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April 10 Monday and Wednesday the 12th or thereabouts

Firstly, for those of you who were not here you will need to do the exercise two from Friday on your own follow the instructions and let me know when it is done. It counts for ten-points toward your final grade. Look at Logo (Cool 3D) and when your Logo is added then you will be graded. Remember to export it as a flash file per instructions.

We will do more with Cool 3D when we need an animated title for your project that we will begin today.

We have changed a few classes in our calendar so if you are following the calendar as diligently as I know you are then you will see I have changed what we are doing for this week. Originally, as you would know because you engage so well with this course and read all that I say you will remember that we were doing more with Cool 3D this week. Unfortunately, as software goes, we do not have version 3.5 on our computers. In version 3.5 we can do more 3D modelling than we can with our current Cool 3D version 1.1 thingy. So we will move on to our next thing. Please see our calendar so that you can change the dates in your diary for when things are due -

OK this should be fun.

Our next project is to create a video that we will lay tracks over - add beats and samples. We will do this in the AA lab using Sony Acid.

Firstly, we need topics and films. I have changed my thoughts on doing a rock video though that is possible. What I want to have us do is create a short narrative

in groups of two or more. If you want to include someone outside the class for the film-acting part this is fine. However, at the end of the day you will be responsible for your own film and its eventual manifestation in a webpage.


Simply put; you will spend today brainstorming and thinking of what you wish to do. Wednesday you will begin writing up your script. I will put up a rubric for grading following our break.


Basically, you will create a story which will be a silent movie and you will have text inserted as shown in the samples below.


To get you into the mindset we have several videos we will look at. These are from Mr. Johnson's class where he has a course called 'Script to screen' which is a full year course and of course much more involved than what we will do. These particular clips Mr. Johnson's "Music and Technology" course are using to put backbeats and samples to the actions in the films.


Go to this address to see the examples  because this is a trail video software we need to see the little clip at the beginning then click player list and we will play the various clips.

If the first video (the TV screen is not working then view the four clips below)