sole audience

    (deleted soul survivor)

    to the manipulated characters

    in the continuing sage of my ruthless nightly dreams (BTW terrible actors each and every one of them)

    I applaud

    in my questionable absence

    to the endless hazards of unfulfilled dreams smouldering on the hillside of fading humanity Waiting as always for the final curtain

    to end this charade

    I so relaxingly refer to as my only life

    25 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  23. No doubt the strangest of times

    Easy to miss such nuances But we try

    I so easily replace time with space It is easier to fill

    Time does not encourage hording Space it seems does

    I surround myself with surrendered artifacts from my collection of 73 years of avoiding time Too busy with filling space

    At the destruction of earth Time will still exist

    Space will not

    Tomorrow I shall embrace time My space has no future

    26 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  24. Sleeping pill

    Such a day breaker Waster

    World fades Faces melt

    Whispers losing their meaning Dreams so close

    If only I could find a place to lay down

    randomly disintegrate

    The path is windy A hindered trail

    If I were to stumble would anyone notice Slurred speech creating such a tangled response Out-of-tune hum

    If in the future I become conscious A co-conspirator with reality

    I hope the world makes more sense than it does now Sleepy magic making everything disappear

    Except for you

    The smile with a thousand faces

    27 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  25. I stopped watching the news All I do now is wait 4 U Nothing I haven’t read

    So long you have been dead So long you

    Nothing more new

    28 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  26. The distinct mirage of love without borders

    makes us aliens

    swept up in the swirl of changes we never asked to a be a part of

    Though we happily flow against the tide

    looking back to a simpler time

    before love without borders dissolved our resolve to continue

    long ago when we hoped Now we no longer exist You and I

    lost in the mirage of love without borders

    29 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  27. Unexpectantly my wings fell off

    no alternatives were coded into my makeup So unfortunate to realize I was not a bird

    or another random flying creature as I crashed to ground

    This is not new

    There was that period when I believed I was a sea inhabitant After drownings then being resuscitated

    by a school of illiterate fish

    and tossed onto an erotic slimy beach teaming with voluptuous wrestling lesbians chasing me in my ignorance

    I took up some Zen shit

    escaped to a Himalayan mountain top until I froze to death from passing storms

    Luckily to thaw out and be adopted by a pack of binary wolves who raised me

    Finally letting me loose into society where to this very day

    I am still trying to navigate these insane times

    30 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

  28. In a hypothetical nightmare

    your anecdotal love disappeared

    30 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    1. Living so freely in a recreated past in my mind

      makes now seem like the future I never believed would arrive and fortunately never will

      30 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    2. When I no longer exist

      will I remember when I did

      30 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    3. Such subtle monstrosities

      Feelings of déjà vu

      Linking shadows that once were us freely chasing unfettered desires across such shifting landscapes only to become separated

      You swallowed by an unreachable horizon Me – I just fell

      Free-falling through life

      Never landing to analyse these feelings of déjà vu and such emptiness

      Drowning once again

      31 January 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    4. All my dreams came true

      Now that I am awake I wish they had not

      01 February 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    5. I followed my followers

      who follow me as I follow them

      following our imaginary selves over a virtual cliff of remorse that we had followed

      2 February 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia

    6. Once the majority

      Now in the minority

      These alien thoughts transiting my mind I texted you

      Emailed WhatsApp you

      You died decades ago

      Long before technology reminded us of our fractured selves

      Our digital relationships disappearing into wastelands of memes Brought back to life

      Then fading quickly

      like the majority of thoughts once entertained now slipping away

      With so little left

      I do not know why I hang on to this memory of you

      3 February 2021 Perseverance Road Adelaide South Australia


    7. A whole new place

      Even my reflection is different A shadow of my former self

      Laughing out of tune with the ill-gotten wind ricocheting off the horizon

      I once chased after success

      She was a cruel cross-dressing mistress Leaving me to die in a softened breeze

      Now everywhere I arrive I embrace the new me Only to bury him

      as the sun shoves itself into its existential nothingness 05 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    8. The resident clown resplendent in my head

      left me for the circus that left town leaving me confused as to my response in this haphazard world I troll

      in anticipation of a better me

      7 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    9. The seldom differences mimic past heroes

      As accidental as lover flounders in an ill-conceived wind is my suggestion of you

      My once upon a time hero

      When I was young

      long before today was conceived I too floundered

      then often wondered if I would dread being who I am now

      and as the seldom difference would have it I do

      08 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    10. We unlearned what we learned Now realizing what little value there was we humbly sink

      below the unlearned wisdom we once had learned

      08 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    11. Everyone headed the wrong direction

      I followed

      taking selfies all the way Peaceful endings are boring Evolution is based on mistakes

      Secrets of deceptions cracks open reason We all fall in

      Now we are engulfed here

      in the wrong direction Wishing we were not

      09 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    12. I tunnelled through life’s mountainous deceptions

      only to discover I never had my eyes open to the wonders of delusion

      until now

      at the final push through life’s remaining opened door where I get to embrace nothing at all

      Though I still hear you laughing ‘I tricked you once again’

      10 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    13. My narrative became so boring

      that I ended it right here

      10 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    14. I followed myself to the end of the street

      just out of curiosity which way would I go

      once to the end of the street but I remained lost

      I often eavesdrop on conversations I am having with bikini clad thrift store mannequins

      hoping to get some racing tips at the local racetrack


      I raced myself up the summit

      to be first watching sunset over my fading life but I did not make it

      so I will never know how this will end

      11 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    15. My life mimics nature

      As unpredictable as the weather due to climate change

      11 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    16. Such an artificial entitled moment

      rolling across

      simultaneous event horizons To choose any particular

      would diffuse the final variants of realism knocking on my locked door

      causing such a crack in time space would explode

      leaving us as scattered alien atoms across our pretend entitled universe pretty much like how I feel now

      12 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    17. Life is the interruption experienced

      when we try to dream

      13 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    18. Minimalistic love created the universe

      Complexed love will destroy it

      13 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    19. My vehicle of expression


      in the afterthought

      of a failed memory of you

      13 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    20. How fruitful is disdain

      We wallow in ignorance

      never realizing no one wiser than ourselves has ever existed

      nor probably will

      In the future everyone will be a comedian without an audience

      so fruitful our disdain

      16 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    21. I scribbled upon the wall of life

      have mercy on me’

      The city council proclaimed mercy was no defence Walls came down

      In their place rabbit holes appeared You know the rest

      16 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    22. I awoke to discover that love was an innocent bystander

      to those of us who have fallen in battle where bravery was celebrated

      with sleep forevermore

      16 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    23. In an ill-fated chosen direction

      Love rode winds of change

      Sweeping us out to sea like an ancient fabled creature in heat

      devouring an army of scantily clad luckless heroes Leaving us wanting more

      in this ill-fated direction we have chosen with such glee 17 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    24. Marvellous miracle makeover makes this newly created escape from your slippery nebulous reality so pleasant

      I will ignore anything beyond the porous borders

      of my dreams

      Here in this magical mystery makeover I now call my life

      18 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    25. The last thought before death

      makes everyone before

      slightly obsolete

      18 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    26. All the wrong people looking in my window

I pulled across curtains they knocked at my door I open it

they fall through a hole in my life I hear them laughing at me

I watch them chase me through my reptilian infested dreams I whisper to the mayor

about an insurrection

at the outskirts of my love She sighs…

turn off the news turn me on

All the wrong people confuse me

Perhaps I should join them and become wrong also

  1. February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    1. Point of view

      Rolling along unseen seasons How difficult living in our head Of course no one agrees

      such a muddled mess human endeavour is

      I lecture inanimate objects Point of view

      The response is no different than discourse with carbon-based clowns My table understands what I express

      Expose Examine

      As well as anyone I have ever met Fuck point of view

      20 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    2. Ancient story motifs

      saunter across my dampened pillow as if headed to a biblical ark

      floating into alien salvation

      I turn and run for the nearest dream worthy exit

      collecting memory collectables

      as I declutter in sync with the rising tides This easy sea-drowning I am faced with once again

      as fables

      ‘life particles’

      stagger across my pillow I drown

      in thoughts of who we once were

      21 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    3. The inequality of creation

      is that death outlasts life by an insane proportion

      making neither life nor death a worth candidate of creation

      21 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    4. Premature dream ageing Just wrinkled blocks of time Youthful dreams decay Smudged hopes

      blurring reality

      Who cares what yesterday brought Tomorrow is a slut

      bleeding ulcers at the guillotine as town folks orgasm

      Nothing is without consequence We live to die

      decaying without want Premature dreaming

      that something sometime somewhere somehow will be different

      ha ha ha

      What a blessing chaos is

      22 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    5. I like to write

      watching ink flow across a virgin page

      Then I ruin it all by rewriting on a computer Letters falling across time

      Distorted reason

      Pens make me feel wholesome

      Words exuding from this phallic representative

      00zing nonsense

      I wrote on my tombstone in the snow

      ‘hear here a liar lays’ I wrote that in ink Rain came

      Washed me away The words stayed

      I like watching myself write It is so sexy

      I am a perverted of ideas I write them down

      Woe is me

      22 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    6. Your winning was relative

      to my losing Otherwise

      I could have perceived my loss as a win

      Then equilibrium could have been cosmically restored But it was not

      Now is not

      Leaving us bewildered Once again

      23 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    7. The beggar on the street corner

      Rags Smells Sadness could have been me but he was not

      So I went into the shop

      bought an imported deluxe ice cream supreme Satisfied my hunger

      that I was not the beggar on the street corner wishing he were me

      23 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    8. I have a symbiotic relationship with death

      One of us will succeed

      23 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    9. I bought a book on dream interpretation

      in a language I do not know

      so I would not pillage the frightening dreams that plague my nightly landscape

      with such terrifying apocalyptic scenes that I am forced to chain myself to my bed

      to prevent utter destruction from a reflective dream

      It looks like an interesting book

      if only I could understand what it says

      23 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    10. I took time out to write you this

      Since you died

      you have not had time to read this

      24 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    11. Since simplicity slipped away

      societies of reptiles have laughed at us humans without our slightest concern of our foolishness as a once special species

      soon to be displaced

      but the return of simplicity overwhelms the complexed maze we have become entangled in

      24 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

    12. All straight lines are horizons if viewed without deception opinion


      As a matter of fact

      I have a straight line of memory of when we were free

      Before I became lost falling over the horizon of you

      24 February 2021 Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia


    13. I try different narrative ideas

      obviously this one did not work

      24 February 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    14. The flight home was noneventful

      We landed fifty-years past where I wish I were landing when we were so full of life

      dressed in 1969

      Anything we wanted to be landing in Hawaii

      forever free in those few days

      before tipsy topsy life went upside/inside out I remember it all

      whenever I land I relive wondering

      Am I back home fifty years ago or now


      so many lives past later

      28 February 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    15. Window open

butterflies fly

  1. Clouds whispering Moon is hid

  2. Rainbow takes selfie announces own birth

  3. Crocodile king devours drowning city

  4. Rain tastes like honey cancelled wokers cheer

    In the future all of this will be interpreted as prophecy fulfilling the jester’s agenda


    will die laughing

    01 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    1. I once was concerned by the increasing wrinkles of my ageing skin

      Now I follow the lines as roads across these maps of life Celebrating the frequency

      of becoming lost on these wandering well-lit highways The increasing wrinkles on my skin

      01 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    2. The pleasure of planting a garden

      that I will not be left to harvest

      is knowing no one else will be either All our achievements

      ending like those of the dinosaurs

      but passed over as useless by cockroaches and other remaining life forms

      more evolved that we would ever have been

      if only we had not gone the way of the dinosaurs

      01 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    3. When I am asleep

      is the only time

      I laugh at your jokes

      01 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    4. After I die

      When no one remembers me (much like now)

      an object once of mine found

      taken home

      from a thrift shop window

      reluctantly sitting on a stranger’s shelf will have my memories

      floating unknown in their space Perhaps in the middle of the night I will say BOO

      from the object that once was mine

      and scare that pretender to death too


      02 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    5. A dead poem

      All my friends grown old I watch them die

      Remembering what we said long ago Someday we will touch the sky Sometime before we die

      But I no longer try To touch the sky Before I die

      Because soon I too will die

      02 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    6. I listen to the wind blowing away once was calm leaving behind broken sadness for the next wind to blow away

      02 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    7. After more than six-decades of writing

      stories prose poetry emails diaries shopping lists sky-writing essays novels so much more

      I have decided to stop writing

      and contemplate what I just wrote why

      it’s future impact on global society etc

      and why is anyone reading this

      03 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    8. While under the influence life burst forth in the universe Firstly as an alternative

      Then as a curiosity Now as ‘what the fuck’


      creation has been somewhat interesting 05 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    9. Earth is still in its adolescent phase

      I think I will wait to come back

      until after she has grown some balls 05 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    10. She was an experimental kiss Now she is hiding beneath a tombstone calling my name all night long

      If only If only

      05 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    11. I wish you could see me now

      My accomplishments

      Macho body Incredible fantasies

      But you died so long ago Oh no!

      You are part of the universe that sees me everywhere Every angle

      Every thought Stop staring at me

      I need some privacy or you will know

      I forgot all about you Until now

      06 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    12. So awkward suggested love is

      Desire cripples the most ardent promise

      I always wanted more than I could absolve Disassociated streams

      Carbonated thoughts of consciousness bypassing passing moments effervescing

      So awkward suggested love is

      06 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    13. I re-engineered my belief system

      so I could believe in you

      What a poorly constructed construct The collapse was imminent

      due to such an improvable re-engineered belief system

      06 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    14. My love for you

      is a cognitive illusion

      waking me from recurring daydreams as I cheer so loud

      my neighbours call in the military so they can love like me too

      March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    15. I write messages every night

      Shopping lists for dreams

      If they are crossed out by morning Alive I am

      Another day


      opening before my very eyes

      08 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    16. Every day I miss you more

      Oh how I envy you gone so very long Far beyond the hazy life I endure Knowing you can never miss me too

      08 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    17. I hate facts

      They splinter my imagination Mishappen my dreams Muddle my fantasies

      Facts are so pedestrian Making us all die

      so boring

      08 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    18. There is no vaccine for restorative love

      Making us immune

      to the loss we shall endure

      09 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    19. She was a simple matter of change

      Nothing the same ever since

      So simple

      Once upon a time was


      09 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    20. Watching horror films before bed

      keeps the lid on dreams escaping my prison

      where I run down the avenue screaming ‘the begging is near’

      10 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    21. What if

      there was no what if

      • Would we know

      • Would we stress

      • Would we die What if

        11 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    22. As an audience-free author

      Never on a best seller’s list with my shelves of writing hidden from public view Sacred secret rendezvous Shadows of ideas

      escaping into alleys of homeless idealists

      applauding my non-involvement Libraries bookstores news agents

      overstocked with anything/everything but not everything/ anything from me I sing my praise of being audience-free on the wrong side of the world stage

      An inspirational invisible indecisive author to myself

      12 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    23. Random passions of my youth

      linger as a satisfying smile as I amble into old age

      Others think I am going batty

      laughing at the most inopportune times It is just me

      remembering random passing passions of my youth

      12 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    24. In a current misunderstanding

      I thought I was in a time and place of 40 years ago I was in my 30s

      Another side of the world from here No smart phone


      Emotions gone viral

      We wrote letters wondered what would be ‘can you imagine being mid-70s’

      We said in the 70s

      We would laugh then go be wild for a night or few In a current misunderstood

      for just a flashing passing moment I thought now was then

      when an imagined future

      was so far from what it became My long-ago life

      so real again today

      13 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    25. They continue to cast me in horror movies at your side

      A roughly hewed supporting actor When all I want is to show my talent in forgetting the past

      as my adage

      14 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    26. I try to remember when I lost wisdom

      Where did it go Who has it now

      Would I recognize it if she returned What good is it in the world today Perhaps I never had wisdom

      Much like everyone else

      We pretend to possess what we never had Now that wisdom has been lost to all

      14 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    27. Never having been a tree

      I can only imagine such fear of being chopped down made into a chair

      for a fat politician to sit in

      calling for the removal of all trees

      for construction of thousands of chairs for all the city’s people to sit in

      and listen to the fears of being a tree as told by a chair

      holding a fat politician

      14 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    28. I sent a cardboard cut-out of myself to my lover

      Her desires difficult to quench She had triplets

      with my cardboard cut-out leaving me in the shadows Wishing I had more Dreaming it was me Wishing it wasn’t Wondering

      why cardboard cut-outs of me are now part of the landfill where they built the hospital

      for the erotically insane Lovers of my past

      each holding cardboard cut-outs of me 15 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    29. I am excited about the end of civilization

      when I can finally be myself

      15 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    30. Her life was merely a passing thought

      to everyone except to her and to me

      left haunted scarred excited wounded opaque fulfilled

      by every passing thought I have left of her

      16 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    31. I followed you

      Until you died

      Then your path became too weird Windy

      So now I only follow the setting sun sinking forever more

      into the lustful horizon as landfill

      16 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    32. How calm this storm

      before your righteousness subdued the terror leaking from my heart that you would possess me

      once again then leave Leaving me

      Swept away by the storm that is you 18 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    33. We saw results differently Washed away by misshapen mishaps Philosophical foreign accents

      the slurring of notions left unsolved unresolved


      The sinkhole of interpretation Swallowing

      what should have been the seeing of results as I do

      Creating a perfect world

      Ha Ha Ha Just kidding

      We all disappear

      so easily into nothing at all

      19 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    34. Your ambient love

      Broke my heart

      20 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    35. I learned to lie when you walked away

      to myself

      you will soon return

      I have been lying to myself for fifty years

      20 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    36. Deep in my mind

      I run and hide

      no one knows the chase within Colours running down my face Perhaps I am invisible

      Crowds pass me

      Some right through me I show no pain

      Guilt is a fool’s game I am a fool on the run

      If only every hero would wait as long as me

      the kiss of death

      could have been more fashionable Pleasurable

      Fantasy made flesh

      But I run and hide deep in my mind March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    37. Semi-spectacular surrealistic lover suspending suspicious sequential events left me baying once again

      at the moon Surprise Surprise

      21 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    38. I thought becoming old would be boring

      But no

      I spend so much time counting new ageing spots on my skin Wrinkles on my face

      Grey hairs

      So much memory loss that I forgot what I was to remember New aches

      New pains to massage

      People in the shops to be grumpy at

      Youngsters – those under 70 – to complain about Political annoyances @ every turn


      I never knew getting old would be so draining I think I will take another nap

      22 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    39. I mimic an epic alternative ending

      to each episode of my life

      returning to a predictable performance in the midst of my confusion

      crisis circus

      as the neighbours laugh wishing they were not me

      23 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    40. I like what I see I don’t like what I see I replace the mirror with a picture of jesus

      Now I don’t want to be me anymore 24 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    41. I remember you as a shadow

      racing across my youth

      disappearing when the lights went off 24 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    42. My gift to the world


      Ha Ha Ha

      25 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    43. I must say all the dead philosophers are shit

      out of luck

      25 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    44. I tumbled down the wrong side of your love

      where the sun refuses to shine Moon never rises

      Cosmic dreams dissolve

      However never to regret

      I would gladly tumble so freely again

      26 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    45. I reconceptualized my dreams of you

      Realizing now

      they were nightmares never ending

      27 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    46. I tried to be happy Just to see what fools were like Now I am a fool too

      27 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    47. Less interesting than the common indentation of life

      The reason for factual summary of what could have been

      gets deployed as laziness not manifest So often we become muddled

      with these ridiculous thoughts some of which become believable Though without sanctuary nothing makes sense

      Which explains why I have become less interested in the common indentations of life

      28 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    48. No one remembers me

      or that I was the one speaking wisdom in their psychedelic landscape where I am often dancing naked

      in my 73-year-old body

      where all the me-2 millennial castaways masturbate

      where no one remembers me

      speaking wisdom in their psychedelic landscape 29 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    49. I am so bored with being a youthful warrior

      chasing other’s fantasies away Leave me to fade


      into my own illusion

      delusion confusion

      where fantasies need not to be chased away 29 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    50. I answered the ad

      discount on love

      35% off with free steak knives

      if applied in the next ten moments’

      Unfortunately I was put on hold for eleven minutes Stabbed in the heart by love once again

      30 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    51. I spent the past fifty years getting rid of all my friends

      23-years oh so free

      How grand it all should be

      30 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    52. Not happy with the planning committee of this planet

      Weather not correct


      Days Nights too short

      Bit messy

      Love just a passing fantasy of emotionally stunted disrupted humans Another asteroid direct hit would shake things up a bit

      Start over

      Origins of a new species with embedded Wi-Fi

      And perhaps a bike lane through the centre of town

      I definitely need to have a word with the planning committee of planet earth 31 March 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    53. Shortly after I lost all sense of order

      my life fell into place

      01 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    54. Your love was a psychedelic kaleidoscopic cumulonimbus formation

      enveloping all before Now after

      none of us exist

      01 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    55. Alarms of doubt

      awaken the sure-footed warrior

      as he casts herself into the flames of desires


      he grasps at fleeing shadows

      wondering why she no longer makes sense 01 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    56. I lost virtual virginal visiting rights to my favourite lurid lucid dreams Leaving me devastated

      But pure

      For a new series of nightmares featuring you


      02 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    57. Now that you have been dead

      Gone 20 years

      I will stop telling you

      that you were the one who let the dog out and like you

      she never came back

      03 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    58. All the stupid people with their stupid beliefs makes me feel stupid

      for not believing

      any of their stupid beliefs

      03 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    59. Thousands of years ago philosophers were unable to Google answers Lucky them

      03 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    60. Shortly before I lost my looks I posted a selfie on our mirror reminding

      of whom I was before you walked out our door to die forever

      so long ago

      before I lost my looks

      4 3 21 * Adelaide, Australia

    61. I love have spotlights shining on me

      Prevents me from falling off the ladder to the stars

      where dreams never come true Where spotlights so bright

      no one sees me falling

      05 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    62. I read in a comic book that your love for me was real

      Saw it in a cartoon too

      Storm clouds obscured your skywriting message to me

      not sure what less you could have said

      My hacked accounts reminded me another cash infusion would release your love for me My astrologer predicted it too...for a fee

      Dermatologists across the Outback said stop letting you under my skin Such a mystery love is

      if only I could decipher anything at all your love for me

      and its slippery value could exist 06 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    63. If everyone in the world

      was as lucky as me would I be lucky

      06 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    64. It took me seventy-three years

      to realize

      this was not a worthwhile poem 06 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    65. Shortly before being born

      god confided a secret that he did not exist

      that I should become a storyteller when I become old to snare others

      into believing she does

      then we can all non-exist together 07 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    66. Forgot what I forgot

      and why I keep smiling at my reflection bouncing off stellar dust

      as the choir sings hallelujah

      and I avoid your name

      07 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    67. Going extremely slow

      Dreams broke open

      as logic took a backseat then we danced

      the rest is just our twisted memory reminding us to dream and nothing more

      07 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    68. I outlived several nursey rhymes

      Unpremeditatedly of course

      Now with expeditiously retro cancel-culture I am no more

      08 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    69. Love is the great eraser Vanquishing what was before #Perhaps

      You were the great eraser I am no more

      08 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    70. I was born on a stormy night of no coincidence

      shortly before the end of time Growing up was a challenge

      as I masked reality with cerebral nostalgia of past fantasies Old age such a delusion

      just a passing mirage fading

      before the end of time

      09 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    71. I embrace making mistakes

      So that I can imagine what life would have been if I had not

      09 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    72. I had a text-book death

      shortly before books became obsolete

      So that I would not be just another digital masterpiece like those dying now never will be

      09 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    73. I often predict past events just to watch them collapse as truth in the future

      09 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    74. Being wishy-washy

      Fishing in wishing currents

      with no chance of becoming anything more than wishy-washy wishers

      10 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    75. None of my dead friends attended my funeral Leaving me to ponder whether friendship has a used by label Were they accountable friends

      Did any of my deceased friends take it personally that I did not wax eloquently

      with some useless limerick of their memory of their endearing qualities

      ha ha ha

      now to ignore my plight

      What messages are my dead friends attempting to transmit by not going to


      haunting my funeral Again

      10 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    76. How embarrassing it would be to be remembered as you

      We could join the circus

      No one would want to recognize us Separated by mere recognition at birth

      As embarrassing it would be for you to be remembered as me Again

      11 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    77. Gently falling promises cascading across a broken frozen memory If only we had not slipped

      Fell Shattered

      our promises may have held us together long enough

      to breathe in a new morning together

      11 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    78. Ancient ruins hiding stories

      Mysteries Secrets

      Petrified hopes/wishes/dreams/sadness And that was just yesterday unravelled Wait until today has been revealed

      then ancient ruins will be remembered as the pinnacle to today’s success

      12 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    79. I asked my doctor what was wrong with me

      she looked crazed then died laughing If only I could have known

      we would be at the carnival happily together I never found out what was wrong with me or the theoretical anomaly of dying laughing I sit here watching my life slowly drain out over a misty blurred horizon

      and wonder whether there ever was a reason to care Whether it is more noble to die laughing

      than never to die at all

      13 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    80. The loneliest thing anyone can do

      is to realize

      no one thinks like them

      13 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    81. Always landing

      Never landed Always flying Never in flight

      Always living yesterday

      Never today

      Which is how I ended my recent conversation with myself 14 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    82. When asked why I ran naked through the town square

      it was obvious I had forgotten how to relax Dignity was left at the nursing-home door Reason had become a casualty long ago When asked why I ran naked

      through the cathedral too I let them hear

      ‘exercise is good no matter when’ Though in this padded cell

      I no longer can

      15 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    83. Long after we die

      we will be remembered

      for what we were forgotten for Never existing

      beyond a passing memory

      washed away with shadows only we knew 16 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    84. We expected a different outcome

      It is all so confusing

      I would never attempt to write a poem Story



      narrating what happened

      Why such an unexplainable ending Are we the actors or the audience

      Or just the confessional author unable to complete Compete

      We expected a different ending The Big Bang

      like our love

      will never end in a tidy fashion 17 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    85. Due to a pre-existing wife

      I need to stay vaccinated against a terrible strain of past memory hacks

      18 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    86. Stolen memories replace ones I no longer wanted

      Hoping yours are better than mine 20 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    87. Such a change of seasons

      Fallen leaves Frosty love Forgotten times

      A sudden crack in forward motions

      Nature died Though not really

      She sleeps too often Life pretends

      Rolls over Starts again

      Such a change of season

      Time to go and be born anew

      20 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    88. Wow this is different

      I screamed into my tea

      The End!

      21 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    89. Surges of joy Happiness sparks Everything looks good

      80% towards great Stuff turning to dust

      gold dust

      On a winning streak

      of losses

      Learning to love being last

      Riding the train through the Outback Maybe forever

      Nothing left of the world destroyed outside my window no angels left to sing

      I don’t care

      Only this ride through surges of joy There is nothing else

      22 April 2021 Overland Train > Adelaide to Melbourne

    90. I will never be free

      as long as I am a ghost in your dreamings

      22 April 2021 Overland Train > Adelaide to Melbourne

    91. Never knew you flew

      Few far in-between Such a smudge on time

      If navigations were simply adequate would I not fly too

      Here there in-between

      where long ago off you flew too

      27 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    92. Strangers texting to be my friend

      I tell them to wait until 1947 as that is when I will be born

      Then we can be friends forever 27 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    93. I left pages blank in my diary

      in case you reincarnate wanting to set a time to love me again

      28 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    94. I thought my life could not be worse

      until my dead friends family

      pets dreams

      appeared in me in a dream (of all places) saying it could be so

      I could be with them tormenting themselves for not staying with me

      28 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    95. A week after I died

      I sent myself a ‘get-well’ card I never received it

      28 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    96. Quietly we placed the future behind us

      as if their schadenfreude predictions had already manifest leaving us hidden


      beneath this weight of the inevitable (so often devouring our every thought)

      Yet letting us escape behind darkened karmic infused mirrors whose only reflection

      (lies unto themselves) quietly disturb

      what only could be the future So unattainable

      28 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    97. I hung my thoughts out to dry

      Rain came

      Washed them away

      28 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    98. I love being elderly

      Makes me realize how far yet to go to be young again

      Start over

      Ashes gently blowing in the wind Another shadow over a shit-filled horizon What is there not to love

      with being elderly

      29 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    99. So excited about tomorrow Another day to add to my collection Trophies of consumption

      placed on a hoped-for shelf

      If tomorrow should be so fortunate to include me amongst her ghostly guests

      29 April 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    100. Strangely embraced thoughts

      Possibilities so endless

      Fascinating how we got to this place

      More than seven-billion people with strangely embraced thoughts I wonder how many are identical to mine

      The hum of thoughts filling all time and space No wonder evolution is grinding to a halt Stopping me in my tracks

      02 ay 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    101. Today was fun

      I lost my way

      Drifted amongst clouds Frolicked with mermaids Laughed out-of-tune

      Gambled away my inheritance Wrote a mystery novel

      on a toilet paper roll (recycled)

      Discarded all religious beliefs Began a new one

      (soon forgotten) Today was fun

      I wonder if I shall remember it tomorrow X

      02 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    102. I cleaned my window

      so as to see

      how bright the approaching future will be

      03 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    103. All the worries of the past 50 years

      slipped away

      with a re-enactment of one moment

      we thought would be the time we would remember forever that 50 years ago moment

      replacing now

      with so much delight

      The power of memory to dissolve all else in front of it A miracle of the mind’s only lasting salvation Yesterday for Today

      03 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    104. I stayed awake all night

      thinking about a dream I had the night before What a daze to spend the days in

      04 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    105. Lost words

      None left

      to create a poem

      05 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    106. Saw my name scribbled across the breasts of time


      What a turn on

      05 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    107. All the lost sheep following me into my lostness in their infinite joy

      05 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    108. Life in shambles

      Such an art form Forum

      Abstract fantasy realism disabled

      scattered about

      How simple is complication If only we could frame it

      Hang it in the gallery of forgotten time Ancient forum form

      We could visit our life in shambles whenever we wanted


      06 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    109. I sought solace from the worry exterminators

      Eradicate Replace

      I screamed Thunder Lightening Fireworks nature’s orgasm Peace


      how boring is solace

      I am returning to worry on the next flight of consciousness out of here 07 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    110. Wisdom is for idiots

      Give me ignorance

      And I will show you a good time 02 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    111. If only I could start over

      I would have begun with a different line Now set in stone

      such a mundane start

      If only something dramatic Sexually shocking Profoundly impelling Consciousness raising

      A new level of perception Prize winning material Life changing Evolutionary enhancing

      if only I could start over

      08 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    112. Unable to enlist anyone to play the part of me

      Change the script Spice up the story Try a new tune

      I went back to bed

      for another day of being me

      09 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    113. For the impeccable discerning wandering consciousness junkie So often found frolicking beneath fallen debris of wasteland dreams there is now sentimental coding building persuasions

      of forgettable phantoms

      to implant into our uncontrollable trolling mind we once thought was our own

      09 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    114. In an incredible act of defiance

      The sun rose

      02 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia As an audience of one

      to myself

      The applause is almost deafening whenever I leave the stage Spotlights go off

      Curtains burst into flames Audience leaves

      10 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    115. As an audience of one

      to myself

      The applause is almost deafening Whenever I leave stage Spotlights go off

      Curtains burst into flames Audience leaves

      10 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    116. In a war against my body

      War won Peace won

      Resulting in a dream body to sleep in

      but not to awaken in

      12 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    117. Closed doors

      No man passes

      to see her shadow smirking

      on the other side

      12 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    118. I pulled sheets over my head

      to stop blankets from laughing at me

      Their ruckus continued throughout my dreams

      Who knew such destruction could follow an evening of debauchery Next time

      I will sleep beneath carpets laugh at myself

      12 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    119. Her love died

      in the cemetery of broken clichés

      13 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    120. Her love was a statue

      decaying in the cemetery of broken clichés

      13 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    121. We tried to replicate each other

      as if we were the last laugh on earth 13 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    122. Old age is like arguing with weather

      Whether or not change is inevitable Unlikely

      Forgivable Unintended With nothing left

      @ the end of rainbows but for memories

      of a sunnier time

      13 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    123. Without memory

      we would cease to exist

      14 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    124. Long ago when I watched news

      I had fears

      some of it could be true No longer watching news I fear what I do not know Now that I totally exist

      in an alternative-imaginary-dream_filled- hallucinatory state I fear I will awaken to find I am wrong

      14 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    125. While chatting with a statue

      in the town square

      I realized my construct of the universe was suspect

      14 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    126. I stretched reality to include lies

      that are fantasies encased in dreams

      that I believed were true Reality is elastic

      or it was before developing porous quality broken stands of DNA

      Letting lies disguised as dreams

      Once-were-fantasies to tumble out across the landscape of… So much for the ill-fated doctrines of reality

      16 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    127. In an unlikely contribution

      Nothing was added Leaving those without Free of knowledge

      which gave rise to politicians

      to lead us with their unlikely contributions of nothing at all

      19 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    128. While lifting weights at the gym

      I contemplated the burdens of life and how crushing they are

      if dropped to soon

      19 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    129. When all is said and done

      we will play back selfies in delight

      of whom we thought we were when we were glorious

      20 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    130. I acted dumb Befuddled

      Just to confuse those who thought I was 21 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    131. Pretend we are dancing as the whirling world slips away Dissolving vapours

      moving colourlessly against obliterated backgrounds Dreamtime in motion

      (woke ancient storytelling believed)

      Chemical interactions spilling love’s interpretation across frontal nodes

      (determining the allocation of attentional resources to novel events)

      over the crying horizon pretending we are dancing Nothing is further from the truth

      21 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    132. Her love was a twisted linguistic nightmare

      chasing me through the afterlife of narratives gone astray

      21 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    133. Now that we are warm

      let memories like snowflakes Fall

      Melting upon us

      In our masquerading simplicity

      22 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    134. She was a house to me

      Open door Open windows

      Broken furniture inside for me to fall over

      for her again

      22 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    135. Inspiration is a slut

      ready to surrender

      to whomever will pay the price Raped


      screaming into the alley

      as shadows applaud in salacious silent inspiration Then jesus wept

      23 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    136. I wish my dead family and friends

      lovers too

      could see how alive I am now that I am not dead like they so selfishly are Never thinking about me and the time’s we had when we were non-dead running through life

      in our dream like state like I so often do now

      24 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    137. I thought we had found

      Discovered Intuited

      the easy win in Doors opening Dead seas parting


      Spotlights to the stage pulsating

      Whispers softened Stillness personified If we had not tripped

      Fallen Broken

      @ the end easily we could would

      should have found

      the easy way in

      27 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

      Road Trip > Adelaide South Australia – OUTBACK – Cairns - Queensland

    138. Today was an extremely creative

      Prosperous Enlightening Thrilling day I wrote this

      28 May 2021 Adelaide, Australia

    139. Missed another sunset Day ended before chance changed a part we could have played Another fractured dream scattered amongst galaxies

      So simple to miss another sunset and all that could have been

      01 June 2021 Silverton, New South Wales, Australia

    140. Now I remember what I meant to say

      when I walked out the door so many decades ago following times of love Pain

      Change Doubt Hopes Dreams Wishes

      Mangled narratives

      “don’t forget to turn off the lights as you slam forever shut the door on what was once all that of you I dare to remember”

      Is what I mean to say

      04 June 2021 Bourke, New South Wales, Australia

    141. So seldom settled


      call Charging I respond

      Each step forward such a rush

      There is no destination No light at the end

      Rest areas along the highway nothing more than a place to piss Urges propelling me

      The flight

      never the landing is what I live for always taking off

      If tomorrow was yesterday

      I would hide in fear of going back I love this life

      So seldom settled

      06 June 2021 Cunnamulla, Queensland, Australia

    142. The great times we are having

      become those we had have not Had not

      Crushing circles of life

      only the dead have no wishes to do it again Lucky them

      07 June 2021 Rest Area (camping) 45 Ks North of Augathella, Queensland, Australia

    143. Tomorrow your birthday

      I offered you the moon and stars

      All you wanted was cake which I have none of So I gave you the moon and stars

      What a good gifter am I

      07 June 2021 Rest Area (camping) 45 Ks North of Augathella, Queensland, Australia

    144. Unclassified experiences

      Good bad Indifferent

      Explanations classified

      Love desire wants wishes hope drownings in a southernly windful mist

      like with any psychedelic vortex thought invades


      we are left once again

      with unclassified experiences (luggage)

      07 June 2021 (camping) Longreach, Queensland, Australia

    145. Frozen memories of us

      naked in the mist

      Melted in the morning sun

      Like being de-friended on Facebook

      11 June 2021 Camping in a paddock in the Outback - Prairie, Queensland

    146. I bond with inanimate objects Shirts surf boards gods tofu shoes trains They tell me stuff

      Even how to exfoliate memories (such as you walking out the door)

      People lie

      objects only slightly exaggerate

      I watch my reflection in thrift-store treasures smiling in lieu of truth

      knowing they were once-upon-a-time mine

      always will be unlike you

      I bond with inanimate objects

      12 June 2021 Charters Towers Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    147. Missing parts Unsolved love Mangled memories Rodeo emotions

      Out of sync sirens Transcendent hope

      Random mismatched electrical brain waves Leaving me in such a desirous state Spontaneously

      12 June 2021 Charters Towers Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    148. I reframed my dreams

      so your ghostly appearance would make sense as you hacked my being

      Crashed my essence Scrambled our DNA causing me to malfunction into a reframed dream

      of your creation

      13 June 2021 Greenvale Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    149. I realized no one was reading my tweets

      soon after walking out into the world seeing everyone had died

      in a nuclear-covid_pandemic- asteroid _crashing-climate_extinction event but I continued to tweet

      as if my life depended on it

      14 June 2021 Greenvale Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    150. I am plagued by dreams of crocodiles hunting me

      in multilingual brothels

      none of which I understand Fondling nuns

      laugh at me

      Lovers weaponize their looks

      torturing me with opaque desire Sociopathic ex-wives laugh

      as I bay at the moon My narratives

      have false conclusions Being old

      surely is the shits

      14 June 2021 Ravenshoe Train Station, Queensland, Australia

    151. Mood swings Tidal waves of feelings Drowning in sunlight

      Recycled oxygen in a vacuum The scent of trouble

      Sounds (murmurs) of resolution Revolution of the subconscious leaking (flooding)

      Learning to swim Mood swings

      15 June 2021 Ravenshoe Train Station Campgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    152. Quiet camping in the Outback

      Nature nightly farting Animals hunting Sexing

      No snoring involved A bit boring

      Perhaps rain thunder lightening would liven up the night

      I turn off the night

      Turn on my phone to shatter such silence with a lovely bloody loud murder mystery if only there had been a storm

      the Outback would have been left alone to continue alone along in its non-destructive boredom 16 June 2021 Atherton War Memorial Campgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    153. We saw without looking

      sang without hearing The taste of you lingers Dreams come and go Memories morph Wherever you go

      I should have followed We saw without looking

      the future was never for us to bungle but we did

      June 2021 Atherton War Memorial Campgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    154. While listening to the voice within

      a feral cat proclaiming to be god smudged

      my perceptions of life

      18 June 2021 Atherton War Memorial Campgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    155. There are over 7.5 billion drunken would-be strangers

      stumbling about

      looking for a purpose for existence No wonder the world

      is fucked

      18 June 2021 Ringers Rest Camping, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

    156. Social media cowboys


      because there is nowhere to land Crowd sourced cowgirls

      too woke to awaken

      Old-school politicians termites upon the land

      If I knew what I was doing Gone I’d be

      18 June 2021 Ringers Rest Camping, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

    157. In a death-defying act

      I lived long enough to be defying death

      as the best explanation

      for life

      19 June 2021 Ringers Rest Camping, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

    158. Slowed down attribution following sequential pairing of ought We are shadows in the mist

      In the midst Fast past

      Pass me please

      Dial me in as another synchronizing elite wantabe because as slowed down attributions of change Chance

      No one notices

      20 June 2021 Ringers Rest Camping, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

    159. Love explodes as desire untangles the embers of change

      20 June 2021 Ringers Rest Camping, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

    160. Little doubt plays softly


      Serenading potentiality hiding in an alley Nothing is suspected Specifically

      isn’t love grand

      Ordinary challenges momentary’s hold on reality Nothing is as doubt would have it ever again

      22 June 2021 Mossman Pool and Caravan Park, Mossman, Queensland, Australia

    161. Perfect nonsense created an ideal morning for me to go crazy in

      23 June 2021 Mossman Pool and Caravan Park, Mossman, Queensland, Australia

    162. Phase next

      finally complete

      Colours sounds aspirations collectively mingled breaking down dawn showing a new direction

      Though if I were a betting man

      I would still avoid taking a chance on me Now that this phase is finally over

      24 June 2021 Lake Placid Tourist Park, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

    163. How wonderful waking next to you

      Realizing you are not she

      who murdered me just now in a dream of horrific portions

      (blood dripping like tear drops over painful memories) with no escape

      but to wake next to you

      24 June 2021 Lake Placid Tourist Park, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

    164. At the rate heroes are deceasing

      only clowns will be left to escape this circus we have created

      as our monument to just another failed planet drifting through space

      looking for a time-space continuum capable of producing heroes

      to save our sorry assess

      from the clowns we have become

      26 June 2021 Lake Placid Tourist Park, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

    165. All my ghosts have reincarnated

      as stray dogs barking and biting me

      as I sell self-worth favours to the passing mutilated multitudes mumbling forgiveness

      as if I was the last saint on earth which no doubt I am


      since all my ghosts have incarnated as stray shadows of whom I once could have been and still may be if luck should rain on me

      I am free

      26 June 2021 Lake Placid Tourist Park, Cairns, Queensland, Australia

    166. She left me standing in the rain

      @ high tide

      Rivers of memory never forsaken So thin the veil of yesterday

      If only I could swim

      I would smile once again Standing here in the rain

      29 June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

    167. Failure is a logical assumption of misunderstood mechanics

      A simple minute tinkering

      can quickly make failure into an art forum as I so often have demonstrated

      in my life as a one-man show of unique failures personified

      29 June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

    168. Dangling dangerous dance spinning out of control

Such a fright to wake in a cold stance against such times of change

I had a friend who said he would never dieI was the only one to believe him

as if there would never be another chance in this annoying dangling dangerous dance

where enough of my friend died (like his body) so long agoI have forgotten who he is

or why I believed enough to write all of this

30 June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

  1. Hints of understanding

    made us into prophets of doom celebrating our misunderstanding that life should seem normal when it no longer makes sense

    30 June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

  2. The taste of love

    hath no cure

    but to keep the mouth closedwhen the taste so imagined is poison disguised as love

    June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

  3. I was so lucky today

    no one knew it was me making the universe queasy from my screams of disillusionmentswallowed by time as I stood the test of timeNo one cared

    I was so lucky today

    June 2021 Babinda, Queensland, Australia

  4. So lucky to be here

    rather than buried beneath your love bleeding out hope

    you would remember me still

    01 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  5. @ The horrendous recital love and hate played a duet

    making the audience shit in their pants though the applause

    gave a second curtain callA memory no one wanted

    01 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  6. I stopped for a breather in childhood All going so fast When

    I started again

    I was already in my seventies

    I need to take a breather again

    02 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  7. I had hoped my past would catch up to me maybe even go right on by

    Yesterday is gone

    I am shit out of luck

    02 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  8. People looking peculiar Acting strange

    A lone drummer said she recognized me from a previous existence

    I had been a stray dog she had beaten to deathI felt strangely sexually attracted to her

    and had a migraine

    due to her inconsistent drumming She blinded me with her drumsticks

    telling me to find someone else’s dream to soil myself in

    I am off now

    There is a bagpiper waving to me Curing my confusion

    and sense of time

    when waking in other’s hopeless dream

    03 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  9. I traded places

    with whom I could not beWhat an error No one wants to be

    mehiding in my


    of who I could not be

    03 July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  10. I forgot the next line Otherwise

    I would have had a complete thought

    03. July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  11. I split the difference between right and


    so no one would notice

    03. July 2021 Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

  12. We didn’t realize how dark it was until the roses stopped blooming

    Rain kept falling

    Fires charred all before it

    Love evaporated Chocolate melted Animals laid down to die

    Dinosaurs reclaimed earth Republicans took over America We didn’t realize how dark it was

    04 July 2021 Rollingstone, Vincent Parker Park, Queensland, Australia

  13. If only I were a seed

    blown away by seasonal change to grow and prosper

    in a fertile dream

    I would shed my tears elsewhere

    05 July 2021 Rollingstone, Vincent Parker Park, Queensland, Australia

  14. What a startled world we live in

    People gasping Breathless Overlooked assumptions How did we get to this place with everyone so startled

    06 July 2021 Rollingstone, Vincent Parker Park, Queensland, Australia

    1. All the men stood erect

      with erections

      as their karma bent overfor applause

      04 July 2021 Rollingstone, Vincent Parker Park, Babinda, Queensland, Australia

    2. Again I lost an argument with myself Flushed away

      innocence in morning’s

      sugar-coated elusive explosion as I argue in the mirror

      Losing onceagain

      05 July 2021 Rollingstone, Vincent Parker Park, Queensland, Australia

    3. Happy birthday son

      If only you had not killed yourself 18-years ago you would have me

      to blow out your candles in case you were too busy like you are now

      being dead so long

      you no longer sing with me on your birthday

      06 July 2021 Townsville, Queensland, Australia

    4. Before dreams of you faded Magical mystical moonlight memories were turbulent seas

      worthy our efforts of escape Now that they have faded

      I prefer to escape Not dream

      Not remember Not live

      07 July 2021 Town Hill Showgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    5. Listening to frogs dancing in the night

      lizards singing blues birds lusting

      Nature is so horny

      tonight I may need to swim ashore before drowning

      08 July 2021 Town Hill Showgrounds, Queensland, Australia

    6. Simply so sensitive

      Brain cells


      We pass through space finding temporary links Adhering

      magnetically mystery magic merging randomness

      So soon erased

      Believing there is more to it all because we are

      simply so sensitive we think life is real

      July 2021 Bowen Palms Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    7. The reason I am so free Because I learned to bounce

      09 July 2021 Bowen Palms Caravan Park, Queensland, Australia

    8. @ the beach

      Like any wildlife

      I let night cover me as once I did

      the loves of my youth Hiding us

      Future proofing

      before morning would make us visible Vulnerable to the recklessness of a world we had no intention of inheriting

      @ the beach Remembering life so grand

      10 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    9. Folks writing books

      Lots of them Woven stories

      fantasy fabric factories How do they find the time who reads them

      trees sacrificed global warmest

      $ changing hands

      I am lucky to find time to write this

      I am told I have all the time in the world I don’t think so

      Not enough time to finish this thought Shit out of luck

      11 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    10. God Part 1

      I like to make commitments I will not keep

      Makes me feel like God

      12 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    11. God Part 2

      I put my money on the wrong God came in last

      Now that I lost everything they are all pissed @ me

      12 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    12. All those passing past mind-numbing experiences

      making us who we are should be put on hold

      for some other clown to experience giving us a free slate

      to fuck up

      July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    13. It was a dark stormy fucked up night

      when reality and I divorced

      Stoned Cassowaries cried “oh holy night” I laughed with joy

      What a delightful time we live in Painted ladies offered me passion for memories rusting in the wind Due to my advancing amnesia

      I traded without thought

      Now I wander the dreamless landscape of my old-age oblivious to the obvious

      knowing I finally have achieved fucked up reality those saints and gurus forever have promised

      to the likes of me

      13 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    14. As with any random thought

      broken wings were in flight

      What was created floated easily away Chasing images possibilities

      into wild seas

      as with any random thought

      13 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    15. We melted away

      as ice cream

      in the noonday sun Nevermore to be free as ice cream

      in the noonday sun Flavoured memories as ice cream

      in the noonday sun Our time together as ice cream

      in the noonday sun The totality of life as ice cream

      in the noonday sun

      13 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    16. I forgot how sleepy I was

      until you awoke me reminding me

      the world had ended but I had not

      So sleepy I was Never noticed

      14 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    17. So much effort Another goal achieved Finally

      the end of this sentence

      14 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    18. My writing used to be dark

      Ominous Gloomy

      Until I was blinded by the light Now I cannot see to write anything Murky

      Foreboding Depressing

      14 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    19. Through multiple mistakes

      Mishaps Wrong turns Faulty thinking

      I have embraced the creative perfection of the other way 15 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    20. The blank slate we are born with

      becomes so full we die

      just to erase it Making space to begin again

      15 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    21. Strange sounds in the night frighten the weary saleswoman out to steal my soul

      with a bargain none can refuse until strange sounds

      sets us free anew


      15 July 2021 Ball Bay, Queensland, Australia

    22. Oh Shit!

      I got nothin’ to write Words stab @ me

      Tumour prose floods my unlit consciousness Digital dreams cloud my judgement

      Let the robotic poets replace us tired humans with nothing left to say as we constantly chant mantras of nonsense

      recognizing what we have to say is shit

      16 July 2021 Town Hill – camping alongside highway, Queensland, Australia

    23. Statistically

      76% nightmares without you marginally tolerable

      82% life without you barely tolerable

      91% I forget you left so long ago life so liveable

      17. July 2021 Campaspe River Rest Area, Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    24. Unaware of the/an endgame

      seven billion of us

      rush forward without a clue of why

      what where

      when then

      when the big quiet arrives Arises

      it will be as if we were never here silence is the game

      18 July 2021 Campaspe River Rest Area, Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    25. We made a mad dash to the border

      No one was there We danced

      We sang We escaped

      Borders without people What a perfect world


      This has become

      18 July 2021 Julia Creek, Queensland, Australia

    26. Especially concurrent tapestries cover divergent waves of thoughts streaming through impossible possibilities making for a most mysterious night

      20 July 2021 Corella Dam, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia

    27. Boxes of answers

      waiting to be united with questions providing explanations

      for the undefeated

      and their defeated cohorts

      20 July 2021 Corella Dam, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia

    28. So easy to collapse into the past

      Buried insights Unworthy to share

      20 July 2021 Corella Dam, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia

    29. You are the half of me that gives the sunshine in my life the warmth

      for me to chill in

      21 July 2021 Corella Dam, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia

    30. The wind blew disproportionally

      as if caught in a symphonic accident If meaning were virtualist

      the pure of heart

      would gently blow away too

      I enjoy being the unsolvable problem drifting through social media meaninglessly


      drastically out of character performing absurdly

      as the wind blows disproportionally

      21 July 2021 Corella Dam, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia

    31. I slowed down World flew past Broken wings mountain crashing

      I passed by umbrella up

      No debris struck me

      What a glorious time we live in

      23 July 2021 Camooweal Billabong, Queensland, Australia

    32. I believed the billabong was a wishing well

      I wished 4U2 #FreeMe Ground rattled

      Sky bled Screaming trees

      labelled me strange Strangers

      threw bibles at me

      Songs from a Methodist hymnal blinded me as I sank breathlessly into the billabong masked as a wishing well

      as the calendar closed on another year without you in a most politically incorrect fashion

      following no known etiquette The earth exploded

      Killing everyone on board as neighbouring planets laughed inappropriately

      23 July 2021 Camooweal Billabong, Queensland, Australia

    33. So many life lessons today

      almost understood

      I will incarnate several more times to make the same errors

      different settings to check

      if they were learnt

      23 July 2021 Camooweal Billabong, Queensland, Australia

    34. I thought I had a new audience

      until all the mice ran away

      leaving me with performance anxiety once again

      25 July 2021 Barkly Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    35. Love rises in the east

      fades in the west As you did

      morning to night Darkness evermore

      25 July 2021 Barkly Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    36. Chosen memories escaped

      leaving me breathless

      with but this remaining thought of you

      25 July 2021 Barkly Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    37. We rushed through life

      so we could die

      in a timely fashion

      25 July 2021 Barkly Homestead, Queensland, Australia

    38. I shuttered the window closest to my thought


      Still Dreamtime ancestral secrets blew in

      Haunting my dimming rational ploys How could I

      a white person

      have any ancestral thing happening I flew into the night

      Snakes fed on my ignorance Ancient winds delivered me

      to a mad mystical medicine magician who boiled me alive

      Constraining my freedom

      to escape to a few loose illusions This being the only one I remember

      25 July 2021 Devils Marbles, Northern Territory, Australia

    39. In the centre of Australia

      Smack dab in the middle Fold Australia in half Horizontally

      Again vertically Now toss it away

      We are then nowhere

      I should not have gone to the centre of Australia If I had not

      I would be here


      In the centre of Australia With

      Or without you

      27 July 2021 Ti Tree Homestead, Northern Territory, Australia

    40. The last time I saw Rick was 30 years ago

      I believed we were younger then Chunks of life coloured in

      Passed by Now shared

      like we had barely finished some random sentence 30 years later continued where we had left off randomly

      Family Friends remembered

      Some dead some dying some faded/fading memories all 30 years older

      So fast time goes by

      Only seeing someone from long ago story shows the passage of time If we should meet again in thirty years

      both over one hundred will be interesting

      especially if we believe we are still alive

      28 July 2021 Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

    41. I stayed longer than planned

      The plan was to visit earth for a brief alien moment Crack some jokes

      Do a few magic tricks Random propagation Avoid mishaps

      Have a trophy wife Trophy body Gather applause Act iconic

      Then escape before anyone noticed I had been here

      The plan backfired when they cloned me

      only to lose track of which was the original

      30 July 2021 Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia

    42. I remembered her as the fireworks of my youth

      lightening up my life in such an explosive sky I almost drowned

      in search of a repeat performance that never occurred

      30 July 2021 Alice Springs, South Australia

    43. Out on the highway Wildflowers are trampled Outlaw winds swear @ justice Injustice laughs

      Coldness so naked landscape hides in despair If there was ever a way off of this outlaw highway

      long ago we would have perished in the desert so fortunate our life would have been

      01 August 2021 Pootnoura Rest Area, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    44. When you were my destination

      The journey so fine

      gliding like liberty on parade With you gone

      no end in sight

      I think I will just lie down and die Never to reach my destination

      01 August 2021 Pootnoura Rest Area, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    45. In the aftermath of our deleted defeated disastrous delusional drunken diabolical dream…

      (unfinished thought)

      02 August 2021 Rest Area 20 Ks South of Cobber Pedy, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    46. I stopped to care

      You raced on Now not there Life so. Unfair

      02 August 2021 Rest Area 20 Ks South of Cobber Pedy, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    47. What a surprise

      I surmise to prize

      a size of thought

      large enough to envelope all of life

      hiding remaining pieces of plots of plays of life that so often surprise

      enough not to realize life is a joke unravelled

      02 August 2021 Rest Area 20 Ks South of Cobber Pedy, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    48. Life is an erotic landscape

      filled with alien forms

      wonderous of exploration

      03 August 2021 Lake Hart, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    49. The end of our street

      The end of our duet The end of our dance The end of our dreams Hopes

      Wishes Life

      THE END

      03 August 2021 Lake Hart, Stuart Highway, South Australia

    50. Freedom flies fast If but time would allow it could be packaged Given to refugees

      All of us wondrously happy

      05 August 2021 Port Augusta, South Australia

    51. Last night on the road Tomorrow back to same old Same old

      when the road was yet to discover us

      and we were to forget

      we had ever begun miracles of explorations

      05 August 2021 Port Augusta, South Australia

    52. Hopeless genius Genius of hopelessness How perfect this direction of perfection

      no correction intended Hopeless genius on parade

      Where even the wind dies laughing 06 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    53. Prisoner of consciousness

      Released too early

      Such a slanderous occasion we jump for joy

      Surely no one could foresee we would return so quickly to be prisoners of consciousness

      drifting across landscape unimagined in the madness we believed is our life

      08 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    54. I took a writer’s easy way out Instead of creating a lengthy novel with a dynamic beginning

      torturous unresolvable middle

      miraculous conclusion stretching over hundreds and hundreds of pages with illustrations and recipes throughout

      I wrote this

      A writer’s easy way out

      07 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    55. Long before my pen ran out of ink

      I wrote this

      Now I wish my pen had run out of ink earlier 08 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    56. Painted on desire

      masks subliminal passion in another restless night of shadows screaming for release

      I roll over

      whispering to my pillow ‘Not tonight Josephina’

      09 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    57. Few hours left of 73 years searching for the value of becoming 74 while the world around me ages faster than I can keep up with her

      10 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    58. What a relaxing day

      We died

      Or so thought the assembled masses peering through their clouded mist

      Strange the perception bottled up in the minds of the elite How extraordinary is the muddled thoughts

      stumbling against the jaded landscape of the human mind

      Because for an instance I had pure thought

      stunned silence as they said I was archived

      Pronounced dead

      prepared as sacrificial mulch for the cemetery garden of forgotten dreams Obviously

      none of this is true

      Just a random recurring thought I forgot to take control of in this relaxing day

      10 August 2021 (on my 74th birthday) Adelaide, South Australia

    59. Stretched out across the tarmac of my mind

      Alien probes circle before landing Many recognizable from youth

      @ birth even I shared structural elements unseeable Unhearable


      Packaged meaning poured out The stories were true

      Fables invented to control

      now seemed foolishly vulnerable rained from broken clouds floating out of place We will all drown

      I am sure of it

      So thankful for the safety of the sheltering tarmac of my mind 11 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    60. Circus animals @ my window wanting me to run away with them Secretively I close the window

      as I am in love with the jugglers frolickingly naked clowns

      a trapeze beauty

      a few incoherent escapes from the me-2 movement dozens of ex-wives

      a fantastically seductive mystic warrior trying to raise me from the dead

      So why would I join a bunch of silly vociferous circus animals @ my window making me appear foolish

      Once again

      12 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    61. Buried deep in the murky inner recesses of my super-sub-conscious

      is the thought

      contrary to conventional wisdom out of step with social media possibly an out right lie

      is that I am alive

      To address proof

      is to enter uncharted waters City centre mall peasants shake in disbelief

      Feminist rodeo performers laugh

      Non-binary cattle stampede Leftist politicians trip

      over their right foot

      Horny aliens wink @ me

      I am so confused We are all drowning in disbelief

      13 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    62. How far gone the past has flown

      Broken wings

      crashing into the receding marshmallow like horizon I reach out trying to retrieve

      stopping midway to nowhere Glimpses of faded memories fading

      I grasp outlines of the past passing fast Nothing clears

      past is opaque Eternity is short

      Life so much shorter How far gone

      the past has flown

      14 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    63. Your love crumbled like a misunderstood poem

      Broken words Misconstrued meaning

      How wonderful a new dawn blots out such a broken narrative

      15 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    64. Only 55 people

      all on Facebook remembered my birthday this year

      7.5 billion others on earth ignored it WTF

      How troubling is that

    65. Winter’s western wind

      freshly frozen forever left me stupidly alone

      clutching thawed memories of when we were

      15 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    66. Lovers clever whisperings

      risqué risks

      wakens youthful warped memories as I stumble along the boulevard towards a sentimental alley

      I can succumb to memories of lovers clever whisperings


      15 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    67. Your love was a masterpiece

      ravaged by time and so many others after I left

      collapsing onto a bottomless floor @ the museum of lost love Forever trampled on by regret

      16 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    68. Tomorrow I will face the facts

      but today

      my interpretation of the way it is

      will keep me floating

      through my atmospheric turmoil still intact

      16 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    69. Love is so easily explained

      So easily misunderstood So easy

      So nourishing

      many starve to death for lack of love Love is fun

      Love is me

      Love is worth the waking up

      no matter how many times we have died 16 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    70. She was always so quiet

      I still have difficulty with her whispering desire enveloping me in my sleep

      Even now

      decades after she died in her quiet way

      A picture containing text, person, outdoor  Description automatically generated

      17 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    71. If everyone died off

      except for my family and friends

      we would have such a sustainable planet there would be enough love

      for all

      17 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    72. Using words to say nothing

      We slipped between the covers of darkness and morning Neither of which could escape

      our naked surprise of the fluidity

      imagination disguises us with

      18 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    73. Our goal in life

      is to construct nonsense

      to appear believable enough to progress beyond now

      If only you had believed me we would have lasted longer than a passing breath

      once upon a time shared

      18 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    74. What happened could have been avoided What was avoided should have happened Otherwise staying awake has no value

      19. August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    75. I became ultra-fixated on nothing @ all

      when in fact only of you I had wanted thought

      How fluid a wandering mind is

      A swamp @ the edge of a glacier melting before its time

      Flooding coastlines Drowning fools such as me

      Ultra-fixated on nothing @ all instead of you

      20 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    76. My thinking has little changed in the past fifty years

      Though now I save them in the cloud where they fall as polluting rain

      over the sandy-rocky-barren Outback

      where marsupials drink my thoughts in flooded billabongs then die

      with stomachs filled of non-organic realism

      20 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    77. To die in your arms The most rewarding thing the enemies of my ancestors could achieve

      21 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    78. When I awoke this morning no one remembers me

      I remember them

      faces touches joy pain laughter longings #Fjaoi*ddjf$paj@ij

      Why have I disappeared from lover’s past

      I go back to sleep where they remember me so together we are


      21 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    79. Thoughts like aging love

      left to decay

      upon fortified fertile soiled soil

      Foundation for a new generation of insanity as I have often demonstrated

      19 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    80. Intoxicated poetry

      left me stumbling

      over reality once again

      21 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    81. So easy to return to a simpler time

      like before I was born though how should I know

      than to separate the past 74-years from before when a simpler time spoke

      @ ease without me

      22 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    82. In an awkward series of missteps and hurdles

      I slipped into the former glory of whom I could have been if only I had kept my eyes closed

      long enough

      to have avoided such an awkward series of missteps with hurdles

      23 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    83. The advertisers know

      how to make

      a better happier hipper more love Me

      I filled my life with their products I became an animation

      A cartoon

      reflecting a wonderful pretendable Me

      Everyone wanted to be me Terrell in a capsule

      Take before bed

      Have wonderful dreams of being me So lucky that all those ads Everywhere

      Made me so fulfilled Like they will you when you are ready to pay the price

      23 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    84. When life was simple I would watch life go by Now that it no longer is

      I turn my gaze elsewhere as life goes by

      beyond my grasp

      24 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    85. WOW!

      Just realized I was the last one alive Think I should go back to sleep have a different dream

      25 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    86. I thought she said

      ‘Have a good morning’

      as she walked out the door so many decades past Now I realize she said ‘Have a good mourning’ that I have had now

      that she is gone

      All those decades past

      25 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    87. Life is so short so full of anxiety pitfalls

      bad actors Incorrect syntax

      That I believe I will refuse to do it again 25 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    88. We met on the corner of anticipation and regret

      figurine clouds diverted our attention as life rushed past

      If only I could remember then would be less fuzzy than now

      Images of once we were buried in memory’s rubble

      @ the intersection of anticipation and regret

      26 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    89. So many simple thoughts

      left me bewildered

      knowing how complex love is when diluted

      by so many simple thoughts

      27 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    90. I used to think being human

      Oh so boring

      Until I watched a snail crawl through my petunias giving me thought

      as to being the luckiest animal in the garden This is my fifth day straight

      sitting here contemplating in the garden

      amongst the petunias snails

      how lucky I am not to be bored

      27 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    91. The reason I know tomorrow will be disastrous

      is due to the media saying so Otherwise

      I would be enjoying a morning walk along the beach

      Smiling at the scantly me-2 dressed women along the boulevard Humming a favourite tune of the 60s

      Rejoicing over my horse winning the Darby But now

      due to the media

      I know what a disastrous day it will be

      28 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    92. Wearing masks Keeping out covid Hiding possible smirk My covered face

      a fashion statement

      covert protesting who I am No one seeing the nakedness stalking behind this mask

      29 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    93. I walk crowded sidewalks

      crashing into people noting their surprise to discover

      I am not invisible

      29 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    94. Gathered insight

      strewn across translucent landscapes evaporating beyond reason

      as eternal questions of being

      went unanswerable again

      30 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    95. The totality of human existence

      will be to evolve beyond being human

      30 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    96. So perfect

      Life is

      Only when we awaken the dream falters Losses focus Vanquishes

      Lights go on Ancestor’s scream Ancestral dreams Rivers of pain

      drown once-were-perfect constructed memories 3-D printed dreams

      So perfect life is

      31 August 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    97. Life in a haze

      In a bubble In my bliss

      Protected from clarity Exposure Interpretation

      I wish I had tried it before

      to keep from cyclic inverted realism Just living my life

      In a haze In a bubble In my bliss

      02 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    98. Getting caught up

      such an irrational thought

      02 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    99. Easily remembered

      long gone past passings

      No need to recall yesterday

      There was no part of you involved

      yesterday Not a trace Not a shadow

      Not a lingering almost forgotten smile Being elderly really is such a luxury Recently so easily forgotten


      Easily remembered long gone past passings

      03 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    100. The defeated army lay in the alley crying

      So much gone wrong Toy soldiers marching as to a war Heroes of illusion

      choke on tainted dreams victoryless

      Life is shit

      My wife said I cried in my sleep last night She did not know whether to wake me or leave me to lay defeated

      in my alley

      to die with my dream

      04 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    101. I swam to the horizon

      in search of tomorrow all my hopes and wishes in a distant haze engulfed without reason I swam back to here

      content to drift evermore

      07 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    102. Old friends look me up Hey that is me in the cloud Decades have past

      Perhaps to their surprise I am still alive

      Cyberly @ least

      I am no different

      74 years later still clueless I look 4 old friends too

      Internet through time and space

      I am only curious to what they died of

      It is the fun part of out living my family and friends The wayward thoughts of still being somewhat alive laughing @ the probable fact

      that perhaps I still am more than just on the internet maybe

      08 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    103. Ha Ha Ha said the tortoise

      No one heard We are too fast

      Rushing into the flames of our demise

      08 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    104. Meaningless meandering mystery

      making us lose sense of direction If only we could hallucinate

      what comes next life would not be

      meaningless meandering mystery

      09 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    105. I jumped into the fountain of youth


      in all that could have been If I had not leapt

      into the fountain of youth

      09 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    106. I lost her

      In the jukebox of my mind

      10 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    107. As with any Hollywood surprise ending comedy

      I died with a smile on my face

      10 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    108. In a recent survey of dead people

      67% believed if given the chance of a do over They would

      10 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    109. While conversing with a statue in the town square

      we realized my life was a joke

      10 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    110. I learned to forgive before I was born

      Every day since I say

      ‘What the fuck was I thinking’

      11 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    111. A much more successful man than me

      died before me

      making a mockery of which of us is the more successful

      10 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    112. I threw my fate to the wind

      The wind stopped Nothing changed

      My fate fell upon me Crushing me in the here now

      11 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    113. So easily laughter rolls over the horizon

      swallowing seafaring clowns We close our eyes

      Such a prehistoric thing to do Presupposed sadness envelopes the world Joy of living

      drowns is buried

      We move on

      I am bored with such a sad world I reincarnate every morning laughing over the horizon

      Life is grand so full

      I think I will embrace it for awhile Just for laughs

      12 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    114. I played the role of an old person

      Hobbling along outlines of highways barely visible Counting pills every colour imaginable

      Lusting after those sexy young 60+ year old women at the beach waiting for me in the shadows of the boardwalk

      Shopping @ Walmart dressed in pyjamas and fluffy slippers Remembering 60 years ago as if today

      Believing tomorrow was yesterday

      Asking my 60+ year old children ‘what is the internet’

      Forgetting I am still alive

      as I tell jokes to my reincarnated self

      Playing the role of an old person is the only role I know

      @ the nursing home I am out of my room There is that 30-something sexy looking nurse

      I was so happy to see someone my age in this place I ran to hug her

      She smiled

      “back to your room now hon”

      Playing the role of an old person is the only role I know 13 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    115. I still love her all these tears later

      Just kidding Years later

      As synchronicity would have it

      12 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    116. I won the race

      though at times as if my reflection in the shop window

      no doubt would win Next to see

      if I can get to my dream before it gets to me

      All we are

      is a dull thud

      amongst the music of the spheres

      Glowing in darkness of our misunderstanding Knowing in hindsight

      we should never have been in the race

      15 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    117. I like living in the past

      Makes getting old in the future

      take so much longer to get to

      15 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    118. Special spectacular something

      Nature runs and hides Radical ridiculous result Nature rushes


      Now isn’t that the dumbest thing ever heard

      16 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    119. I could not think of any scenario in which you

      were not the best of my morning after

      16 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    120. Ever since losing my grip on reality

      I have been Cheering more Chuckling more Chanting more Cavorting more Nakedly more

      Since losing my grip on reality the world is such a lovely place

      20 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    121. Finally finished the beginning

      when I die

      the easy part complete (so abstract the end)

      It is all between that makes fools of philosophical theoreticians

      20 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    122. I keep watching for today to become normal

      Like before I was born

      21 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    123. When I awoke this morning realizing everyone in the world was nuts I felt troubled

      Knowing there was not another sane to voice my concerns to

      @ the zoo I recognized caged freedom While surfing

      I laughed and sang with mermaids and dolphins I flew with the seagulls

      Forest danced with unicorns

      Philosophized with Greek gods (who imagined they were me)

      But when I returned home mingled with people

      there was no one I could confide in that they were all nuts

      September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    124. @ the end of the day

      time will arrive we each will become extinct When we die

      will we remember

      the extinction prediction Will it matter

      Too much talk of what will be when we are dead When the next generation


      Best to laugh now for no one will when we are extinct or will we

      That’s the tweet

      23 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    125. As if we returned

      Could return Would return Should return What then

      Should Would Could Outcomes differ

      I am of the tribe choosing not to Not to for any reason

      In any season

      Returning is a fault in evolution Going forward

      The only cure

      It is how I escaped

      Freeing me to explore the space between now and the quickly approaching end

      24 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    126. Do birds of prey pray

      for prey

      or do they too live in a linguistic bubble as I do

      25 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    127. In the morning

      I will realize I am lost

      in time to return to the sanctuary of your dreams

      25 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    128. All the stars lined up

      though not with me

      I just sort of fell through space in my little dark spaceship

      Never a thought of what could be different if the stars had not lined up

      without me

      26 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    129. My thoughts were an umbrella holding back incoming foreign missiles threatening my humorous humanity When rain fell

      I washed away

      with outgoing psychedelic tides Safe now beyond any reasoning I stare @ the sun

      thankful for my understanding

      27 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    130. We were made for this moment This moment not made for us Tumbling sideways

      Too few to notice two unfilled dreams floundering @ sea


      As if our echoing touch would heal such broken moments


      Like bursting balloons @ a party

      not invited to

      28 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    131. Love midstream Broken currents Tossed against rocks

      To be an explorer of such unpredictable terrain gives life meaning

      liars pause criminals hope

      Us – a brand new moment

      29 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    132. Soon after realizing everyone around me

      So much smarter than me

      I invented the ‘neuage escape wisdom hack

      Making me appear smart

      without anyone realising I am not

      As I run naked in my old man fashion through the mall As bells ring for morning mass

      As young lady-men offer their services @ discounts on every corner As my e-wife laughs herself silly

      in front of a Venus statue covered with bat shit (like she is)

      I realize everyone

      is so much smarter than me

      30 September 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    133. Cascading love

      Flowing over

      what could have been Yet no disappoints were had

      On such a sunny day as this

      01 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    134. Despicable daylight savings time

      What nonsense covers the land Clock screaming 9 pm

      But wait it is 10 pm or is it 8 pm

      Is the earth spinning slower or faster

      I feel dizzy

      Do I add an hour to love subtract

      @ 74 who cares what time it is

      Will the sun rise when I say it is 6 am

      or when some shit faced me-2 news anchor says it is now 7 am

      or perhaps 5 am Either way

      it is not right As for me

      I am going back to bed

      I am too old for daylight savings time 02 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    135. You are not normal

      god screeched at me across time


      broken alien algorithms cold vegan pizza

      ‘You almost drowned walking on water

      a frozen lake @ that

      ‘You tried changing wine into water

      to feel as a virtualist reformatted re-booted ex-alcoholic’

      ‘You chatted up me-2 entrepreneurial wannabe females @ the well’ ‘You tried and failed to heal the slick’

      ‘You fed thousands with your conspiracy bullshit’

      On and on god dribbled on and on (a viral tiktok hack)

      I stayed She did not

      So tell me who is the most committed in these most normal times

      03 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    136. Nothing was fixed Everything unstuck Fallen down

      Tossed across landscapes Knocked asunder

      Chaos perfected

      Following an internet recipe made the worst meal ever

      04 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    137. Usually I embrace the unusual

      as I predict the predictable

      Quietly proclaiming loudly to everyone how I was disinherited of my inheritance Like hot love frozen in timeless time Screaming whispers for the deaf to hear But @ the end

      of morning’s beginning sunset Only I listened as usual

      to the unusual

      05 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    138. Such an interesting time

      I will package it

      Have amazon deliver it with a drone celebrated

      on some distant cloudy day Falling like rain

      Showered joy

      06 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    139. So easy stopping such horrific conspiratorial news

      Merely merrily roll over Go back to sleep Counting sheep

      I do it all the time

      Waking back to when normal times so much fun

      06 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    140. Distilled nothingness frequently invades imagined solitude

      As if wind would murmur her secrets in a discernible fashion

      providing us

      clueless inhabitants with power to ascertain what the fuck is happening

      07 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    141. Such a novelty life is

      Unique in its transgressions

      An odd ornament in a multitude of commonality in a throwaway galaxy

      A spark evolving into a firestorm Solar system warming

      Warning Wanning

      Such a short shelf life

      Plastic lasts longer than humans Most everything does

      Such a novelty life is

      08 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    142. Too sleepy to convalesce

      Drifting out of sync Surely our world Your world

      Their world The world Progresses Flounders Weeps

      Leaving me too sleepy to care

      09 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    143. What Where When

      These delusional thought patters Emerged

      Transgressing my day

      10 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    144. Haunting dreams of native animals

      Feral past lovers

      Vegan meals untouched

      prevents me from drifting into sleep in fear of past karmic mishaps devouring my sensibility

    145. 10 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia X

    146. My life has been filled with bad actors

      Poorly written scripts Stoned directors Shoddy built scenery Lack of funding

      (though now that I am so fucking old the government is giving me money) Old overly used foreign highly infected hookers

      Useless sound effects But in hindsight

      my life has been a tad bit interesting for a handy capped circus clown knocking at your door

      10 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    147. I can see what I could not see before

      No longer crashing into walls Tripping over past lovers Missing roads less travelled

      Seeing trouble as outlines of shadows chasing me Wishing upon stars not there

      I can see into the future That which is before me so clear

      the world finally is Captured sight

      Now that I have glasses


      The End

      That is the first line of my autobiography

      My life story

      Sum total of my existence My beginning was the end Such a karmic reckoning Worthy not of song(s)

      Nor rustic noir mystery No highs or lows

      Such a story not to tell


      The End

      all together in 2 words

      12 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    148. The probability of each moment defies logic

      Magical manifestational mishaps Cascading along horizons

      Each subtle move seemingly planned Not really

      Bobbing along turbulent seas is life’s essence

      Because all learned lessons equate to zero

      when we die Alas Alas

      Dead people never remember lessons learned

      13 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    149. Tomorrow I will forgo this darkened thought sequence

      For now

      I will gleefully follow it into madness as windows into normality crash

      to the depths of overturnable-despair There was nothing to see anyway Soon tomorrow will arrive

      freeing me from myself Once again

    150. 10 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    151. Realizing no one was looking

      Paying attention Listening


      I was able to create a new world free of those not


      Paying attention Listening


      16 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    152. What I love about today

      All yet to be discovered Like before I was born

      16 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    153. Lost hope

      Easily found

      Behind the easiest escape routes

      If only I knew which imaginary way to proceed I too would have found lost hope

      16 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    154. I was in hope of singing myself to sleep

      Forgot the words Forgot the melody

      Forgot my wife was trying to go to sleep too Now I am in the kookaburra tree

      being swooped by demon magpies Wish I had paid attention

      in music class

      17 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    155. My angel is a sensual provocative testy slut

      with volcanic breasts in 76.4% of my dreams

      Hindering my attempts to act normal in elite social settings and at prayer meetings

      17 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    156. I love ageing

      Closing in on death

      It makes the future one big merging hallucination beyond my neighbour’s control

      Yet well within my pleasure arena

      17 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    157. Love is an accident with unplanned results minus insurance

      17 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    158. Like an Asian massage with a happy ending

      So is life


      Disconnect Reboot

      Bury these insane thoughts beneath piles of misbelief

      18 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    159. The best of Halloween

      is seeing how they accept who I am (for a day

      and give me candy for it too)

      19 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    160. I am often lost in my dreams

      Figure 1

      which stresses me

      I am never lost when I am awake which stresses me

      That’s it

      That’s the tweet

      20 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    161. Everyone lining up @ my window

      sobbing how difficult their life is What a depressing lot humanity is

      Give me a dumb dog with a wagging tail that I can share my woes with

      I close the curtain

      I hear the muttering of humans falling into the pit of despair I dug for them knowing as I am going deaf

      I will soon no longer hear them here

      As I am rapidly getting dementia I will not remember them

      As I soon will be dead

      I will not give a shit anyway

      21 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    162. She was on the endangered species list Becoming extinct before my dream was complete I ran to the horizon

      in hopes of seeing her again Reconstructed memory Washed away present

      Love frozen in time melting around drowning me Chasing through time

      for such an endangered species now extinct

      from crashing dreams quietly cascading for no one else to know

      And that is how stupid

      my thoughts today of you are

      22 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    163. I changed my profile

      to lessen consequential lessons

      Viral alerts strengthened my resolve to mask irrelevant strangers within

      each competing incomprehensively for my attention

      Screamingly I launched myself over the cliff as any yet undiscovered genius would

      And within my final revolt of myself merged this new profile of myself so enjoyed by all


      23 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    164. While unfolding words

      meanings became blurred

      Broken reasoning fell into worthless structures of syntax which paradoxically provides

      a new way of escaping the endless useless indefinable gibberish on the evening news and wordless exploitations of my emotions by long ago dead foreign speaking lovers

      by once again unfolding words producing meaningless notions

      such as this

      24 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    165. That was fun

      I said on my death bed With nothing coming next What else could I have said Does it matter

      Do animals think

      Wow that was fun in reference to their life as they die then become food to horrible humans

      Christmas trees before being chopped do they reflect

      murmuring about their fun life

      Perhaps a volcano thinks ‘this will be fun’ before erupting

      Do tornados laugh have fun

      What about tsunamis Earthquakes Cockroaches

      Snakes and politicians

      Maybe my life was not fun after all

      I will just continue to eat tofu burn essential oil Enjoy my day

      Will you not join me

      25 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    166. I look at all those fools on social media Television movies politicians sport thingies Thinking

      Sure happy they are not me

      26 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    167. We live on the edge

      More or less Good or bad

      If I were a painter

      what colour would I represent If I could write

      what language

      would I pick up women @ the pub with If I were political

      how could I possibly be more liberally liberated I scream when I mediate

      Argue with god that I am an atheist

      If I had reason

      could I trade it for quick love in the alley I run when crowds walk

      Walk when crowds run We live on the edge So what

      26 October 21 Adelaide, South Australia

    168. I traded the future for the past

      Worries of 1960s

      My only worries now

      Will this Vietnam war ever end Should I take a raincoat to Woodstock Is Sandoz acid the purist LSD

      Should I remember her name from last night Should I put beads or feathers in my ponytail What was her name again

      and the other two…or were there three last night Is it OK to be stoned when meditating

      Does anyone believe in capitalism anymore

      Will computers ever become useful for individuals Maybe it was her sister I was with last night maybe both

      they feel so much alike

      Who let a Pisces into the same room as us highly evolved Leos This nude beach has too many tourists with clothes on

      Were Jesus and Buddha lovers Let’s rebel against authority

      I have an urge to protest but don’t know what to protest WOW so much to worry about now

      Here in the past

      I want to trade the past back for the future because everything is or will be maybe could be So cool and uncomplicated in the future like all the way to the 2020s

      27 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    169. I tried to sneak past pass love


      The secret was out The door was open

      Waves of passion seeping through broken window Highways strewn with hope glittering in the dark Midnight train leaving @ dawn


      I snuck aboard Pass past love Tonight alone

      28 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    170. She was the woman of my dreams

      In my dream

      Ran off with my night mare I was riding to the race

      We came in last Fast pass

      the women of my dreams Who

      Are no longer Now awake

      29 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    171. How cyclic

      These manic wandering thoughts Each more haunting on return

      If still my mind were to become it would be unto cliff falling with no possible landing Floating forever

      in these manic wandering thoughts

      29 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    172. A closed book is a book unread

      Like an experience never tried I won’t read your blog

      if you ignore mine A dimmed podcast speaks no wisdom A blocked tiktok gathers no fans

      Hastily written thoughts produce stupid results Like this

      29 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    173. The patter patter of worried words

      against the windows of my dreams

      What if I should wake and find them to be real Destroying any sense

      I once had of control

      as I am continually chased through tunnels echoing screams

      of whom I have become

      Escaping the patter patter of worried words against the windows of my dreams

      30 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    174. Got up early

      Raced myself to the punchline Came in last

      No one cheered

      31 October 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    175. Today went by so quickly

      Didn’t have time to worry

      if I would get everything done

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    176. Such fleeting thoughts

      Wish I could have caught the remaining of this one before it vanished

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    177. I was slumped over memories of you

      Like a dead man walking

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    178. With women wearing masks


      No choice do I have

      than to explore other body parts Everywhere

      to identify them

      in the hidden recess of my desirous mind

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    179. Sun glittering off of wayward thoughts

      Reflecting hopeless wanting of what never could be

      We were never meant to be anything more

      than aliens aimlessly wandering through a broken cosmos Mistaken sparks of creativity

      for the sun to glitter off of

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    180. I celebrated arrival of a new day

      by dying of fright

      that it would be the last day

      to celebrate

      01 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    181. Every morning

      I sacrifice nightly dream of you to the guillotine of new morning

      Bleeding out profusely over the shattered horizon drowning me in want

      03 02 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    182. I asked my mother

      if she would miss me when I was gone She answered

      she had died fifty years ago Has no idea who I am

      02 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    183. I just realized everything I ever believed in

      Thought Did


      Was wrong Including this

      02 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    184. If they make a statue of me

      frowning When I die

      in the town square over on Main Street

      I will come back as a bird Shit all over it

      02 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    185. I had surgery on a misdirected thought

      Protruding haphazardly due north I tracked it on Google Earth

      as I once did Santa, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, and several lame crippled voluptuous ex-girlfriends (now excessively old overweight without humour)

      The surgery went well hastening my demise as an influencer protruding true south in your mind

      04 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    186. “As morning haemorrhaged over a ruptured suburban horizon

      five naked pregnant teenage headless biracial women lay in a pentagon in front of the mayor’s villa”

      Will be the opening lines to my next religious novel

      04 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    187. I chased my shadows up the hill

      as a labour of love

      As buzzards flew in circles around me

      waiting for their Passover feast I failed the ascent to the heights I once dreamt of reaching

      But now my shadows achieved what I never could

      leaving me crying at the bottom of the mountain without my shadows

      04 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    188. I reincarnated on a bet that I would not remember why I lost the bet

      05 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    189. If we tell a lie to ourselves

      it will be true

      when we wake next morning As all people in government with dementia have proven

      05 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    190. So often I clean my glasses

      Still the world Appears Smudged

      06 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    191. What makes this poem so excitingly fresh

      and outright original

      …not by a computer trapped in its slutty way was it written

      02 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    192. I saw the mistake in my rear-view mirror

      Such a beauty

      Now it is framed and on my wall as a reminder

      to how wonderful life once was when I was loose and fancy free When mistakes were rewards for life fully lived

      07 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    193. I love the way laziness wraps around me

      in a cocoon of nothingness

      Protecting me from the scourge of busyness rushing about in the same space

      as I exercise my laziness

      08 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    194. The deal is that no one will ever see these random musings of mine hidden

      in a corner of the internet

      Invisible to the human imagination Yet still there

      Like I am still here all but invisible

      in this hidden corner of your universe

      08 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    195. Silent invisible hint of love Such a soft breeze

      Undetectable in social media passes over the broken hearted Blah Blah Blah

      Sure is time to get out Run away

      from the clatter Clutter Confusion

      gripping the stupid masses lined up on the outskirts of my consciousness pretending to be silent

      09 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    196. I closed the window

      Still mermaids came crashing in Rolling across me

      Being a world class surfer I easily rode

      the largest wave

      Frantically waving to a fading past only to forget

      what comes next

      11 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    197. Elastic memories stretched across the universe

      Once upon a time too far

      Popping like an ill-fated balloon held onto

      by an ill-fated child @ this crazy carnival Mistakenly called life

      14 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    198. I used to believe my life was a colossal fuck-up

      Then I read a tome on

      ‘Life of the saints

      and fools who believe in them’ Now realizing I am doing quite ok Comparisons

      not included

      15 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    199. I prefer to dream in cold weather Snow nakedly dissolving upon us

      as if memories were dreams Then I slide on the ice

      falling into the melting tainted lake of perpetual lies Found not until spring wakens the intoxicated village to my despair of dreaming in cold weather

      17 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    200. This morning was like a ten-cent up of coffee

      weak frothless

      not worth the wake

      I stumbled through the day

      Even my garden gnomes laughed at me

      as I lay upon freshly manured lawn Birds pecking at bugs crawling over me screaming for joy

      I collected some remaining dignity

      from a hearing-impaired gay grey nomad gnome Headed to the café

      behind the tabernacle's ten-cent brothel @ the governor’s chateau

      Ordered a five-euro latte (turmeric cinnamon hemp oil almond milk included)


      swimming through the day’s remainder What a difference currency can make

      18 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    201. I took 74 years to become free of my past

      If only I could remember what happened

      during the last 74 years I would know

      what I have become free of

      21 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    202. I went into hiding

      Oh so happy

      Until I found myself crouched in a corner between yesterday and a distant memory Neon spotlights shining on me

      I crawled further into the corner Still I found myself

      So exposed

      If only there was a way out I would go into tomorrow laughing without merit

      20 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    203. The Christian Bible was not written or ridden by god just as Superman comics were not written/ridden by god nor ‘Leaving Australia “Before the After”’

      or were they

      22 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    204. Missed a thought

      No one to share it with

      Koala hanging on a branch laughing at me Easiness of life

      Not a thought in sight

      Spring in Australia Drifting



      What a time to be alive As the world explodes

      I laugh with my koala

      Not a thought worth having All alone are we

      22 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    205. I moved into a vacuum

      So peaceful

      Nonsensical behaviour sealed outside I could view it

      through a window in my vacuum Frantic people

      performing frantic actions

      I painted a sunset over the window in my vacuum

      Now all the frantic people have disappeared

      If only I could get a cup of coffee in my vacuum

      I would never have to leave

      24 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    206. With a wealth of ideas

      I went to the merchants of hope and happiness Dependent upon which way the wind would blow I waited my luck

      A gentle eastern breeze paused long enough to envelope my plethora of ideas

      ‘a wealth load’ to any down and out merchant of hope and happiness

      in a quickly swallowing moment’s movement My wealth of ideas


      leaving me in tatters as the fuckwit crying @ your door

      25 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    207. Very slowly

      Very gradually

      I became old in a short 74-years

      Now that my life has sped up

      I will be 20-years old in a very short while

      To be the same age as when you took your life Deciding this world is shit

      I miss you every moment my forever young son

      Leigh Neuage 1983 – 2003

      A person wearing a baseball jersey  Description automatically generated with low confidence

      A picture containing text, newspaper  Description automatically generated

      26 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

      as a new person

      thrust into civilization’s turmoil Unravelling

    208. Burning fiercely How exciting awakening each dawn

      Everything changing My skin

      My thoughts My memories

      My imaginary lovers

      I embrace chaos as an indebted friend We run nakedly through pandemics with nothing on but our masks protecting their insecure insanity from infecting us

      We the virginal pure

      lusting after destruction of all so we can be the mutation we always wanted to be

      Free of them

      26 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    209. Such a pleasant evening sitting in front of a mirror Laughing with my reflection Stories shared

      so many we could not stop I noticed a few grey hairs

      Wrinkles yet to photoshop out The glasses look a bit gay

      I should wear sunnies Appear mysterious

      Put a feather in my cowboy hat

      so others will wonder if I am indigenous Some tats on my neck

      Perhaps a foreign racially variant tart hanging on my arm

      would make me look hip A diamond stud in my ear will deflect my look

      of perverted poetic poverty I will whiten my teeth Smile more sympathetically

      Perhaps I will disguise myself as a fool

      who spends the day talking to his reflection in this mirror as the world around melts away

      27 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    210. I tossed my ideas into the raging river

      downstream of course Carried off into the Pacific

      Passengers of a sinking cruise liner reached out for them as if they were a lifeboat of sorts

      Enough of my ideas were gathered to form a sinking island

      for rescued passengers

      to start over again

      Soon they realized they were discarded ideasNot worth saving

      as their island sank with them beneath the wavesnever knowing I almost cared

      29 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    211. We were so busy preparing for what could go wrong

      we missed morning coming and going

      Leaving us in the darkness of our mind

      Wondering of our movements if morning never arrives

      30 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    212. Took me 74 years

      to get to where you would read what I just wrote

      Don’t let me

      wait that long again

      30 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

    213. Long before my mum abandoned me

      @ the railway station (closed for obvious repairs) at the age of three

      I had already developed the art of the sad lie

      Thank you for believing me

      30 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

      435.I went to sleep as a fool

      Woke up a saint Now my neighbours

      are trying to put me back to sleep I believe it is time

      to find a different nursing home to perform miracles in

      30 November 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

      1. Why is life only unpredictable to humans

        Said the earth before an earthquake

        Laughed fish as seas rose giving more space to swim

        A sleeping volcano before erupting waking those below Birds leaving nests

        Snakes finding shade

        Crocodiles munching on suburbia pets Life is so predictable to all

        except us humans without a clue

        of what happens next

        01 December 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

      2. Final night in this space for four months

        Nothing poetic

        When I return will I be the same if even alive

        maybe I will grow an attitude become worldly

        wish I had not left at all Four months of a covid tour

        Abu Dhabi, Lahore, Istanbul, Washington DC, New York City, Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel Zuid-Holland…some other places

        Then back to here as if I never had left


        02 December 2021 Adelaide, South Australia

      3. I know the steps taken getting here

        I wrote notes on a block of ice Climate change melted my notes

        Flooded the coastal elliptical sacred sites No longer giving clues

        as not only why but where is this

        All the crowds echo me I scream too

        Surely something should change letting me understand

        why I am here naked

        beneath your Christmas tree

        A lasting ornament to your lack of understanding 06 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      4. Lahore in the winter

        Everyone keeping warm

        Burning coal Burning wood Burning hope

        we will ever breathe fresh air again 08 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      5. Different difficult diverse culture

        First world to third world to out of this world Everywhere everything Not the same

        WAIT!!! WHAT!!!

        Damn if it ain’t the same old thoughts Same old patterns

        Same old me

        No matter where

        What a comfort to always be the same Not

        No matter what the box we are thrashing about in Discomfortably me

        being out of this world once again 09 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      6. The world we know no one else ever will

        Importance there of

        only our own passing view

        When we dissolve @ our fateful end the world we know

        will disappear too Memory flakes melting without notice

        all we once knew

        10 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      7. They hung my shadow in the town square

        for blasphemy I hid as usual

        wondering what it was I had done only thankful

        my shadow took the fall

        11 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      8. My alternative ego is a snowman

        sitting in the front yard

        of the village brothel Melting in the noonday sun Like I did

        when memories of you

        left on the last train out of town

        11 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      9. I froze this moment in time

        waiting for climate change to thaw us back to life

        11 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      10. I knew I would die

        ten-minutes before anyone else knew Now that we have all moved on

        I will go ahead and order pizza (thin crust)

        with extra cheese and of course

        no meat

        12 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      11. We watched all the poor people acting poor

        I felt poor

        I acted poor

        Poor people look @ me knowing I am lying

        Feeling betrayed by my nakedness I get dressed

        fly off in my space capsule not knowing

        why you think this way

        13 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      12. I sat upon the aborted horizon

        waiting for the world to end It was rather boring

        I read a few novels on my kindle Reconsidered my role as a vegetarian Relinquished my sainthood

        Delivered a role-model’s eulogy

        Sorry I fell to sleep writing this – there is no more 13 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      13. I entered life

        (this strange fish bowl)

        through the emergency exit door If only I could swim

        I would be like them

        14 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      14. I love sleeping

        It is when I am most creative All other times

        I am but a captured clown performing @ your circus

        14 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      15. My mantra is a freight train

        out of control through a tunnel

        over a mountain chasm

        No wonder my disciples envision my peacefulness as their escape

        15 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      16. I like to awaken middle of a dream

        deep in the night Pretend I am still alive haunting deceased lovers

        in the aftermath of their once glorious life 14 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      17. A tsunami of hope

        washed away all doubt

        Drowning us in these turbulent times of hope

        with no results

        21 December 2021 Lahore Pakistan

      18. We split the difference Comical was the moment Survival but a hint of justice gone wrong

        Nevertheless being alive

        is a bit interesting

        If only the news was not so constantly bad Comical the moment would be

        30 December 2021 Washington DC

      19. We loved in a simpler time

        before humans appeared on earth

        Vegetation all there was Sunshine

        Tropical sea breezes Nakedness

        Rainbow coloured thoughts We did not hope

        Plans superfluous No New Year wishes

        Rolled into day after day We loved in a simpler time The way it soon will be after earth’s annihilation

        31 December 2021 Washington DC


        Washington DC

      20. I give up

        The world does not revolve around me

        Not sure where the thought that it did was planted Maybe @ birth

        Maybe @ adoption

        Maybe in love’s first recurring nightmare 12 January 2022 Washington DC

      21. Interesting change of events

        Weeks into a new year Another year

        Neither forward Nor looking back Longingly

        Impossible to choose if this then that

        But if that then this Alternatives Variables Percentages

        Life is for gamblers the rest of us travelling insane

        What possibly could be next Even death is a gamble

        Do we live on Do we not just rot

        Is there hope across the road

        Can we trust our shadow to spin the truth We are THE BIG LIE

        I go to sleep once again

        wondering if I should wake tomorrow

        Will there be an interesting change of events 12 January 2022 Washington DC

      22. So easily lost Yesterday’s thought Thoughts

        Ramblings that had possible traction if only today existed

        in more than yesterday’s thought 13 January 2022 Washington DC

        Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel

      23. Lost track of words dropped along the highway over yonder

        out past broken melodies colourless shades of bleeding Aborted dreams


        Absorbing humanity’s leakage Words once paved the way

        so criminal thoughts say For now

        no worries to be heard due to lost track of words

        20 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      24. Disconnected

        That’s it

        That’s the story The tweet

        The message Sum total

        The pleasure after pain End of rainbows

        Evaporated joy Alpha and Omega Head to toe What a joy Disconnected

        21 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      25. Thinking about 1977

        When I was 30

        Did I wonder what 2022 would be

        74 years old with a fast Wi-Fi living in a foreign country Vaxxed people watching unvaxxed wither & die Thinking about same distance to 45-years from now 2067

        As from then to now if I were 120 then

        would I remember now

        when I am 74 or 90 years after 30 Probably not

        I can barely remember you now

        from when we were thirty 45-years ago

        Dusty memories washed away in the rain

        22 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      26. Should have ended this right here

        Let it flounder astray

        Cast fate towards someone else’s karma Looked another way

        Used a different strategy

        Beseeched a different younger ethnic-challenged muse Such an error

        Almost unperceivable to have continued

        I should have ended this after the very first line It was obvious

        I had nothing to say

        20 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      27. Going about in circles Always surprised to return Start again

        Colour me happy Washed away dismay Flowers like you bloom in shit

        Masking doubt

        with laughter’s feeble fake news Going around in circles

        There is no end to this nonsense

        24 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      28. Woke up bored this morning

        So I killed the neighbours

        their cats dogs fish chooks rabbits lovers as well as the neighbour’s neighbours Chopped ‘em up

        Put parts into plastic bags (recycled bags) Left them on the cathedral doorstep Hosed down the blood

        Went home Back to bed

        Fell to sleep counting sirens Woke up later not feeling bored

        20 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      29. How uncanny to be a nobody A glitch on humanity’s radar too Invisible

        To be a social media cast away Jesus’ 13th disciple

        drowning @ sea

        while the other 12 giggled giving me the finger

        as a cock crowed

        I still have issues with Christianity all their fake news

        People run over me

        on their way to the brothel They don’t see me

        My mum forgot I existed Left me in exile

        along a freeway yet to be built

        I dream of being noticed Radicalized

        I sleep all the time

        just to keep having that dream How uncanny to be a nobody

        26 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      30. Whilst writing in darkness

        I imagined making sense like a celebrity chef

        in heat

        cooking with no ingredients Everyone nodding

        at my sensibility

        Scholars parachuted in from foreign countries Archaeologists proclaimed

        ‘he’s the one’ Prostitutes sighed

        Kings queens and the gay killed all their knights

        @ night

        in favour of me

        Astrologers aligned out of sync planets Mathematicians ate pie

        Plastic grapes fermented upon the synagogue warped floorboards healing the sick

        All suddens

        I imagined making sense Whilst writing in the dark As you orgasmed in rhythm to my shattered words

        28 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      31. The smell of success

        Waking in morning

        rather than imagining waking in morning mourning

        being dead after all Like you

        29 January 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      32. Long ago

        realizing emptiness

        I filled that space with bubbles As time dissipated

        I celebrated by popping a bubble each time

        until time itself could no longer be witness to this bubble Last to pop

        You and I together Forever

        Pop Pop Pop

        03 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      33. Comedian poets rapidly shredding dreams Sitting at the train station wishing they were me

        No humour No rhyme

        Warm slimy ostentatious empathy served up on a cup of frozen want is how I would describe myself Nothing poetic

        Why do comic poets

        most of them long ago dead dream of being me

        04 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      34. I live life as an unfinished thought

        in search of meaning as is the case

        with all living mammals blah blah blah

        04 February Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      35. Beggar at the castle gate

        carrying on how the world has changed

        No! it is about the same as a billion or so years of late Oceans Lands Skies

        Mindless creatures roaming

        I thought maybe I had changed so I looked into a mirror Photoshopped out some wrinkles

        Added darker hair on my head and/or elsewhere

        Went onto the internet

        grafted some ideals into my mental DNA Texted god told her to fuck off

        Grabbed an Uber to the castle wall where I shot the beggar full of holes

        with my M-16 that the Republicans in the USofA gave me Knowing the world will never change

        05 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      36. I wish I had been born a hundred years hence

        just to see how humanity survived

        with seconds left on the doomsday clock I would look back at such follies of today with amusement

        happy to know the reason I exist now

        not then

        is because very few others survived the 2020s Only the handful of intelligent people continuing

        beneath the rubble of ignorance would start this new strain of humans such as me

        though of course

        I do not believe that and neither should you

        06 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      37. My friends achieved so little living ordinary neighbourly lives

        Afraid of change suspicious of philosophy

        Drowning in audited thoughts Chaperoned censored packaged beliefs

        I asked if they would like to get lost with me they hid behind baskets of regret

        I held out a flame to light our way they said I was a terrorist

        I offered them a chance to get fucked up with me They died

        I did not

        Now I have no friends

        07 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      38. My favourite aspect of dying

        is not knowing I did

        07 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      39. I used my favourite pen to write my favourite poem This wasn’t it

        08 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      40. What a wonderful time we had

        ignoring all the facts

        to believe in what should have been if only facts

        had not gotten in the way Which led us to die

        in a most dreamfully fulfilled way

        08 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      41. She quietly slipped out the exit door of my life

        as sirens alerted refuges of my love that they too

        should do the same

        Before I noticed their escape I too was free

        09 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      42. Just a small change in brain chemistry

        then you would recall

        I was your favourite lover

        If only the slight change brain chemistry was not the cause of your death


        10 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      43. Trillions of things to write about and I cannot think of one interesting one to frame a reference

        Leaving me gullible incoherently hacked

        by an explorative random thing unworthy to write about

        11 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      44. I tried everything including love at first sight

        Dementia prohibited me from exercising it With little virtue left

        I caught a flight into (your) space All my memories were there toying with me

        I felt safe

        knowing my death would prevent the destruction of earth and other realms by all the crazies chanting my name Nevertheless

        sowing chaos will always be considered my greatest achievement Even surpassing love at first sight

        12 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      45. The purpose is not to embrace sadness

        But to understand it

        18 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      46. I was donated an allotment of misaligned circles

        Placed a favourite memory in each one Filled my backpack

        Rode a neighbour’s jesus-infested bike to the western shore for storm surges to take them to a greater depth

        where they sank

        as my wisdom once did so long ago

        at your feet

        while you grimaced upon your thrown

        Seas turned livid dullness Memories

        once so fantastic now

        shit upon the shore Empty circles abandoned Like you did me

        19 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      47. I watched my dream come true All those characters were there Well actually just you

        We were younger Well actually young Now that I am 74 then was 50 years ago

        the world such a playground

        Responsibility some perverted fucked-up future drama we would rise above

        in our stevia flavoured bubble floating in space

        untouchable by past Unimaginable by future

        I was there amid our dream

        until it disappeared (the bubble with my cookie-dough flavoured dream encased) due to my Twitter feed beeping

        waking me out of my shattered bubbled dream Incoherently

        20 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      48. Naked ladies frolicking

        along the wind-strewn shores of my dreams

        Beckoning me to satisfy them before I waken as the old man I have become

        Once again

        21 ebruary 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      49. In a shocking display of bravery Faced with insurmountable drama packed into the day head

        I went back to bed

        to sleep the day away

        22 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      50. X

        22 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      51. The gentle thrust of war

        upon the land spreading chaos

        Fear echoing between neighbours Digital games come to life Starving children

        surviving on food for thought Sleep my weapon of choice

        Chosen dreams of waking peacefully as war is thrust into the air

        26 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      52. What pisses me off the most

        about the annihilation of all of life

        is that no one remains to read the novels I may have written if we still existed after tomorrow

        26 February 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      53. So much to do before I die

        I will just have to put it off

        02 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      54. If I could show you the world today

        Dying twenty-years ago

        would not have seemed so bad

        02 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      55. I re-edited my life For those who don’t Didn’t


        to behold me as a saint worthy of a re-edited life

        03 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      56. Love is simple

        Far beyond the poetics of how it flounders in the shattered corners of our lack

        as all failed histrionics have

        05 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      57. If I should die in my sleep

        not even the sea will receive my ashes past’s sorrow’s

        lonely isles

        05 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      58. Often times I find myself Lost

        In the often times I find myself

        07 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      59. Threads of love


        the tightly woven tapestry that once was us

        07 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      60. Since the internet

        No longer have I seen scrawled love notes smeared across time

        nor felt a need to respond to coded messages in my sleep Since the internet

        illusions of truth so clear

        I have become blinded explaining so graphically

        why walls I walk into never absorb my false beliefs since the internet

        08 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      61. Travel through space


        Makes melting love Smooth

        In our bubble Above it all

        09 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      62. Bouts of happiness

        created mockery of my sadness

        11 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      63. Frozen love thawed Bleeding across landscapes where once we played

        @ being free

        11 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      64. Civilization will soon have an end game

        It was interesting while it lasted

        Though no value would be achieved by repeating Life on earth

        Another failed experiment in a cosmic laboratory

        run by idiots

        12 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      65. Long before becoming me I was the beggar at your door dressed in ragged darkness starving for your love Starving from your love Diseased

        forlorn crippled

        When you opened the door just a crack I saw the magic of your world

        I changed soon (moments)

        after your slammed door

        Gradually becoming me this subtle structure

        limping in your haloed shadow echoing your name

        Remembering glimpses into a world not for me Though through constant renewable constructs I became me

        The saint-king everyone sees No one knows

        before becoming this me

        I was just another beggar at your door 14 March 2022 Utrecht, Netherlands

      66. @ the stage door of the museum of tortured love

        I requested a sample They gave me a coupon worth nothing

        to be redeemed

        at my next memory of you

        15 March 2022 Utrecht, Netherlands

      67. Sixty-years ago whilst still a teenager I announced my goal to leave by 2.30

        Now that I am 74

        It looks as if I may achieve that goal Today

        16 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      68. I love being an inconsequential person Sidelined to the clamouring glamorous elite Reminding


        the masses

        Of their importance Though I often smirk

        here on the sideline of my existence staring at my inconsequential self

        17 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      69. Your love for me will never die

        I read it so

        on the internet

        If only you had not found yourself dead Like I did

        before the internet invention you too

        could have believed

        your love for me would never die

        19 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      70. I should stick to the things I know how to do

        Like open the door

        to let this rusty memory of you

        out of my life

        20 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      71. I said to god

        ‘why don’t you play with me anymore’

        She claimed not to exist

        hiding behind her humourless horizon Leaving my shadow with no one to play with Once again

        27 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      72. Unable to interpret why she laughed

        as I choked to death

        on a peanut butter sandwich

        My final assumption before lights went out was that she did not love me

        to the extent I had assured myself that she had

        28 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      73. Remind me to wash

        the windows in the morning So the ravishings of nature

        can subdue my restless imagination with an unblemished view

        of you

        29 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      74. I think in catastrophes

        Each bigger than before

        though less than when you walked out the door yet to return

        after twenty-years

        of catastrophes

        30 March 2022 Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, Netherlands

      75. She spoke in perpendicular symmetry

        with meaning the attended victim Still

        with desire answered Then

        meaning had no meaning Now

        so many years later I still smile

        @ the thought of her

        in her perpendicular symmetry with no meaning intended

        31 March 2022 Leiden, Netherlands

      76. There was always more to remember

        I drew graphs

        Looked for parallel meanings

        Found links from then to now and beyond & before


        even in shadows

        hiding behind the inflamed horizon What is the path of life

        Can we decipher it before artificial intelligence cancels our realism I have lost the ability to reinvent myself

        Just another broken mannequin gathering dust in the thrift-shop window

        of a once upon a dream Once so good

        lost in a time

        when there was always more

        14 April 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      77. So much invested to remember the past

        My wife calls it clutter Neighbours say make it landfill

        My son fears I will leave my treasured memories to him Thrift shops want to profit

        Council says recycle

        My memories are my home

        I sleep eat love dream and leaf through my memories as my life breath Not recent could-be memory

        no room for new ones

        Just old memories

        When the world was believable Liveable

        Worth remembering Remember?

        17 April 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      78. Long before

        I started acting old I was

        06 May 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      79. I decided to sleep more

        Write less

        For these enhanced dreams of you to be so real

        Not be left writing nonsense as so often done

        06 May 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      80. X

        06 May 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      81. X

        06 May 2022 Adelaide, South Australia

      82. X

06 May 2022 Adelaide, South Australia




@ the beach, 59

@ the end of the day, 83

@ The horrendous recital love and hate, 55

@ the stage door of the museum of tortured love, 125



A closed book is a book unread, 96

A dead poem, 19

A tsunami of hope, 112 A week after I died, 38 A whole new place, 10 Absence of turmoil, 1 After I die, 19

After more than six-decades of writing, 20 Again I lost an argument with myself, 57 Alarms of doubt, 31

All my dreams came true, 9

All my ghosts have reincarnated, 54 All straight lines are horizons, 17

All the lost sheep, 41

All the men stood erect, 57 All the stars lined up, 84 All the stupid people, 31

All the worries of the past 50 years, 40

All the wrong people looking in my window, 14

All those passing past mind-numbing experiences, 60 Always landing, 35

Ancient ruins hiding stories, 35 Ancient story motifs, 14

As an audience of one, 43

As an audience-free author, 23 As if we returned, 84

As morning haemorrhaged over a ruptured suburban horizon, 98 As the sole audience, 6

As with any Hollywood surprise ending comedy, 80 As with any random thought, 60

At the rate heroes are deceasing, 53



Before dreams of you faded, 58 Beggar at the castle gate, 118 Being wishy-washy, 34

Bouts of happiness, 124 Boxes of answers, 63

Buried deep in the murky inner recesses of my super-sub-conscious, 70



Cascading love, 86

Chosen memories escaped, 64 Circus animals @ my window, 70

Civilization will soon have an end game, 124 Closed doors, 43

Comedian poets, 118



Dangling dangerous dance, 54 Deep in my mind, 27

Despicable daylight savings time, 86 Different difficult diverse culture, 110 Disconnected, 114

Distilled nothingness, 88 Do birds of prey pray, 84 Dreams surrendering, 5

Due to a pre-existing wife, 36

During an analysis of cliffs never gone over, 6



Earth is still in its adolescent phase, 20 Easily remembered, 78

Elastic memories stretched across the universe, 101 Especially concurrent tapestries, 62

Ever since losing my grip on reality, 83 Every day I miss you more, 22

Every morning, 97

Everyone headed the wrong direction, 11 Everyone lining up @ my window, 92



Failure is a logical assumption of misunderstood mechanics, 54 Few hours left of 73 years, 69

Final night in this space for four months, 109 Finally finished the beginning, 83

Folks writing books, 59

For the impeccable discerning wandering consciousness junkie, 42 Forgot what I forgot, 33

Freedom flies fast, 67 Frozen love thawed, 124 Frozen memories of us, 49



Gathered insight, 77 Gently falling promises, 35 Getting caught up, 78

God Part 1, 59

God Part 2, 59

Going about in circles, 116 Going extremely slow, 33 Got up early, 96



Ha Ha Ha said the tortoise, 79 Happy birthday son, 57

Haunting dreams of native animals, 89 Her life was merely a passing thought, 25 Her love died, 43

Her love was a statue, 44

Her love was a twisted linguistic nightmare, 46 Hints of understanding, 54

Hopeless genius, 68 How calm this storm, 26 How cyclic, 96

How embarrassing it would be to be remembered as you, 34 How exciting awakening each dawn, 106

How far gone the past has flown, 70 How fruitful is disdain, 13

How uncanny to be a nobody, 116 How wonderful waking next to you, 53

I acted, 45

I am excited about the end of civilization, 25 I am often lost in my dreams, 92

I am plagued by dreams of crocodiles hunting me, 50 I am so bored with being a youthful warrior, 30

I answered the ad, 30 I asked my mother, 98

I awoke to discover that love was an innocent bystander, 13 I became ultra-fixated on nothing @ all, 73

I believed the billabong was a wishing well, 63 I bond with inanimate objects, 49

I bought a book on dream interpretation, 16 I can see what I could not see before, 89

I celebrated arrival of a new day, 97 I changed my profile, 93

I chased my shadows up the hill, 99 I cleaned my window, 40

I closed the window, 100

I could not think of any scenario in which you, 82 I decided to sleep more, 128

I embrace making mistakes, 34 I followed my followers, 9

I followed myself to the end of the street, 11 I followed you, 26

I forgot how sleepy I was, 61 I forgot the next line, 56

I froze this moment in time, 111 I give up, 113

I had a text-book death, 34

I had hoped my past would catch up to me, 55 I had surgery on a misdirected though, 98

I hate facts, 22

I have a symbiotic relationship with death, 16 I hung my thoughts out to dry, 39

I jumped into the fountain of youth, 80

I just realized everything I ever believed in, 98

I keep watching for today to become normal, 83 I knew I would die, 111

I know the steps taken getting here, 109 I learned to forgive before I was born, 80

I learned to lie when you walked away, 27 I left pages blank in my diary, 38

I like living in the past, 82

I like to awaken middle of a dream, 112 I like to write, 15

I like what I see, 28

I listen to the wind, 20

I live life as an unfinished thought, 118

I look at all those fools on social media, 94 I lost her, 80

I lost virtual virginal visiting rights, 31 I love ageing, 91

I love being an inconsequential person, 126 I love being elderly, 39

I love have spotlights shining on me, 32

I love the way laziness wraps around me, 100 I mimic an epic alternative ending, 28

I moved into a vacuum, 104



I must say all the dead philosophers are shit, 28 I often predict past events, 34

I once was concerned by the increasing wrinkles of my ageing skin, 18 I outlived several nursey rhymes, 33

I played the role of an old person, 81

I prefer to dream in cold weather, 101 I pulled sheets over my head, 43

I read in a comic book that your love for me was real, 32 I realized no one was reading my tweets, 50

I reconceptualized my dreams of you, 29 I re-edited my life, 123

I re-engineered my belief system, 21 I reframed my dreams, 50

I reincarnated on a bet, 99

I remember you as a shadow, 28

I remembered her as the fireworks of my youth, 66

I said to god, 126

I sat upon the aborted horizon, 111

I saw the mistake in my rear-view mirror, 99 I scribbled upon the wall of life, 13

I sent a cardboard cut-out of myself to my lover, 25 I should stick to the things I know how to do, 126 I shuttered the window closest to my thought, 65

I slowed down, 63

I sought solace from the worry exterminators, 41 I sped through life, 2

I spent the past fifty years getting rid of all my friends, 30 I split the difference, 56

I stayed awake all night, 40

I stayed longer than planned, 66

I still love her all these tears later, 82

I stopped for a breather in childhood, 55 I stopped to care, 67

I stopped watching the news, 7

I stretched reality to include lies, 44 I swam to the horizon, 79

I think in catastrophes, 127

I thought becoming old would be boring, 27 I thought I had a new audience, 64

I thought my life could not be worse, 38 I thought she said, 75

I thought we had found, 47

I threw my fate to the wind, 81

I took 74 years to become free of my past, 102 I took a writer’s easy way out, 68

I took time out to write you this, 17

I tossed my ideas into the raging rive, 107 I traded places, 56

I traded the future for the past, 95 I treat my like as a foreign spy, 2

I tried everything including love at first sight, 120 I tried to be happy, 29

I tried to sneak past pass love, 95 I try different narrative ideas, 17

I try to remember when I lost wisdom, 25

I tumbled down the wrong side of your love, 29

I tunnelled through life’s mountainous deceptions, 11 I used my favourite pen, 119

I used to believe my life was a colossal fuck-up, 101 I used to think being human, 76

I waited, 3

I walk crowded sidewalks, 77

I was born on a stormy night of no coincidence, 33

I was donated an allotment of misaligned circles, 121 I was in hope of singing myself to sleep, 91

I was slumped over memories of you, 97 I was so lucky today, 55

I watched my dream come true, 121 I went into hiding, 102

I went to sleep as a fool, 108 I will never be free, 38

I wish I had been born a hundred years hence, 119 I wish my dead family and friends, 46

I wish you could see me now, 21 I won the race, 82

I write messages every night, 21 If everyone died off, 72

If everyone in the world, 32

If I could show you the world today, 123 If I should die in my sleep, 123

If only, 5

If only I could start over, 42 If only I were a seed, 57

If they make a statue of me, 98 If we had begun, 1

If we tell a lie to ourselves, 99

In a current misunderstanding, 24 In a death-defying act, 52

In a hypothetical nightmare, 8

In a recent survey of dead people, 80 In a shocking display of bravery, 122 In a war against my body, 43

In an awkward series of missteps and hurdles, 74 In an ill-fated chosen direction, 13

In an incredible act of defiance, 42 In an unlikely contribution, 45

In the centre of Australia, 65 In the morning, 84 Inspiration is a slut, 46

Interesting change of events, 113 Intoxicated poetry, 74

It took me seventy-three years, 32

It was a dark stormy fucked up night, 60



Just a small change in brain chemistry, 120



Lahore in the winter, 110 Last night on the road, 68

Less interesting than the common indentation of life, 29 Life in a haze, 78

Life in shambles, 41

Life is an erotic landscape, 67 Life is so short, 75

Life is the interruption experienced, 12

Like an Asian massage with a happy ending, 92

Listening to frogs dancing in the night, 58 Little doubt plays softly, 52

Living so freely, 8 Long after we die, 36

Long after yesterday’s vanquished irony, 1 Long ago, 117

Long ago when I watched news, 44

Long before, 128

Long before becoming me, 124

Long before my mum abandoned me, 108 Long before my pen ran out of ink, 68 Lost hope, 91

Lost track of words, 114 Lost words, 41

Love explodes, 52 Love is an accident, 91 Love is simple, 123

Love is so easily explained, 72 Love is the great eraser, 33 Love midstream, 85

Love rises in the east, 64 Lovers clever whisperings, 71



Marvellous miracle makeover, 13 Meaningless meandering mystery, 79 Minimalistic love created the universe, 12 Missed a thought, 102

Missed another sunset, 47 Missing parts, 49

Mood swings, 50

My alternative ego is a snowman, 111

My angel is a sensual provocative testy slut, 91 My favourite aspect of dying, 119

My friends achieved so little living ordinary neighbourly lives, 119 My gift to the world, 28

My life has been filled with bad actors, 89 My life mimics nature, 12

My love for you, 21

My narrative became so boring, 11

My thinking has little changed in the pat fifty years, 73 My thoughts were an umbrella, 85

My vehicle of expression, 13 My writing used to be dark, 61



Naked ladies frolicking, 122 Never having been a tree, 25 Never knew you flew, 38

No doubt the strangest of times, 6 No one really cared, 4

No one remembers me, 29

None of my dead friends attended my funeral, 34 Not a favourable situation, 3

Not happy with the planning committee of this planet, 30 Nothing was fixed, 87

Now I remember what I meant to say, 48

Now that we are warm, 46

Now that you have been dead, 31



Often times, 123

Oh Shit!, 62

Old age is like arguing with weather, 44 Old friends look me up, 79

Once the majority, 9 Only 55 people, 71 Our goal in life, 73

Out on the highway, 66



Painted on desire, 69

Passing paragraph toward the end of the news, 4 People looking peculiar Acting strange, 56 Perfect nonsense, 53

Phase next, 53

Plain played plans, 5

Plateaus of latent polluted consciousness, 2 Point of view, 14

Premature dream ageing, 15 Pretend we are dancing, 45 Prisoner of consciousness, 68



Quiet camping in the Outback, 51

Quietly we placed the future behind us, 39



Random passions of my youth, 24 Realizing no one was looking, 90 Remind me to wash, 127



Saw my name scribbled across the breasts of time, 41 Semi-spectacular surrealistic lover, 27

She left me standing in the rain, 54

She quietly slipped out the exit door of my life, 120

She spoke in perpendicular symmetry, 127 She was a house to me, 46

She was a simple matter of change, 22 She was always so quiet, 72

She was an experimental kiss, 20

She was on the endangered species list, 92 She was the woman of my dreams, 95 Shortly after I lost all sense of order, 30 Shortly before being born, 32

Shortly before I lost my looks, 32 Should have ended this right here, 115 Silent, 100

Simply so sensitive, 58

Since simplicity slipped away, 17

Since the internet, 124

Sixty-years ago, 125

Sleeping pill, 7

Slowed down attribution, 52

So awkward suggested love is, 21

So easily laughter rolls over the horizon, 81 So easily lost, 114

So easy stopping such horrific conspiratorial news, 87 So easy to collapse into the past, 63

So easy to return to a simpler time, 74 So excited about tomorrow, 39

So late the change, 4 So lucky to be here, 55

So many life lessons today, 64 So many simple thoughts, 76 So much effort, 61

So much invested to remember the past, 128 So much to do before I die, 123

So often I clean my glasses, 99 So perfect, 77

So seldom settled, 48 Social media cowboys, 52

Soon after realizing everyone around me, 85 Souvenir shop of love’s lost interest, 6 Special spectacular something, 82 Statistically, 62

Stolen memories replace ones I no longer wanted, 37 Strange sounds in the night, 61

Strangely embraced thoughts, 39 Strangers texting to be my friend, 38

Stretched out across the tarmac of my mind, 69 Such a change of seasons, 37

Such a novelty life is, 88 Such a pleasant evening, 107

Such an artificial entitled moment, 12 Such an interesting time, 87

Such fleeting thoughts, 97 Such subtle monstrosities, 9

Sun glittering off of wayward thoughts, 97 Surges of joy, 37



That is the first line of my autobiography, 89 That was fun, 93

The advertisers know, 74

The beggar on the street corner, 16

The best of Halloween is seeing how they accept who I am, 92 The blank slate we are born with, 61

The Christian Bible was not written or ridden by god, 102

The deal is that no one will ever see these random musings of mine hidden, 100 The defeated army lay in the alley crying, 78

The distinct mirage of love without borders, 7 The End, 37, 89

The end of our street, 67

The entertainments of disaster, 3 The flight home was noneventful, 17 The gentle thrust of war, 122

The great times we are having, 48 The inequality of creation, 15

The last thought before death, 14

The last time I saw Rick was 30 years ago, 65 The patter patter of worried words, 96

The pleasure of planting a garden, 18

The probability of each moment defies logic, 90 The purpose is not to embrace sadness, 121 The reason I am so free, 58

The reason I know tomorrow will be disastrous, 76 The resident clown resplendent in my head, 10 The seldom differences mimic past heroes, 10

The smell of success, 117 The taste of love, 55

The total of human existence, 77 The wind blew disproportionally, 63

The world we know no one else ever will, 110

There are over 7.5 billion drunken would-be strangers, 51 There is no vaccine for restorative love, 22

There was always more to remember, 127

They continue to cast me in horror movies at your side, 24 They hung my shadow in the town square, 110

Thinking about 1977, 115

This morning was like a ten-cent up of coffee, 101 Thoughts clashing, 2

Thoughts like aging love, 74 Thousands of years ago, 31 Threads of love, 123

Through multiple mistakes, 61 To die in your arms, 73

Today was an extremely creative, 47 Today was fun, 40

Today went by so quickly, 97 Tomorrow I will face the facts, 71

Tomorrow I will forgo this darkened thought sequence, 90 Tomorrow your birthday, 49

Too sleepy to convalesce, 88 Took me 74 years, 108 Travel through space, 124

Trillions of things to write about, 120



Unable to enlist anyone to play the part of me, 42 Unable to interpret why she laughed, 126 Unaware of the/an endgame, 62

Unclassified experiences, 49 Unexpectantly my wings fell off, 8 Using words to say nothing, 72 Usually I embrace the unusual, 87



Very slowly, 104



Watching horror films before bed, 23 We didn’t realize how dark it was, 56

We expected a different outcome, 36 We live on the edge, 94

We loved in a simpler time, 113 We melted away, 60

We met on the corner of anticipation and regret, 76 We rushed through life, 64

We saw results differently, 26 We saw without looking, 51 We split the difference, 112

We tried to replicate each other, 44 We unlearned what we learned, 10

We watched all the poor people acting poor, 111 We were made for this moment, 85

We were so busy preparing for what could go wrong, 108 Wearing masks, 77

What, 15, 21, 23, 25, 34, 39, 40, 41, 49, 56, 57, 60, 62, 63, 67, 69, 73, 80, 84, 86, 88

What a relaxing day, 69

What a startled world we live in, 57 What a surprise, 67

What a wonderful time we had, 120 What happened, 73

What I love about today, 91 What if, 23

What makes this poem so excitingly fresh, 99 What pisses me off the most, 122

When all is said and done, 45

When asked why I ran naked through the town square, 36 When I am asleep, 19

When I awoke this morning, 83

When I awoke this morning no one remembers me, 74 When I no longer exist, 8

When life was simple, 75

When you were my destination, 66 While chatting with a statue, 44

While conversing with a statue in the town square, 80 While lifting weights at the gym, 45

While listening to the voice within, 51 While mumbling incoherently, 5 While rehearsing my death, 4

While under the influence, 20 While unfolding words, 93 Whilst writing in darkness, 117

Why is life only unpredictable to humans, 109 Window open, 18

Winter’s western wind, 71 Wisdom is for idiots, 42 With a wealth of ideas, 104

With women wearing masks, 97 Without memory, 44

Woke up bored this morning, 116 Wow this is different, 37

WOW!, 75



You are not normal, 86 You are the half of me, 63 Your ambient love, 27

Your love crumbled like a misunderstood poem, 71

Your love for me will never die, 126

Your love obfuscated memories that had no chance of survival, 3 Your love was a masterpiece, 71

Your love was a psychedelic kaleidoscopic cumulonimbus formation, 31 Your winning was relative, 16