Grading for Essential Technology 


Instructor Dr. Terrell Neuage

 Assessment Plan

Student Evaluation:

Students will be given objective quizzes on application concepts as well as subjective quizzes and projects where the aesthetic considerations and originality and quality of the finished project is evaluated.

Students will be evaluated as follows:

Daily Work 1/3

Projects 1/3                                                               

Quizzes 1/3

Midterm and Final- up to 100 points each
Final Project- up to 100 points
Portfolio – which will be worked saved in the student’s folder - up to 100 points
Weekly assignments & quizzes- 10 points per week

GRADE SCALE: The following grade scale will be used in this course:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% & below = F


A Exemplary achievement of the course objectives. In addition to being clearly and significantly above the requirements, work exhibited is of an independent, creative, contributory nature.

B Superior achievement of the course objectives. The performance is clearly and significantly above the satisfactory fulfillment of course requirements.

C Satisfactory achievement of the course objectives. The student is now prepared for advanced work or study. Note: The letter grade “C” does not imply satisfactory achievement at the graduate level.

D Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives, yet achievement of a sufficient proportion of the objectives so that it is not necessary to repeat the course unless required to do so by the academic department.

F Unsatisfactory achievement of course objectives to an extent that the student must repeat the course to receive credit.

Quiz each Monday unless otherwise noted see calendar for changing dates of quizzes – projects



  1. Week 3: Monday 19
  2. Week 4: Thursday 29th


  1. Week 5: Thursday  06 First project due
  2. Week 6: Tuesday 11 (Monday is Columbus Day)
  3. Week 7: Monday17
  4. Week 8: Monday 24 Second Project due
  5. Week 09: Monday 31


  1. Week 10: Monday 7 Third project due
  2. Week 11: Tuesday 15 (Monday is Labour Day)
  3. Week 12: Monday 21 Fourth project due

contact  DALIAN CHINA ~ TOFU ~ PICTURE POEMS  2013 Vietnam tour 2012.

Blog- index updated August 15, 2013 ~  K - 12 technology (updated updated August 14, 2013). Travel Site (2013) updated August 15, 2013. Videos/Blogs on Youtube, Twitter, Wordpress, Photo albums. Updated 15 Second Street, Round Lake, New York and photos from parent's 1943 wedding as well as Leigh's page. Farmville page updated Thursday, March 17, 2011 5:58 PM. updated August 10, 2013. updated August 15, 2013.    Resume updated August 12, 2013 updated August 13, 2013 updated August 15, 2013

Technology Coordinator and Computer Teacher at Dalian American International School, 2 Dianchi Road, Golden Pebble Beach, Dealian Development Area 116650 P.R. China.        

Blog updatedIntegrating Technology Blog  August 14, 2013   also: and/or,,, livejournal, Serendipity,, drupal-gardens

Today working on picture poem links starting around "better" (August 15, 2013 ). Picture poems are the digital format of work I did as a street artist in New Orleans in the 1970s, as well as New York City, Honolulu, San Francisco and Adelaide South Australia. Follow @neuage


